
Saturday 4 May 2013

A bit of glitter and Saturday candy

Morning Peeps, hope everyone is OK and enjoying this lovely spell of sunshine, fingers crosses it lasts the weekend. I spend a few hours out in it yesterday helping check and secure the fences before the horses are turned out for their first Summer graze and it was lovely to feel the warmth.

It's time for a new challenge at Allsorts and Tracy Mouse wants us to 'Add Some Glitter' and everyone who knows her will realise she has a bit of a penchant for a bit of do most of us if we are honest, so nice choice Tracy.

I have used Modern Flower 4 from one of this weeks sponsors DigiStamp Boutique, paper piecing it to match the side pane with Nitwits DP, a little subtle inking with Spun Sugar, a bow and Marianne  rose, Cheery Lynn lattice and some liberal glittering of the rose, black liquid pearls and image. I also took a close up of the flower to show what I really did glitter up as it's not too evident on the main picture.

I am thinking this theme will be right on song for lots of you and look forward to seeing all your lovely entries.

And now for the winner of last weeks candy who is Ali from her comment on Monday's post, please mail me with your full postal addy so I can your goodies in the post to you.

And this week I have a pretty set of floral stamps for you, as usual a winner will be selected at random from all comments left this week, if you visit more than one then all comments will go into the draw. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is:

1) You are a follower 

2) Pop the Saturday Candy logo from my sidebar on your own blog

Have a lovely weekend everyone, the weather man assures us it's going to be barbie weather so lets hope he's got it right.


  1. Great card, love the colors and the glitter.

  2. Lovely card Brenda great paper piecing its very effective
    jacqui x

  3. Lovely Brenda and love your glittery flower. xxx

  4. Very pretty card, and I love how you have done the paper piecing

  5. Good morning Brenda, after a hot day yesterday we have woken up to cloud cover..let's hope the sun breaks through later. What a lovely card today, so many yummy die cuts there and I spy my favourite oval floral one...isn't it the best! You have used a very pretty paper and it shows off the image perfectly. Hope you get some more outdoors weather and enjoy the bank holiday.
    Jane x

  6. A beautiful card Brenda - really like the tiny embossed flowers on the backing piece.
    Beryl xx

  7. We had bank holiday on Wednesday Brenda, May 1st. xxx

  8. Such a beautiful card Brenda and love the pink and your touch of sparkle.
    Thanks for another chance of the candy draw and such a gorgeous set of stamps on offer this week too
    x catherine

  9. Beautiful b, I like paper piecing as you know and now I have been brave noughts to use patterned paper in my printer we will see more with digis Tracy xx

  10. This is gorgeous Brenda. I love the paper pieced flowers, beautiful embossing and fabulous layout
    I hope you have a good weekend
    Sue xx

  11. gorgeous card Brenda - and as always thanks for the chance to win xx

  12. Morning Brenda...another gorgeous card just love the colours and touch of glitz...have a great weekend


  13. Gorgeous card Brenda, Love the Pink & the sparkle they are made for other don't you think.. Beautiful image too.. Have a happy weekend... Hugs May x x x

  14. Gorgeous card!! Love the polka dot flower!! Hugs Juls xxx

  15. Wow...the card is so very much elegant n glittered rose has added a bit more to elegancy..already a follower....posted candy logo to my side bar..thanks for the chance.

  16. Love your card Brenda, that is a pretty flower image and great paper piecing but the little hand made flower is just adorable! Enjoy the weekend. Our sunshine is slowly leaving us!

  17. Pretty in pink, lovely card and thanks brenda

  18. Your trellis side panel really tricks the brain into thinking flowers growing up one when looking at the is & I love the way all the spots overlap with one another & emphasized beautifully with your black gems/pearls. Super idea with the scalloped oval inside the ornate frame of the outer & with the rounded blossoms enhancing the scallops.......lots going on this which makes the whole cohere beautifully......... sorry about getting so lyrical......
    Warmth here too which is most welcome as are the butterflies & bees.
    Paula (PEP)

  19. Very gentle made card! I love the pink paper you used here)) Great job!

  20. What pretty flower stamps... you can never have too many flowers! Hope you have a good weekend - it's damp here today, but they promise better for the rest of it... then back to cooler and wet next week!! Ah well, Derby day tomorrow... fingers crossed!

  21. Beautiful work, Brenda. Love your pretty embossed background and paper pieced flowers.
    Enjoy your bank holiday x

  22. Very pretty card Brenda. That black flower is gorgeous.

  23. What a beautiful and lovely card Brenda.
    Gr Elly

  24. Corgeous card! Love color and design.
    hugs, Helena

  25. Gorgeous card Brenda, I like the floral paper pieced image the colours and embossing.
    Kevin xx

  26. This is so pretty, I love the spotted paper and it's a lovely layout :o)
    Jackie xx

  27. I love your card...that shade of pink is gorgeous! And thank you for this week's candy. I WANT that Hugs!

  28. lovely card ....may i ask how u did the flower at the bottom and i love ur sweet

  29. I love your card, especially the flowers and colour!

  30. Beautiful card Brenda!! And the black glittering on the rose is just... woowwwww!!

  31. PIękna i niezwykle oryginalna:))

  32. lovely card, love the colors, the Rose and ribbon are such a nice touch !!!

  33. Such a beautiful design Brenda, love the paper pieced flower, and beautiful embossing too. Glad you were able to enjoy a few sunny days, hope it stays for a little while. It's been raining here for the last couple of days, but I am sure the sunshine isn't far behind.
    Enjoy your weekend!!

  34. Such a beautiful creation!

  35. This is so beautiul Brenda. Fabulous paper piecing and gorgeous details. I already have your badge in my side bar Karen x

  36. Beautiful card Brenda, I love the pink and the gorgeous stamp. The black rose really stands out. Have a lovely Bank Holiday. Pauline xx

  37. Gorgeous card, lovely colours and layout.

  38. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the image and the super paper piecing in beautiful paper. Do hope the weather keeps warm for the Bank Holiday weekend and that you have a great one.

    Pat xx

  39. Your card is so pretty. I love the sparkle.

  40. Vau, what a beautiful card you made!
    I like all :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  41. Absolutely gorgeous colours and design, Luv Sam x

  42. Very, very, very beautiful Brenda. beautiful colors an composition too.
    nice weekend en lovely greet

  43. Stunning card Brenda. Love those flowers and the colours are beautiful. Love how you've paper-pieced the flowers.

    It's been lovely and sunny here today but unfortunately it's still very windy. Not as cold as it has been but still not very warm. Fingers crossed it might get warmer though.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Kat xx

  44. This is fabulous! Have a great weekend Brenda. Judy x

  45. So so lovely Brenda - love the touch of sparkle. Enjoy your weekend. Nicola x

  46. Love the subtile sparkle and your colourchoises are great on this one! Have an inky weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  47. Congratulations Ali.
    Brenda this is a fabulous card.
    I am addicted to glitter so can't wait to try this one :)

  48. What a great card Brenda! I love the pretty details! The sun is wonderful out here today too! I also hope it lasts this weekend and into next week, lol. Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Hanneke

  49. Gorgeous card the sparkle and paper piecing. Hope the sun shines all weekend x Susan x

  50. lovely card, Miss Brenda - great use of the modern flowers and the pretty black rose with glitter. I always forget about paper piecing - and it never ceases to make me smile! hugs, de

  51. Fabulous card Brenda, really love the image and the paper piecing. Great embossing folders and a really lovely lay out.

    Kath x

  52. ooh this is so pretty - i love that lattice die .. and the paper peiceing... oh i laughed out loud thinking of you trying on the bird blouse lol..the thinking of me ..
    Lisa x

  53. Such a pretty card, I love the paper piecing and the layout and die cuts are gorgeous
    Lindsay xx

  54. Gorgeous card Brenda, your flowers are gorgeous, I love the paperpiecing :)

    Have a fabulous weekend :)

    Tags xx

  55. Adorable Card love the layout all those dies look wonderful together and thanks for the chance to hugs Nikki

  56. A beautiful card, Brenda! Great paper piecing and fab colours

  57. I love the combination of flat and bulging flowers. I also love the combination of pink and black. It really looks good and wonderful! Another job well done Brenda. :D

  58. Lovely card Brenda. Love the trellis bg u have added to the card. The flowers are so cute. Thank u for the lovely candy.
    Catherine joseph

  59. Great pink make, love the glittered rose!

  60. love the card! love your ideas to use dies

  61. Pretty card, Brenda! Love the lattice and the glittered rose!

  62. Congrats to Ali.
    The card is so beautiful. I love the colors and the paper piecing looks fantastic.
    Hugs, Uta

  63. Thanks for giving me the chance!

    Hugs from Hilde

  64. That's a lovely spiral flower Brenda, I am absolutely hopeless at making them, mine never look right! Fab card. ,Maddy xxx

  65. Sweet card Brenda , gorgeous colours and design !

  66. Hi Brenda
    I love what you created for my challenge, gorgeous creation and fab use of sparkle. I love it! Although I did have to look the word Penchant up LOL!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
