
Sunday 14 April 2013

Another marathon achievement

As I alluded in my scheduled post yesterday, I am in the midst of a bit of a health scare of the female variety, hence no blogging the last week, I will hopefully be able to share more later next week.

Meanwhile I wanted to share a picture of another of our families athletes, so blessed are we to have so much talent amongst us. Whilst Alex was in Paris achieving his own PB in the marathon there, Zoe was in the Southern Moroccan Sahara competing in the Sultan Marathon Des Sables, a gruelling race said by many to be the toughest in the world covering 251km in six days with one rest day after the longest 75.7km leg over desert and rocky terrain. I should add that they have to carry a 7.5kg backpack with all their food and personal requirements for the whole race.

On the final day yesterday, Zoe (right in the photo) found herself in a podium position finishing third lady and 28th overall. I am not totally sure of the numbers, but close to 1,000 competitors finished the race so what a fabulous achievement and we are all suitably proud of her. And on Friday she and Alex both head off the Hamburg for yet another marathon !

Have a lovely Sunday everyone, we are promised 19 deg today so fingers crossed they get it right.


  1. Lovely photograph Brenda, you a truly blessed in your children :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Oh Brenda I do hope you are OK? You mention a "scare"so I am keeping my fingers crossed it turned OK? How very proud you must be of Zoe...what an achievement and in such gruelling terrain. She looks on top of the world on that podium, many congrats. You must be so proud. Fancy having 2 children who are distance runners....great to see these atheletes. Enjoy the promised sunshine this afternoon it does look very promising here after rain yesterday it is starting to warm up and the sun is breaking through, Jane x

  3. Congratulations to Zoe, wow what an acheivement. She must have some real stamina. How proud you must be of both Alex and Zoe.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. Hope you are ok Brenda. More great sporting achievements here, great stuff. Jx

  5. You have a family to be proud of for sure... hope you are ok, I was at Ally Pally yesterday so missed your post.... much love, Helen.

  6. Wow, amazing! Will have fingers crossed for you healthwise...
    Alison x

  7. You will be so proud, what a fantastic achievement! Marlies x

  8. What fantastic news B, I am really happy for you all,especially after your scare. My package arrived yesterday,Aquamarkers - how did you know I didn't have any - I do now!! Thank you ever so much and have a good day xx

  9. Congrats on their winnings! Have a nice sunday!
    xxx Marianne

  10. Oh wow - what a talented lot you've bred. You must be so proud of them all.
    Thinking of you and hoping every thing is getting better for you.
    Beryl xx

  11. Congratulations to Zoe, a wonderful achievement. No wonder you feel so proud and rightly so!
    Take care of yourself Brenda.
    Sue xx

  12. I am still thinking of you Brenda - Big Hugs.
    You must be so proud of them, well done. xxxxx

  13. Another proud moment, congrats to your daughter on such a wonderful achievement. Mother nature doesn't have knock some of us about, hope things get sorted soon for you and the weather! Nothing to write home about up here, dull and cold. That's NE. Scotland for ya. Take care. Carolxx

  14. I have so much admiration for her - congrats all round.
    Lynn x

  15. wow brenda - what an amazing family you have! WTG Zoe xx

  16. What accomplishments indeed! SO much to be proud of. Congratulations :)

  17. Hope your scare goes away honey.
    Huge congratulations to Zoe.
    Very clever family you have Brenda.
    Yep we were supposed to get 19 today.
    Whilst it is a lot warmer we also have an awful lot of rain.
    Makes a change to snow though I guess and at least the garden will love it LOL
    Have a fab Sunday :)

  18. Wow, well done to her. Have a great week. Hugs ANesha

  19. Wishing many congratulations to your son and daughter. You must be such a proud mum. Hope you soon feel better, Brenda x

  20. Wow Brenda, that's a great achievement for Zoe! You all must be so proud :)

    Hope you're better soon Brenda, take care

    Hugs from Tags xx

  21. Wow what an achievement, such strong people! I hope the tests all come back that all is OK. Take care, Shirleyx

  22. Hearty Congratulations to Zoe - I can't quite fathom that you have TWO marathon runners in the family....... congratulations to all of you for I suspect supporting & encourageing runners is no mean feat either.
    Much love to you
    Paula (PEP)

  23. Wow, Brenda, so much talent in your family! I hope the weather turns out like promised and you will be able to enjoy a lovely Spring day. We're enjoying a relaxing Sunday on our kitchen terrace, so no complaints here.
    Marianne x

  24. What a great achievements by Zoe! Hearty congrats to you, Brenda!

  25. Hi Brenda

    I am trying to email you but everything is coming back to me with a failure notice!! Have tried three times so far at different times of the day.

    Hope you are OK?

    Love Jules xx

  26. What an amazing achievment by Zoe. Many congratulations to her. Hope both Zoe and Alex have a successful marathon next weekend.

    Hope your health scare turns out ok Brenda. You're really having a tough time with your health recently.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. Fantastic achievement, well done Zoe.

    Pat xx

  28. Hi Brenda - am just on a very short catch up and noticed this - I do hope you are ok. My very best wishes to you - Nicola x

  29. wow, well done Zoe, that is amazing. Hope you are okay too x

  30. Great achievements for your kids!
    I can see your smile from here!
    Will be waiting to hear from you (via the blog), and I'll be thinking of you!

  31. Such brilliant news for you all and congratulations to Zoe. Thoughts are with you but I know you are strong!
    x catherine

  32. Congratulations to Zoe, a wonderful achievement!

  33. What fantastic achievements.
    I do hope you are okay.
    Nikki x

  34. What an amazing achievement! Congrats to Zoe! I hope your health scare turns out to just be a scare and everything will be OK! I am keeping my fingers crossed! Hugs, Hanneke

  35. What a fabulous achievement, Congrats to Zoe, you must be so proud.
    Sending Hugs to you, Avril xx

  36. Congratulations to Zoe...This is an AmAzing achievement.. Well done!!.. I hope you are doing ok Brenda!! Take care.. Hugs May x x x

  37. Thinking of you Brenda! Lots of positivity, good vibes and love and light to you!

    Great pic, lots of awesome athletes! xoxo

  38. Fabulous achievement ~ hope you are okay? I love following your blog. Bev xx

  39. Wow ! Congrats to Zoe ! So nice and happy shot !
    Hope you're well dear Brenda !

  40. Wow, that's an amazing achievement! ON anothe rnote: I hope your "scare" turns out to be nothing!

  41. Well done to Zoe an amazing achievement, hope the appt goes ok Brenda will be thinking of you x Susan x

  42. Congrats again,your family is stunning^_^
    I hope you feel better my dearest friend,today I feel better me too,I had a flu virus...uff..
    Big hug,

  43. Wow, that's fabulous, Congrats to Zoe, she did a fantastic job.

  44. HUUUUUGE CONGRATS on another awesome achievement by your talented family. Its wonderful that all their hard work, discipline and sacrifices pays off for them. I am sure you are so proud.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  45. I can only imagine how proud you are of your family. They have made some fantastic accomplishments. Congrats to both of them. All of their hard work and dedication has paid off.

  46. You must be so proud. Two talented athletes who aren't afraid to test their personal best. Congrat, Mum!
