Wednesday 17 April 2013

Crafters bosom ?

Good Morning, I don't have anything crafty to share but I have received an awful lot of messages and good wishes both on my blog and by e.mail  for which I am most grateful, so think this will be the quickest way to reach you all quickly.

Yesterday I saw two more doctors, lots of probing and delving, but the end result is there is "nothing pathologically amiss". We discussed what I do on a daily basis and as my dexterity is poor and hands weak I put excessive pressure on my right arm when I use die cutting machines and they thought that may be partly to blame for the lump in my breast.

So apart from being rather sore which is a minor issue by comparison and feeling physically drained from all the fretting, I am more than a little relieved as the last couple of weeks has gone by in a daze. 

One or two of my DT colleagues came up with their own names for the problem: "Crafters Bosom", "Crafters Chest" and one suggested I might need to take up a less aggressive hobby, but I do feel the excuse for a E.Bosser coming along. I love my Big Shot Express and GC, I had the electronic BS because of my dexterity issues, but of course needed the GC to take the larger dies. I even tried a Big Shot Pro which did all of those jobs but was just too heavy for me to work, so if anyone has experience of the E.Bosser I would love to hear your thoughts as the reviews seem mixed.


Jacqui's little piece of England said...

What a super outcome for you Brenda can't help on the ebosser as I only use a bug, really fancy a Big Shot Pro but it is a lot of money
jacqui x

Crafting Queen said...

Now that's a first! GLad it was nothing serious. Have a great day. :)

Desire Fourie said...

Oh Brenda, I cant say how relieved I am to hear that you are going to be okay. Changing from your favourite machine is a minor to try and alleviate the problem. Please take care.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Fliss said...

I'm so very glad to hear that nothing nasty is looming Brenda as it's so worrying when this sort of thing happens.
You'll have to try not to pull any more muscles and an e-bosser sounds the answer.
Hugs, Fliss xx

Beryl said...

I'm so pleased to hear it's a crafting problem and not a medical one Brenda. As I read the second sentence I could see an e bosser being a solution - then read on to see you do too. Never a better time to have a crafty spend. Go for it.
Beryl xx

AnyOldCraft said...

Brenda I am so glad it was nothing serious.
I went through a similar thing last year and it scares the pants of you I can tell you.
I can't help you on the e.bosser i'm afraid.
Still trying to convince the hubster how badly I need a big shot LOL
Would love to get the pro but don't think he'll go for that one somehow ROFL
Hope you get some relief from the pain hun.


Helen said...

Glad you have had some good news, even if it means changing the way you have to die cut!!

Gerrina said...

Don´t have any experience (still using my CB), but want to wish you luck and quick healing! Hugs, Gerrina

Merry said...

What a relief for you Brenda. Now a wonderful new venture with ebosser. Great names that your DT friends came up with.

Kelly Lloyd said...

Glad to heart nothing serious Brenda. That must be such a relief for you.
Good luck with the ebosser, unfortunately can't give you any advice as not tried it,
Hugs Kelly

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah B. so know what you mean about being glad to hear not worse always a great concern..

... thanks so very much for popping over have not been blogging much as not time at mo .. God willing after eye op next week things will settle to normal again (whatever normal is huh??)

... love the post on Zoe below - what a clever lass :D my brother is going to Le Tour God willing, this year and as an escort again..

Re the eBosser know have read it is very good on US sites but find things dont necessarily convert electrically the best to another country like it did not with the TH machine saw it happen on Uk did not work so maybe look only at what UK folk say about the electrical side of it, have not seen it myslef.. if that helps??

God bless you, and help you each day, Shaz in oz.x

Lau W said...

Brenda, what a relief to know that you did nothing wrong! I hope you find the right machine, and you can easily use it !
Take care my friend !
I send you e-mail, héhé, i received my prize !! big kiiiiisses !

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Here B. try this link there were some interesting ones on here, hope it transfers okay? love Shaz.xx

I just put this in Google:

"reviews on eBosser in UK",or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45368065,d.dGI&fp=c6c0eceedbf3f154

Sarah said...

Morning B. Glad to hear your news. "Crafters Bosom"-must add that to my wish list.... actually any bosom at all would be good!! Sarah xx

Hanneke said...

Wow what a relief! I am sooo happy to hear that it was just a scare. Hugs, Hanneke

Sasha said...

Hi Brenda,
You asked for my email addy. I sent you an email yesterday, so hoping you got it okay. I didn't want you to think I had ignored you xx

Eileen said...

So glad to read your good news Brenda. I love my Ebosser. Got it as soon as they appeared here so been using it for a while. I did manage to mix my sandwich once and got it stuck in the machine, I ended up turning it so the sandwich edge was resting on the table and pushing down and it eventually went into reverse and spat it out. This has only happened once and was because I didn't look to see what sandwich to use for a Tim Holtz clock die, so it was my fault entirely. I got mine from Crafters Companion
Eileen x

Joan said...

Hi Brenda, pleased to hear its good news. I have a swollen left arm and finally found its caused by how I sit at the computer! I've had BC so I know what a terrifying time you have had, it's one of the reasons I don't stint myself with my crafting stuff( any excuse!) carpe dieme and all that! Thanks for your comments

Ella's Design said...

So glad to hear your lump was no more sinister than overdoing it with the embossing machine, though I'm sure you've been through the mill with worry over it! I haven't had experience of the e-bosser, but if the reviews are good, it could be the answer to you problem! Best wishes, Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Dear Brenda sorry you have had such stressful past few days but glad you have some good news now! Please take care of yourself :)
Pearl x

Marianne said...

I'm glad that you had good news!! But I can't help you with the E.Bosser. Yesterday I got your awesome present in my mailbox and I was totally happy with it. Thanks Brenda!! You are so sweet!
Big hug,

Sonia said...

Ooh Brenda I'm so happy isn't nothing bad,You don't deserve nothing bad in health and in the soul^_^
Have a wonderful day,

Alli Devine said...

Brenda so relieved it turned out to be nothing more sinister. Hugs alli x

Sue said...

So relieved for you Brenda, it must have been such a worrying time for you.
I haven't got an Ebosser but heard more good reviews than bad about it.
All the best
Sue xx

Paula (PEP) said...

So glad that there's nothing more amiss than the effects of die-cutting ........... You've not been far from my mind - do take care & enjoy the prospect of researching a new toy - afraid I can't help much with that particular one.
Much love from me
Paula (PEP)

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

I'm happy to read the good news, thank heavens it's just 'Crafter Bosom". Have a great day, Shirleyx ps.. I just use the little ole Cuttlebug when I actually take one of my many dies out for a workout.

Gram's Treasures said...

Congrats on the good news!
Joyce xx

Lorraine said...

I have no idea about e bossers but I'm just so glad to hear that the lump is just down to crafting!!
Take care
Lorraine x

Craftnut said...

Brilliant I might copyright that one lol. Good to see you back. Tracy x

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda, I'm so glad you are alright! No scary things to worry about, you must be sooo relieved! It's either gonna be the E-bosser of the Vagabond which is also an electric machine. I have no experience with either of them so I am of no use to you whatsoever LOL! Big hug, Frea

Pat said...

Brenda, such wonderful news, so sorry you have been so stressed but what a welcome outcome. Hope you manage to get a machine that suits you better can't help with any info as I only have my trusty Cuttlebug which does all that I need. Have a lovely peaceful stressless day.

Pat xx

Debbie said...

Hi Brenda what a relief your results came back clear.Such a worrying time for you.I have had an ebosser for a couple of months and absolutely love it.It was so different from my cuttlebug. There has been a huge improvement in my arms since I got one.I don't get as much pain.Definately worth it. Treat yourself dearie you deserve it..Thank you for your lovely comments.Big crafty hugs Debbie x

NancyD said...

Wow, Brenda I am so glad that this has all worked out to the good. Well, Crafter's Bosom, sounds good to me. Maybe you should copyright it? I am glad to hear that this stress has passed! NancyD

Jackie said...

Big relief that your results are negative Brenda. Sorry I can't help with the ebosser but lots of folks seem to think it's the bees knees :o)
Jackie xx

Anonymous said...

great news brenda! i looked at the ebosser and dismissed it for the same reasons i never got a GC - i'd have to manipulate and hold all the plates before and after the die cutting and embossing, whereas my big shot bears the weight of the plates before and after. if you like the GC, then i say go for the ebosser since at least you wouldn't have to crank it through.

Anonymous said...

great news brenda! i looked at the ebosser and dismissed it for the same reasons i never got a GC - i'd have to manipulate and hold all the plates before and after the die cutting and embossing, whereas my big shot bears the weight of the plates before and after. if you like the GC, then i say go for the ebosser since at least you wouldn't have to crank it through.

chillin with Quillin said...

happy you got good news, the worry you must of went through, now you can relax, hope you get a machine that works for you!!!!

walchowDesign said...

Great news of the day, Brenda! So relieved that everything is alright with you! Hmmm.... can't give much advice on the ebosser as I only have CB... Yeah! Have not decided which machine to buy yet.

Jane said...

I am so pleased you have the all clear Brenda, times like that are very difficult indeed. The electronic die cutter sound like a sensible way forward as die cutting is pretty hard work. I hope this glorious sunshine has reached you and if it has not I am sending you some in this note! Take care,
Jane x

Gail L said...

Oh Brenda, I started reading with shock, which turned into relief, and a little giggle!
Sorry......a scare like that is nothing to laugh at, but maybe you could use both hands & arms (ambidextrous) to build up the muscles in the other bosom!?
I don't know anything about the ebosser!
I'm such a big help!

Mummylade said...

I'm so happy to hear this, that's great news =)

Rossella said...

Hi Brenda, I am so pleased at the news. It's an extreme hobby, this crafting!
Have a really great week,
Rosie x

McCrafty's Cards said...

Hi Brenda, I am so pleased to hear that is only Crafters bosom lol, I know I shouldn't laugh cos I bet it hurts, but thank God it was not anything worse, I have an eBosser and I find the sandwich can be heavy, so I put a box file behind it so as it goes throught the machine it comes to rest on top of the box file if you understand what I mean.
Kevin xx

Whisper said...

Oh bless you hun, i'm glad to hear the tests went ok.

I'm sure Debs (especially for you) and Lisa (wishcraft) have the ebosser talk to them for help, as i just have the Big Shot !!, Luv Sam x

Lisa said...

Hi Brenda, Oh i'm so sorry to hear you have had a worrying time but pleased to hear it was nothing sinister. I'm afraid I can't advise on the ebosser personally but have heard good reviews.

Lisa x

Sally H said...

So pleased it was good news. Crafter's bosom... lol!

Wendy Fraser said...

Sending you the biggest of hugs xxx

Kat said...

Hi Brenda, I'm so relieved you're ok. You must have been feeling really stressed and it'll probably take a wee while before you feel better after what must have been a scary experience.

I hope you can find a solution that allows you to die cut and emboss without causing you pain.

Take care,

Kat xx

Anonymous said...

Hello my lovely Brenda!

Sorry to hear you've been stressed with these issues! But glad to hear that nothing is amiss that they can find!

I know me and my Mother both have what they call "lumpy" breast tissue, so doesn't fail that usually every time a mammogram is done a follow up ultrasound has to be done because of our dense lumpy tissue! and its always been nothing, just our weird genetic make-up! Joys of being woman, huh?

Take Care, and do checkout my blog once you get the chance! hehe Finally uploaded my inspiration piece for you! xoxo

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Brenda I am sorry that you have had this scare no wonder you have been stressed to the max, I am thrilled that it is not the dreaded 'C' and I do like the names your DT friends have come up with, lol, I have seen the e-bosser at work on Create and Craft and it looks to be the perfect machine for you, no pressure at all, so go for it and enjoy an easier life in die cutting and embossing, take care
lorraine x

Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear that your issues are not super serious. I would hate to have to give up something I love because it causes pain, so I hope that you can find a solution quickly.

Liz Miller said...

So glad and relieved there was nothing sinister behind the lump Brenda. Thankfully there are other options and choices for your die cutting so as not to aggravate it any further. Have yourself a little crafty spend in celebration. Take care.
Liz xx

Mrs.B said...

Hi Brenda, just catching up and so pleased to read everything is OK with you. Love the name 'Crafters Bosom'!
Hugs, Avril xx

Kay Carley said...

Hi Brenda - I was soooooooooooo sorry to hear of all your worries in this post :(. I have currently got an eBosser on order as I too suffer when trying to die-cut stuff so thought this would help tremendously. I can certainly let you know what I think of it once I've got it. Like you I am thinking that it should make life easier!!! xx