
Wednesday 13 February 2013

Lambs in the meadow

Good Morning Peeps, hope everyone is having a good week and coping with the latest snap of cold was -4 here again this morning and pretty white.

Just a very quick share and apologies for not going into detail, but not feeling good still, I ended up at hospital yesterday as the infection associated with my recent tooth and gum problems has taken on a life of it's own - the joys of MS and a compromised immune system.

This is one of the cards I did for a recent magazine article and I understand it's now on sale so I'm safe to blog it. I really should make a point of buying magazines as I never normally get to see what's in print, the US ones usually send a gratis copy but the UK ones don't seem to very often

Have a god day and thanks for popping in, I will be round as and when but it's slow going.


  1. Sorry you are not well. Hope that medication will work on the infection really quickly. Lots of hugs. Anesha

  2. Glad the lambs were on your gorgeous card and not in the fields outside, they'd be too cold!! Hope your infection clears up soon, it must be such a drag!! Sending you cyber hugs, my friend. xx

  3. This is so beautiful Brenda, such a lovely peaceful scene.
    Really sorry to hear you're not feeling too good and hope you get better very soon.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  4. Hope you are feeling better. This is a gorgeous scene and I also love your beautiful flower cards. I cannot get around each day due to my FM but do the best I can. The main thing is to relax and enjoy. xx Flora

  5. Brenda yet another little piece of awesome art. I so love this as I can relate to it, having grown up on a farm where my Dad did a little subsistence farming with a few sheet, cattle, pics, poultry etc.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  6. Sorry to hear your health hasn't been so good of late, hospital for a tooth is a bit much! Love your card by the way, Jx

  7. So sorry to hear you've been in hospital again Brenda. Hope they can sort you out with some medication to ease the problem.
    This is a fabulous scene you have created - and it won't be long before there are lambs in the fields (probably already in some places.)I miss having them in the field next to the garden and didn't see any last year.Boo hoo.
    Beryl xx

  8. This one is gorgeous Brenda. It must be very gratifying to know that it was published (even if you don't get to see the actual magazine). Hope you'll manage to get this infection under control soon. Take care!

  9. This is lovely Brenda I really do like your scenes
    jacqui x

  10. Бренда, у тебя прям картины получаются, очень симпатичные овечки... А ты поправляйся , выздоравливай скорей....

  11. Such a beautiful image, looks great. xxx

  12. A beautiful card! I do lovethe skies you're so good in making! Strange that they don't send a copy if your in it... Hope the infection leafs quicker than snow can melt! Hugs, Gerrina

  13. Very beautiful!
    Makes me wish it was summer. We have alot of cold and snow here in Sweden still.

    I received the great Promarker pens today. Thank you very much. Very fast delivery I think.

    Have a nice and creative week!

  14. Good morning Brenda, sorry to hear you're not feeling so good, hope things improve soon. What a lovely spring like card - oh to see lamb's in the fields I can't wait. I love the effect you have achieved with the sky and the sun rays and the fence with the flowers in front - it's really lovely. Take care, Linda xx

  15. hello Brenda,
    that is not so nice to read that you are not feeling well, I hope that you now get some medicine for it and hope that the medicine work very fast for you.
    probably you need all medication for your MS and I hope so that with this tooth and gumproblems there no recoil get on your MS. wishing you a speedy recovery and strength.(with translation done)
    but your card is amazing done, what a beautiful scene. it looks like spring on your card. really beautiful!!
    congratulations that your card is published in a magazine. that is special!!
    I hope that you can enjoy your day. good luck.

  16. This is beautiful. LOve the sunrays.

  17. So sorry to hear about your jaw problems - those can be very nasty indeed.
    The card is delightfully atmospheric & I love the colours of the scenery - not too different from the view across the fields walking along the Brecon Canal.
    Take care of yourself & much love from me.
    Paula (PEP)

  18. a gorgeous scene , so very British , would be covered in snow today. Lovely to get published, you are a talented lady.

  19. A gorgeous spring feeling scene. Hope you'll feel better soon.

  20. Sorry to hear that you ended up in hospital yesterday Brenda. I hope you are starting to feel better now.
    Your card is stunning. I really love the scene and the way you have coloured the sky looks wonderful.
    take care

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your infection! I hope they will get it under control soon. This card you created is lovely, I am always amazed at the scenes you create! Hugs, Hanneke

  22. Very lovely scenery! Please take good care of yourself!!

  23. A beautiful springcard
    Hoe you feel better soon.
    Blessings Elly

  24. Beautiful card - congrats on publication! Hope they get your infection sorted soon...
    Alison x

  25. Such a beautiful country scene, love it so much and done so well. Hope you are feeling better...luv annie

  26. Hi Brenda, I'm sorry to hear of your being ill. I hope that you and meds manage to fight off that infection fast. Your card is so beautiful with that gorgeous pastel scene. Feel much better soon, Nicola x

  27. I have MS also I do hope you improve soon. I have just got over a relaspe and getting back to normal(well my normal lol) Keep creating!

  28. Fabulous scene my dear Brenda,your colouring is amazing^_^
    I hope you feel better very soon sweety.
    Huge hug,

  29. Another beautiful scene card, Brenda. It reminds me that Springtime is not far away.....hopefully!

    Sorry to hear about your tooth and other health problems. I hope you soon feel much better :) xx

  30. Oh no Brenda..hope you're ok today...your card is just lovely, great scene! Ruby x

  31. Such a stunning card Brenda a what lovely scene you have created...hope you will soon be better


  32. Oh I love that scene Brenda, the rays in the sky are wonderful! So sorry to hear about your tooth problems. Hope the pain isn't too bad! Glad to hear that your plans are coming together re marathon. I am off to a weekly pilates class tonight. Been going for 6 weeks and although I have to sit out of some of the exercises, I always feel so much better afterwards, so have signed up for another 6 weeks!

  33. Oh love when you create a scene, and your colouring is always so fabulous !
    Hope you feel better soon dear Brenda, take care of yourself !

  34. Hi Brenda, I do hope you will feel better soon, your card is absolutely beautiful I sat looking at those sheep for ages, I like the trees well I like everything, take it easy stop over doing it!
    Kevin xx

  35. I hope you are ok Brenda and feeling a little better. You do seem to have had a problem with the dental side of things recently. Wishing you a speedy recovery. This is such a beautiful card and such a lovely scene
    x catherine

  36. A gorgeous card! You've created a lovely winter scenery! I hope you soon feel better again! hugs, Marlies

  37. Beautiful card Brenda, I love the little sheepies! So cute :) What a glorious scene, I'm so glad I live in the countryside :)

    Hope you're feeling better soon, weakened immune systems are the pits, I know all about that :(

    Tags xx

  38. Sorry to hear about your tooth and health problem, Brenda! Feel better soon and take care!

    Beautiful card!

  39. A gorgeous card Brenda. It really makes you think of spring.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Lorraine x

  40. Oh hun you poor thing, having to visit hospital yesterday, i hope things are better today ?

    Gorgeous scene, Luv Sam x

  41. Bless you B, hope you are ok, you are really going through the mill at the mo :-(

    This card is absolutely stunning, gorgeous scene x

  42. Wonderful scene, Brenda, Lovely spring card... Love it!! Sorry to hear about your tooth problems...I hope you feel better soon... Hugs May x x x

  43. So sorry to hear you have been so unwell Brenda and I really hope things improve really quickly. There is nothing worse than tooth problems. Your card is so spring like, the lambs looks very woolly! Take care xx

  44. Lovely peaceful scene Brenda. Not so peaceful here. Went to WRI tonight and the wind and rain was horrible. Bit slushy in the car park where we meet but water everywhere at home!

    My niece got home from hospital yesterday and is raring to go. In spite of her MS when she's well enough she's never at peace. She does realise though that after a broken hip she needs to behave and not try to do too much or it'll just be worse for her. I sent her some of my baking yesterday so that'll keep her away from baking....for a minute or two!

    Sorry to hear the infection due to your tooth and gum problems has turned nasty. Hope they've given you something to sort it out and you start to feel better soon.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  45. Stunning work Brenda, really marvelous and beautiful.
    lovely greet

  46. Dear Brenda so sorry to hear you hav not been good :( A close friend of mine also has MS and also gets infections very easy + they take longer to heal too. But I hope you feel better very soon.
    Your card is lovely and reminds me that very soon we will be seeing lots of baby lambs in the fields soon!
    Pearl x

  47. such a fabulous scene! Hugs Juls

  48. A stunning scene my friend! What a beauty! Hope you feel better soon. Would have got here sooner, but my six mile journey home took two hours due to a couple of centimetres of snow - ridiculous!

  49. aw I really love the lovely lambs in the green pasture, so springy and serene!

    Take Care lovely Brenda, hope you improve soon! hugs!

  50. Beautiful scenery card again Brenda. Congrats on being published again as well. I hope you are feeling better soon, take good care, Shirleyx

  51. I T totally love this card!!! What a piece of work. Hope you are feeling better soon.


  52. Love this peaceful scene! One could pine away the hours just looking at it! Have a beautiful day!

  53. Absolutely beautiful card Brenda.

  54. What a beautiful scene. Wish it was what I was seeing right now instead of all this white stuff.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  55. Another of your lovely scenes Brenda. I am sorry to hear you are having more problems and hope they clear up soon. Pauline xx

  56. Your card is beautiful :)
    Just love it!
    Hope you´re feeling better soon.
    *Hugs, Inger*

  57. Hi Brenda I want to thank you for taking time out to leave me such a lovely comment on my blog especially when you are not well, I do hope the infection clears up soon. I totally love this gorgeous scenic card, how wonderful that it was shown in a magazine, awesome.
    lorraine x
