
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Ruth's fabulous flowers

The Gardenia

Good Morning, afraid this really will be a mega quick post, I'm still not too good with my left side not working well and unable to use my voice recognition programme for commenting following some dental surgery yesterday..........thanks to my DT team mates for being so understanding and covering for me. On top of that Holly, our 12 week lab puppy has been referred to the AHT with some form of bladder problem so one way and another and not helped by pain killers which make me foggy, not getting much done.

But I did want to share some of the cards I made over the last week or so as I have been lucky enough to have some of my friend Ruth's fabulous new punch and stamp sets to play with (piccy below so you can see what you get). All so cleverly designed by Ruth and manufactured by Tonic they were launched at CHA a couple of weeks ago, at present sales are I believe still through C&C but available from craft stores very shortly (if I've got that wrong please let me know Ruth so I can put it right). 

I think the Pansy punch and stamps are so clever and realistic

Each set has four punches and stamps to create at least three different types of flowers and with a bit of imagination the sky is the limit, so if you love flowers as I do then these sets are a must have. I have also combined some of Ruth's Pick of the Bunch stamps as they all co-ordninate so well.

Lovely Stargazer Lilies

Here's a picture of the sets...............

Thanks for visiting and I hope I will feel up to a bit of blogging very soon.


  1. These card are absolutely fabulous Brenda those flowers look so real, great work
    jacqui x

  2. I am so sorry that you are not feeling well, I hope you are soon much better...hugs
    What a wonderful selection of cards and I love those flowers :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Poor puppy, hope she feels better real soon. Super cards, love the punches.

  4. These look gorgeous Brenda, i saw the punches on C&C but I cannot buy anymore, I really cant. xxx

  5. These are all gorgeous Brenda, I love the flowers and all the beautiful colour combos.

    I hope both you and Holly are feeling much better really soon, I'll say a prayer for both of you

    Tags xx

  6. Yes they are fabulous Brenda, I love all of your cards but those Lilies are stunning
    Kevin xx

  7. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. The sets look amazing.
    Nikki x

  8. These are stunning, Brenda! I knew you'd make gorgeous flowers with them!! Thanks so much - these photos are on the slideshow on my blog now too!! Ruth x

  9. Die Karten sind einfach zauberhaft!!! Die gestanzten Blumen sind Megaschön!!!! Es sieht richtig echt aus. Vor allem die Gestaltung der 3. Karte gefällt mir sehr.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it, Brenda! I do hope you're feeling better soon and that your little puppy is okay too! Beautiful cards, you've used the punch and stamp flowers brilliantly and I love your choice of Spring colours. Lisa x

  11. So beautiful Brenda, the last one is just so stunning. Hope things pick up a real pain when the head goes all fogging on you as well. Carolxx

  12. Great cards!! What a lovely flowers. LOVE them!!
    Hope you and Holly will be better soon.
    xxx Marianne

  13. These are stunning Brenda. I really love the designs using Ruth's wonderful products.
    I hope things improve for you soon.
    take care
    Sue xx

  14. Oh wow ! So fantastic flowers, really beautiful ! And your cards are splendid, so nice colors !
    Hope you feel better soon my friend, and your puppy too !

  15. SOrry to hear that you aren't feeling too well at the moment Brenda...your cards are amazing LOVE THEM ALL....


  16. Such fantastic projects with the flowers. Hope your feeling a little better
    x catherine

  17. Fabulous cards Brenda, love the punchies, especially the pansy one!
    Hope you all get well and feel better soon;-))m

  18. wow your cards are awesome love the colors on the first one and last one there so eligant!!
    hope you feel better soon!!

  19. Evening my lovely B. I really do hope you are soon on the mend, it's really no fun feeling under par! What beautiful card you have here, I hope you dont mind if I borrow the lacing idea at some time, I just love the look! The stargazers just have to be my favourite look on the punch front and how beautifully you have created the blooms! Take care, Julie.x

  20. Hope your feeling better shortly. Those flower punches make the flowers look aso real. They wiollbe on my wish list for sure. Hugs Mrs A.

  21. Lovely cards again Brenda, my fav is the first one. Hope you feel better soon.

  22. Hi Brenda, all three are gorgeous, my fav is the 3rd one, LOVE those flowers ! I hope that you and Holly are feeling better SOON. Take good care of yourselves, Shileyx

  23. Oooo gorgeous and those flower punches look fabby and so real too, Luv Sam x

  24. Stunning cards Brenda, these flowers are just gorgeous. Great idea to be able to make the flowers you want in the colour you want. Ruth's designs are really lovely.

    Hope you feel better soon. Hope puppy's ok too.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  25. These are beautiful Brenda the flowers are very realistic, I love the Stargazer Lily. Look forward to getting my hands on these sets but they may not look as good as yours! Sorry to hear about Holly, that is not nice for her or you either, I hope you are both much better soon. Take care, Pauline xx

  26. These cards are beautiful Brenda. The flowers are so pretty and I love your designs.
    I hope you and Holly are both better soon.
    Lorraine x

  27. Hi Brenda, these cards are beautiful. I think one or two of the punches will be a must especially the Stargazer Lily. Sorry to hear you're not so good and hope you feel better soon and I hope Holly will be OK. Take care, Linda xx

  28. Gorgeous work, Brenda. Superb colouring too. I love the pansies, but seeing your lilies I am now thinking I definitely need both sets, lol. The lily set looks so versatile. suitable for clematis or poinsettias too.

  29. Hi Brenda, these cards are beautiful, what gorgeous flowers especially the Stargazer Lily. I think a couple of these punches will be a must have. Sorry to hear that you're not feeling so good and hope you're soon on the mend and I hope Holly will be alright too. Take care, Linda xx

  30. The Lilycard is great! II just love lilies and on this card you made them so beatifull! The idea with the tread is super cool! Love the background of your first card and the way that the flower fits right in! Hope you and your pup are feeling better soon! Hugs, Gerrina

  31. Sorry to hear that both of you are unwell. That last card is a beauty & I love the way you have shaped those leaves - very real indeed. The pansies are amazing too - in fact all your cards are - &..... I'm going to change my mind: the Gardenia is my very very favourite! These 3 are quite different in design too & I love that about coming to visit you.
    Take care both of you.
    Paula (PEP)

  32. Gorgeous pansies & lilies!
    Feel better soon, and I hope Holly feels better soon too!

  33. Stunning cards Brenda as always, Love the first as those butterflies are divine!! Gorgeous flowers.. what a great idea to have the stamps packed with the punch... I will need to look out for these.. I hope you get back on top of your health soon... take care Brenda! Hugs May x x x

  34. Wow! Amazing cards, Brenda! The first one is particularly gorgeous. Can't wait to get some of the stamp/punch sets. Ruth's a genius! x

  35. Stunning creations, might have to treat myself to these lovely new stamps and punches! xx

  36. So sorry to hear you're in the wars on so many fronts... still making the most beautiful cards though. I love the pearly butterflies, and the string in the frame on the third one is an amazing touch!
    Alison x

  37. Hi Brenda, love these cards especially the first one! That background is just so beautiful and I just ordered myself those T.H. butterfly stamps, love those! Hugs Frea

  38. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Thank you for sharing them with us in what must be a very difficult week for you. Hope Holly's problem is sorted soon and your own health picks up too.
    Beryl xx

  39. Oh wow Brenda stunning set of cards, Ive still got to get my hands on the Set 2 they sold out, I love flower creating and youve done a brilliant job on those samples. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  40. Despite with so much pain, you are still making beautiful inspirational cards, Brenda! Hope you and Holly will be back on your feet soon too!

  41. Gorgeous cards Brenda! I really love how you used the pp one your first card with the pearls, beautiful!

  42. Fantastic, your creations are just wonderful. The all make me longing for spring.

  43. Beautiful cards Brenda, the last one with the Stargazer Lilies is absolutely stunning, I love everything about it. Sorry you are not feeling too good hope you are soon feeling better and I also hope that Holly is also soon on the mend too. Big hugs for you both.

    Pat xx

  44. Wow! Brenda, these are all absolutely stunning I love the honeycomb pattern and the colours on the first one, the second one is so pretty, I love the bright yellow and the pansies on the second one and the one with the lilies is so striking and so elegant, I love what you did with the pink string
    Lindsay xx

  45. Oh dear B. it never rains but it pours- it seems that way sometimes and can be quite overwhelming...
    However I LOVE those flowers think you have done the most amazing job, they colours are awesome.. but guess they are not post-able in the mail.
    Praying for Holly and you to make a speedy recovery to former Shaz in oz.x

  46. Wow, these are just stunning x

  47. oh wowsers those flowers look amazing and beautiful! So realistic and effective! *another thing for that never ending wishlist* lol!!!

    Hope you are keeping well, Brenda! Have a great weekend! TAke Care!

  48. totally LUSH the flowers and your cards stunning hunny xx

  49. I love your frame and string designs! It´s so beautifully done!

  50. These string designed card are so gorgeous...I just love them.
    It is amazing the beautiful flowers that you have made with this punch set!
    I have been working backwards to catch up and it has sort of been fun to look at life "backwards".
