
Sunday 24 February 2013

Shining light

Afternoon all, I'm here with my mid month inspirational share for Craft a Scene challenge where it's all about Lighthouses this month and the theme 'Let your light shine'.

When I did my DT pieces I really did think I only had one lighthouse so both my pieces this month feature that one, however I have since discovered a sadly neglected Stamps Happen fact a whole draw full of lovely wood mounted stamps from that company so I think it's a sign that I might have a few more stamps than I really need. ?

Anyhow, to create this one I used a Stampscapes cumulus stamp for the sky along with an Art Impression boat, lighthouse, rocks and gulls and a Lavinia tree using just the edges across the top corner. All colouring has again been done with Pan Pastles.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


  1. A lovely scenic card Brenda perfect for a all the detail in your scene


  2. It's beautiful Brenda, love the scene, beautiful sky, and I love how you stamped the grass and tree branches in the foreground.
    Enjoy the rest of your day!!

  3. A beautiful tranquil scene , love the lighthouse in the background . janex

  4. Great scenery! Lovely colours for sky and water! Hugs, Gerrina

  5. Fabulous Brenda! You have done well with only one lighthouse stamp. NancyD

  6. Oh love lighthouses, and your scene is super ! Love the touch of red !

  7. Love that scene Brenda. Lighthouses are very popular around here as we are fairly near Peterhead and Fraserburgh. Love the effects you get with the Pan Pastels.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  8. another lovely card, like the light house !!!

  9. Какие-то они романтические, наведывают по мечтать!!! Очень нравятся...

  10. Another beautifully created scene, Brenda. Love your lighthouse, and your foliage gives lovely depth x

  11. This is a great scene Brenda and great image of the lighthouse. Love the red with it all
    x catherine

  12. Very lovely! The red colour is uplifting.

    Have a nice sunday evening!

  13. Gorgeous scene Brenda!
    Hope you're feeling better!

  14. You have created a beautiful lighthouse scene here:) Love it!
    You have made lots of other beautiful scenes too. I haven´t tried making scenes - yet!
    *Hugs, Inger*

  15. This is a very lovely card for a man!!
    xxx Marianne

  16. Lovely sea view and love the Red trim. Carolxx

  17. Gorgeous card Brenda. The lighthouse looks fabulous and nobody creates a scene like you do!! Love it.
    Lorraine x

  18. Very nice card, lovely scene.
    Gr Elly

  19. Absolutely splendid the way that red ribbon with the white stitching picks up the colouring of the lighthouse. I do love lighthouses - there's just something about them. Bit of snow here today & very cold.
    Take care
    Paula (PEP)

  20. Another great scene Brenda, the red background really makes it stand out.Hope youve enjoyed your weekend. Aud x

  21. Gorgeous scene Brenda. Love the wau you have framed it with the grass and tree stamp to give perspective. I still love seeing your poppy header. The rate this year is passing it won't be long before that time comes round again. I scattered some of the orange poppy seeds in the garden last autumn and hope that I get at least one. It won't seem like my garden until I've got some.
    Beryl xx
    Beryl xx

  22. Just stunning. Love how the image pops against the red mounting and ribbon.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  23. You create a nautical beautiful scene to match your beautiful country scenes, I love it :O)
    Jackie xx

  24. Another beauty!! Sorry I didn't get to meet you yesterday - didn't know who to look for!! I did hear someone saying they hadn't seen 'Brenda' yet so wasn't sure if she meant you or not!!! Enjoy your sprays! Embrace the vivid ink!

  25. A beautiful, gentle seascape... I love the vivid lighthouse against the subtle palette of the rest.

    From your message, I think you were at Stamperama yesterday, maybe? So was I!!
    Alison xx

  26. Great card hun loving the red against the white looks fab

    hope your well!

    Em xxx

  27. Terrific card my dear^_^
    Gorgeous image^_^
    Big hug,

  28. Beautiful scene, as always, Brenda, love the lighthouse it looks great.

    Pat xx

  29. Hi Brenda another terrific card, I love your scenes! I also had stamps (& paper, punches etc) that I don't think I would ever use again that are going to good homes. It feels good to clear up space. Part of this hobby is collecting for the hobby! Take good care, Shirleyx

  30. A beautiful sea-scape Brenda - the water looks so realistic. I love lighthouses - there is something quite majestic about them.
    Hope you have a very happy week - Sylvia xx

  31. Gorgeous scene Brenda, Love the lighthouse Great use of the Lavinia stamps too... Hugs May x x x x

  32. Beautiful card Brenda,love the scene,the lighthouse stamp is lovely...
    Mandy x

  33. Love this scene, the foliage at the top really finishes it off.

  34. Lovely scene Brenda, the lighthouse is gorgeous.

  35. Another lovely seascape Brenda. I tried out my PPs this weekend but I only have the pastel set and I couldn't really get the effect I wanted so I need to get some more of the darker colours but they are lovely to use. I hope you have a better week this week. Pauline xx

  36. Really gorgeous, I love this beautiful scene it's lovely when you find things you had forgotten about although it's sods law that you would find when you didn't need it anymore lol. I hope your head is feeling better tomorrow and hope that you have a good day
    Lindsay xx

  37. Hoping this week finds you feeling a bit better...You have been having a rought time of it...seems've had should be someone else's turn by now!

    Lovely looks so serene and tranquil! I haven't ever used the pan pastels but they seem to give a lovely soft subtle colour, or it is just your expert colouring!

  38. Love the classic lighthouse! Such great imagery! Loving the seascape! So pretty!
