
Thursday 17 January 2013


Good morning Peeps from an extremely cold Cambridgeshire Fen but the welcome to my new followers and visitors is a very warm one.

It's still -9 outside with freezing fog but the most beautiful hoar frost making everywhere look magical and dreamy which is rather fitting as my card above uses the new Dream stamp from Stamp Addicts, one of the stamp sets which will be featured in the new programmes on Create and Craft TV next Tuesday 22nd January.

And typically because it's been the coldest two days so far this winter our combi boiler decided to stop working on Tuesday night, but Calor Gas were absolutely brilliant and were out here 9am yesterday morning......... apparently the disabled get priority call outs !  All was working okay yesterday then last evening exactly the same happened again and it seems it's to do with the gas pipes coming across the garden to the house from the underground tank (as we live in the sticks we have no mains services) reacting to extreme changes in temperature which cuts off the gas supply.

The card above is fairly simple with a Go Create frame cut from some scraps of DP, a lattice using a Cheery Lynn die over a background stamped with music script. I used just one of the words from the stamp set and added some roses made from Pretty Little Ribbons sheer organza ribbon, a seam binding bow from the same source and spellbinder leaves.

My second card is a bit outside my comfort zone, but it's good to stretch yourself sometimes and uses the Home for Gnomes stamp. I stamped, coloured and cut out the two gnomes, stamped the toadstool house onto the front of the card and cut round the top so that I could create a background scene on the inner part of the card. Then just mounted the two gnomes onto the front.

I kept my third card very simple and stamped the Golfer image in black archival ink and coloured just the jersey of  the golfer to match the ribbon.

Keep warm everybody and if you're like me your craft room is the perfect haven from the cold weather.


  1. Gosh Brenda you've got it cold , glad you have your heating back on and got a good service.
    I was hoping to see the pb bee costume, guess I'll have to wait, but these cards are gorgeous. No.1 is so elegant , love the ribbon roses, 2 is very cute and 3 , love that image ,
    stay warm heavy snow on the way. janex

  2. All really gorgeous and so different in style Brenda.
    Very cold here but only -2 so I shouldn't complain!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  3. Love both your cards Brenda but that golf one really stands out for me, it is so striking.
    Love it

    Hugs Kelly

  4. Super cards Brenda - I always love to see your organza ribbon roses. The second may not be your usual style - but you've done a brilliant job - especially as you managed to get one of your inky scenes in too.The third is really classy - not something I usually say about a 'man' card.
    I had underground gas pipes when I lived down there - trouble there was they could have been deeper and I had to be so careful when gardening in that area. Hope the problem can get sorted for you.
    Beryl xx

  5. Oh that's just what you didn't need in these temperatures.Very chilly here in Yorkshire so staying in and crafting - any excuse.Your cards are as beautiful as ever dearie.3 very different cards yet so many fab techniques.Love them all.My favourite is the first one.You stay warm and take care.Big crafty hugs.Debbie x

  6. Three beauties Brenda, loving those gnomes and their cute home. Carolxx

  7. Three amazing cards Brenda. I love how each one is completely different. I love those gorgeous organza roses. The second one is a lot of fun with those little gnomes! I just love the simplicity of the last one. It's stunning.

    Hope they can sort out the problems with your heating. Too cold to be without heating just now!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  8. Three gorgeous cards Brenda. The homes for gnomes made me smile! Love them all.
    -8 here this mornig and freezing fog! Stay warm.
    Lorraine x

  9. Hi B. love your cards!! esp the olde worlde one a the bottom of the golfer!!
    I will send our warmth over you way her I am sitting in sundress in evening at 9pm a gentle breeze, about 22c and so pleasant and yes so blessed! was 28c today but warmer tomorrow!

    and guess what arrived today.. yes, you guessed correctly, the Pan pastels!!!! am so excited but not had time to play yet ... a VERY busy day and thne been on her researching how to use them and hwy am on here.. love you or your kind help! God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

  10. Lovely card Brenda as always...gorgeous floral one, your 2nd card is such a fun card and love your vintage golf card


  11. Keep snug Brenda...brrr I hope that heating stays on. These are such great cards, I love the golfer one ;0)
    Jane x

  12. Such a wonderful selection of cards Brenda. A great variety of styles and images.

    Sue xx

  13. absoloutly gorgeous cards, love the papers and the lattice on the first one, it must have taken a while to cut out those gnomes on the second card, that card has to be my favourite of the three, and the third card is very clever because as they say, little is more!
    I hope you find the time to visit my blog!

  14. Lovely cards Brenda.. LOVE the first's dream like!

  15. Three great cards Brenda how very different but all as good as one another
    keep warm
    jacqui x

  16. Love the last card and the second is beautiful! Great idea to make a background like that! What a lot of beautiful layers on the first card, and still so elegant! It's warm and the ideas are still flowing in my craftroom, so I'll be here a great deal of my time! Hugs, Gerrina

  17. These are fab as always Brenda :) I love the simplicity of the last one, perfect man card! And the shape/layout of the second card is great - the sky on the inside is lovely :) The first card is my favourite, I love the colours, lattice and the stamped music behind it :) Gorgeous!

    Glad your boiler got fixed so quickly - i'm staying at my boyfriend's house this week, and guess what, they let the oil run out - boys eh? So it was blankets and fluffy socks all round til the oil came! not as cold over here, but still pretty nippy. Stay warm!

    Tags xx

  18. Hi Brenda! as always beautiful cards! the first one is especially beautiful! A hug!

  19. Hi, Brenda - what a beautiful variety of cards to share today. Love your feminine, white, romantic card with those gorgeous roses you created out of ribbon. I'll peek into your tutorials and hope the method is there. Your little gnomes are sweet! They look like they are trying to work hard, but they just don't want to get dirty LOL I like your take on this masculine card - very simple, no fuss - perfect with the detailed image. It's a great idea to simplify a man's card. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Beautiful cards and I agree they are a wonderful variety. The top is very romantic with the vintage colours and the 2nd is so cute ! The last a great CAS design. Have a great day, Shirleyx

  21. Wonderful cards. Hope you heating gets sorted. We are hoping to have our oil tank replaced on Tuesday (developed a leak). One of the joys of living in the sticks. :) Keep warm. :)

  22. Love all your cards, the gnomes had me laughing, hope you manage to keep warm enough. Definitely not the time to have boiler trouble. xx Flora

  23. Stunning creations once again Brenda. Do you sell your cards?
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  24. All three cards are beautiful Benda! The first one is so very elegant, I love the flowers you made and the latice die looks great! The gnomes are super cute and I like the way you cut out the top. A lovely vintage golf stamp on the last one!
    hugs, Marlies

  25. Superb ! The first is so romantic, love the lattice and the wonderful flowers ! The second is fun and the scene is very nice, and the last is wonderful, I love the reminder of the yellow on the sweater !
    have a nice day my friend !

  26. Well, the good news is that Spring is on its way!! Keep happy thoughts! lol! Love the lattice die and your gnomes are great. Good idea to sculpt the card - really adds interest. CAS is sooo nice. I just wish I could pull it off. Lovely set of cards Brenda. NancyD

  27. the first one is so elegant, love the flower, the gnome one is so cute, love the coloring, and the last one would be a great card for my Hubby, like the yellow sweater !!!

  28. All 3 cards are wonderful Brenda, the first is very elegant, I like the fun gnomes on the second,the last one is very classy, keep safe and warm.
    Kevin xx

  29. All beautiful cards but the first is my fave. xxx

  30. Hope you have the gas supply sorted Brenda, bad timing. Very cold here today -4 most of the day but have to agree the trees look stunning covered in the frost. Beautiful cards today as always, keep warm x Susan x

  31. 3 great cards and all so different. Really like the golfer.

  32. -9 and no heating, how did you manage Brenda. Think I would have set fire to something lol. Hope you are toasty warm now. Love your dreamy card and beautiful flowers. Now you do cute so well, I love your wee gnomes and the shape you used. The golf card is perfect, very grown up.

  33. Hi Brenda, hope you are toasty warm as you read this. You are so versatile - three very different styles and all are wonderful. I especially love the first one - it is just beautiful. Nicola x

  34. HI Brenda, A gorgeous set of card - love the die cut one - stunning.
    Avril xx

  35. Great set of cards, Brenda. Love the first one, SO elegant, and a lovely restful colour scheme. Very tasteful "man" card too. It's pretty cold up here too, though not as bad as where you are. We've only had an inch or two of snow so far. Keeping fingers crossed we don't get any more. Hope your boiler is behaving itself now.

    Lynne x

  36. Wow Brenda, three stunning cards, love them all, and the gnomes ones is so fun. Even though it's out of your comfort zone, you did a really gorgeous card, I really love it. Thanks for stopping by today, it was so exciting to see xxx

  37. Hi Brenda, I am sorry to hear your heating is playing up, not nice in this cold. I hope you don't get too much snow. Your Believe card is gorgeous, I love those roses. The second one is interesting and I would be out of my comfort zone as well with those stamps but I think you have made a very good job of it. The third one is simply "elegant". Pauline xx

  38. Great cards, Brenda - love the classic elegance of the first, beautiful rolled roses, and that fabulous word stamp!
    Alison x

  39. What a great selection of cards, my favourite just for the fun factor is the gnome card, it's so sweet, Luv Sam x

  40. Lovely cards, you have been so busy. Jx

  41. All of these are just beautiful cards Brenda. Must look out for the programme on C&C.
    x catherine

  42. Fabulous selection of cards hunny I ADORE the first one its so elegant! hugs me x

  43. Three different styles and all just wonderful. I do love the flowers and leaves on the first card. We should combine our weather. Actually, it is bearable here in this part of Oz as it is now just after 2pm and we have just turned the aircon on and apparently outside it is 30C a bit cooler than the 44C in Newcastle in NSW where my husband's family lives.

  44. Wonderful cards Brenda!
    It's good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes I think!

  45. Oh what a gorgeous cards Brenda, hope the heating it behaving.

  46. A wonderful selection Brenda, I particularly love the first one. I hope your heating is behaving now, not the best time to be without it Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :o)
    Jackie xx

  47. Really gorgeous cards, the first one is so elegant and pretty and the gnomes on the second one are adorable. I hope your heating sorts itself out, it's sods law isn't it but what good is heating if it doesn't work when it's cold lol, hope you are managing to keep warm
    Lindsay xx

  48. Great cards hun love them all but the first one is stunning love the ribbon flowers so pretty!

    Em xxx

  49. All 3 cards are gorgeous Brenda, I love the elegance of the 1st one, beautiful diecut! Fun scene with the gnomes on the second card, it looks fabulous although it's out of your comfort zone. And a really beautiful masculine golf card too. Love the way you used the ribbon!

    Sorry you had heater trouble. Hope it all got fixed now so you don't have to be in the cold. I know it always seems to happen when it's the coldest. Our furnace caught on fire a few winters ago (thank goodness the only damage was the furnace and central air system!), and it also was at the coldest time of the year.

  50. Three different but three wonderful cards. The second one makes me smile - such a lovely one.

  51. Hi Brenda I love your selection of cards they are all brilliantly designed but I must say that first one is breathtaking.
    lorraine x

  52. Hello Lovely Brenda, hope you are keeping well!!!

    3 stunning cards, love the believe one, so pretty!!!

  53. very creative and gorgeous cards brenda! i can see i missed several other beautiful creations; i don't know why, but my reader is not always sending me updates of some of the blogs i follow - frustrating. stay warm cosy in your craft room.

  54. Beautiful cards! Love the first soft and pretty card and I have not seen one of these gnomes for a long time. Sorry to hear about your heating system and I hope that it's back working again and keeping everyone at home warm.

    We have lovely white landscape over here with temperature of about -5. Keep warm and have fun in your craft room!

  55. Hi Brenda. Hope they have found a solution to your boiler problem. I am very grateful ours is sorted in time for this weather! A wonderful collection of cards - all so varied and I particularly love the first one - so elegant and beautiful. Keep warm my friend x

  56. wow - such a varied selection and some cute! The first one is so elegant, I just love the style. Hope you are keeping warm and boiler probs sorted now.
    Lynn x

  57. Fabulous cards.
    Really gorgeous the first one,wow;-))m

  58. great cards...especially love the first one...
