
Saturday 9 March 2013

Beautiful spring

Saturday means a new theme at Allsorts and this week another of our new team mates Wendy is hosting her first challenge with us with the very seasonal theme of Springtime.

It's my favourite time of year and I just love making cards with all the fresh and pretty spring colours. The one at the top uses Ruth's Pick of the Bunch rose punch and stamp set and although daffodils are not one of the intended flowers for this set, I found that by turning the petals the other way round I could come up with a reasonable daffodil. I used a Penny Black image in the centre of the Marianne die set and cut some leaves for the daffodils from Bazzil cardstock. biggest critic..........suggested the centres of my flowers were not quite right, but after spending some considerable time looking at images on the Internet I found some varieties do indeed have little stamens inside the trumpets.

And I just had to do another card as I wanted to do one with spring bunnies, this pair are a Lavinia stamp, and I created a little scene around them with blossoms and flowers, coloured with Pan Pastels and popped a Chocolate Baroque bird into the corner. And when my 'critic' saw me taking photos of this one he said 'Is the theme Watership Down then'..............I didn't deem that worthy of a polite response !

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


  1. Gorgeous cards Brenda! I love those daffodils and the pearl strings on the first one. And the scene you created on the second card is fab. Hugs! xx

  2. Beautiful!! Lovely daffodils and text and I love the little bunnies in your scenery!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    xxx Marianne

  3. Two more lovely cards Brenda love how you've done your daffs I always have daffodils arround for the short time they're with us.
    jacqui x

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the daffy card the most, lovely use of Ruth's punches! Tracy xx

  5. Love them both Brenda but 1st is fave. xxxxx

  6. Two gorgeous cards, I love them equally :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Well I think they are both beautiful cards Brenda. Your daffs remind me of the narcisus my dad used to grow and your woodland scene with the rabbits is fabulous.
    Beryl xx

  8. these are just gorgeous brenda - beautiful x

  9. Fabulous cards Brenda. Your daffodils look perfect to me.
    Have a good weekend
    Hugs Kelly

  10. These are just two gorgeous cards Brenda - I thought I loved the 1st one - but think I love the 2nd on even more - such gorgeous stamping and colours hugs Judith x

  11. Gorgeous cards Brenda...the first the flowers are Beautiful & I love that die it's on my wish list. Love the colours spring is a wonderful time! the second those cute Bunnies look perfect in the scene you have created.. Lovely work.. as for your kind hubby's comments Bless him " Watership Down" Tee-Hee!! Have a great weekend Hugs May x x x

  12. Stunning cards for spring, Oh they make me long for the milder, brighter days. These are both beautiful but the daffodil card is my fave
    hugs June xxx

  13. Good Morning Brenda! Your daffodils look perfect on this lovely card and great bunny scene! Perhaps you should challenge your DH in making a card!

  14. Delicious spring cards, Brenda - the stamens are looking great!
    Alison x

  15. WOW Brenda, when l saw the first card (Daffodils) l thought it so beautiful as l just love them and there are so many different varieties and colours too..then...l scrolled down and saw the bunnies ..what a stunning card l love it and have spent quite a few minutes looking at it. Men ! What are they like - enough said. Have a good weekend x Susan x

  16. What a beaufifull cards you made :-))
    Fantastic work!

  17. oh wow hun stunning or what love the layout on the first one but oh love the scene on the second those bunnies are so cute hugs cheryl xx

  18. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them both - the first for the beautiful colours, awesome design and fab daffs and sentiment. The second for the beautiful stamping and perfect spring scene!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  19. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them both - the first for the beautiful colours, awesome design and fab daffs and sentiment. The second for the beautiful stamping and perfect spring scene!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  20. Well you can tell your 'critic' that he really gave me a chuckle. I love the second one in particular & especially the way your matting picks out the colours. The Choc B bird is a beauty isn't he? - love the 'beady' eye you gave him (i can see it's a pearl but couldn't resist the analogy). The pearls on the flower blossom centres are a lovely touch too. I love the little touch of the fallen blossoms too.
    Your fist is a really beautify with this daffodils (they certainly look authentic to me & I love the pearly swills. The soft minty blue green works beautifully with the shades of pastel yellow.
    Apologies for the essay - just got excited.
    Paula (PEP)

  21. How clever to turn a rose punch into a daffodil. Two wonderful cards Brenda I hope I have found a way to stay more up to date with your blog. Through my phone.:-)

  22. These are just gorgeous Brenda. Both so different and oozing springtime. Love those daffodils whatever your hubby might say too (I have a critical one too!)
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  23. Brenda, two beautiful cards - those daffodils look not only soft and springy, but are so unique! Gorgeous flowers. The background on your card is soft and springy, too. Beautiful card. The silhouette card is lovely. Very pretty colors.

  24. Two beautiful Springtime themed cards, Brenda. I love that you created your daffodils from a rose punch! And your second card is another of your gorgeous the addition of pearls to both cards x

  25. These are both beautiful Brenda! I love the daffodils, and I love that poem too :) The bunny card is beautiful, looks to me like it's really early in the morning and they're out playing uninterrupted - whenever I go out really early in the morning, there's always rabbits everywhere!

    Have a good weekend :)

    Tags xx

  26. Both cards are beautiful Brenda, I like the daffodils the pearls and the die cut frame, I like the scene on the second card and the colours.
    Kevin xx

  27. Beautiful spring cards Brenda! The daffodils are lovely and I like how you have added the mini pearls in the blossom on the second card.
    I also want to apoligise that I entered my son's cards in the pennyblack challenge when they dont qualify. I only read the rules on the side that said you can use any stamp but didnt realise it had to be the focal point of the card. Im very sorry!
    Pearl x

  28. The daffodilcard calls for spring. A beautiful card! A great stamp the bunniestamp and again you made a great scenery with it! Have a good weekend, Gerrina

  29. Two gorgeous cards, I especially love the daffodils and that soft green card you have used for the gorgeous die cut. The bunnies are cute too

    Jackie x

  30. love the punch design and the background print, the flowers are lovely !!!

  31. Gorgeous card with great spring feeling. Love the daffodils and the bunnies.

  32. Two beautiful cards Brenda.
    Gr Elly

  33. Wow, stunning cards, Brenda! LOVE the daffodils. The diecut frame has a look of Wedgewood, just beautiful. Think I'm going to have to get that die! And the bunnies are gorgeous. Lovely spring scene. x

  34. Two beautiful cards Brenda. I love the daffodils, and the die cut square is so pretty...I need!! lol The scene you've created on teh second card looks fab and I love the cute bunnies.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  35. Die beiden Karten sind einfach zauberhaft. Da kommen so richtig FrĂ¼hlingsgefĂ¼hle auf.
    Liebe GrĂ¼ĂŸe

  36. Both of these are just so beautiful Brenda and perfect spring time cards
    x catherine

  37. So wonderful cards both of them.
    I found some new dylusions today at the craft fair, had a great day;-))m

  38. Two lovely spring cards Brenda your daffodil card and those gorgeous pearls....
    Fabulous scenic card and love those sweet rabbits


  39. These are amazing Brenda, I love how you made the daffodils, they look stunning! Beautiful scene on your second card. I love the use of all the different stamps!
    Have a fabulous weekend!!

  40. Hi Brenda, sorry to have been such a bad blogger this week. I haven't managed to visit any of my favourite blogs all week because of my WRI show. It's over now and I'm free. As my friend pointed out I say every year that I'm going to start sooner and be better organised. But this time I've had a really stressful two weeks between sewing and finishing knitting and crocheting and baking. So I must do better next year!

    I've missed so many gorgeous cards this week since I visited you last. Every time I saw what you'd done as I looked back over the week I thought I'd found my favourite and then I found another gorgeous creation and another! It was lovely to see them all one after another but I'd really have preferred to visit you every day!

    I loved the card Marianne did for you with her drawing of Buffy. It's so like her.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  41. Very beautiful daffodils and die cut background with the sentiment in, gorgeous creation.
    I love the scene on the second, the rabbits look fabulous and love all the extra stamps used.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  42. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. I especially love the first one. The flowers are lovely and the die cut shape is fantastic.
    Nikki x

  43. WOW Brenda to spectacularly different cards I love them both but the bunny one is my favourite :)
    have an awesome weekend hugs me xx

  44. Gorgeous work, as always Brenda!!! I so love those Daffodils, just gorgeous, and the bunnies in the clearing are fabulous!

    LOL at your hubby, he is becoming quite the critic, methinks he needs to start crafting too since he knows so much now! LOL! too funny!

  45. Gorgeous cards. Lovely colours. Hugs, Tess.

  46. ...♥... ganz, ganz zauberhafte Karten ...♥...
    liebe GrĂ¼sse Barbara

  47. Two beautiful cards Brenda! A great idea on making the daffodils, lovely peearl swirls as well. You've created a lovely scene on the other one. You've used lovely stamps and your colouring is fab. I like the little pearls on it as well. hugs, Marlies

  48. Lol! Brenda my hubby is just as honest as yours, but at least you know that when they give you the nod of approval that they really do like it! I love both these projects. Your daffodils are amazing, really original and yes, they do look like daffodils!

  49. Wow Brenda, these are stunning, well all your cards always are :D but the flowers on the first card are especially beautiful.. :) Wishing you a beautiful Sunday xxx

  50. Both these cards are lovely Brenda - I like the bunny scene very much. Pauline xx

  51. Two very lovely Easter cards! You are so good at stamping. Maybe I already tould you so many times, but it´s beacuse I am worthless as a stamper. I find it difficult for some strange reason...

    Have a really great sunday!

  52. Stunning, brenda! The daffodil is perfect and I love the die cut with it. Beautiful. The scene is a beauty too - cute rabbits!

  53. Superb cards, I just love those daffs. xx

  54. gorgeous cards and love the top one with the flourishes of pearls
    Hugs Kate xx

  55. Fabulous cards my dearest Brenda^_^ Very elegant the first one,gorgeous your 3D flowers^_^ I love the cute image in the second and beautiful colours^_^
    Big hug,
    Your ricycle candy arrived this morning,thanks a lot,thanks again,I'm very happy^_^

  56. Wonderful cards Brenda and I also do love those daffodils.....just stunning. Have spent today dying, love it to bits and am getting better at wearing rubber gloves to protect my hands, it was getting embarassing! Cheers Claire x

  57. Husbands...can't live with them...can't live without them lol. I love both your cards, the daffodils (my favourite flower) look gorgeous to me and the little rabbit scene is just amazing. You mentioned I might have lace on my paper on my card today. Unfortunately not, it is built in to that beautiful paper from Kanban. Did you hear they are closing!

  58. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Just can't wait for spring to arrive so thank you for giving us a taster with the beautiful daffodils xx

  59. Love your daffodils Brenda and pretty card
    Louise xx

  60. Both beautiful cards! I think the colour combination in the top one is just so classy! Ruth x

  61. What wonderful cards. I love the bunnies.

  62. Your daffodils are totally life like and I love your second card. Have to agree with your Hubby though it is Watership Down inspired. Hugs Mrs A.

  63. The Anja squares dies are amongst my favourites at the moment and I love the daffodil card you've created with yours. Hopefully it won't be too long before the daffs really appear. Thank you for the lovely comments you have left recently.
    Liz xx

  64. Brenda, can't believe i didn't leave a comment, been admiring your super cards all week but forgetting to say how beautiful each and everyone is! Ruby x

  65. These are both so gorgeous, love the daffodils on the first one and the scene with the bunnies on the second is beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  66. That diecut is just gorgeous! I will have to give this a try! Off to check out my inspirational quotes!
