
Friday 28 December 2012

Meet Holly

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and have recovered from all the indulgences of the season.

Ours was good if hectic with upwards of ten each mealtime but it was lovely to have all the family together for a few days.

I thought I would share a picture of what Santa bought........well she arrived today actually, we have called her Holly, she is a yellow Labrador, seven weeks old and seems to be making herself at home already.

I have been really good over Christmas and didn't even switch my computer on for a couple of days, not that there was too much spare time anyhow but as a result have lots of blogland catching up to do over the weekend.

Sarah at pretty Little Ribbons has a great sale under way on her web site here so do pop over and grab some bargains.

Have a good weekend everyone and everything going to plan I will be catching up with you all shortly.


  1. She's gorgeous Brenda, Santa was very good to you this year! :D I'm sure she'll be super happy in her new home, she's soooo cute!

    Tags xx

  2. Holly looks so sweet, Brenda. I hope she will bring lots of joy and happiness into your life!
    Our holidays were nice and quiet. We spent Christmas day with some English friends and enjoyed our very first English Christmas dinner.
    Marianne x

  3. Awwww!,Holly is a cutie B, what a wonderful present!
    Glad you've had a loely Christmas,

  4. Awww Brenda what a fabulous present she is adorable,I'm sure she will bring you so many happy moments....Have a lovely New Year....
    Mandy x

  5. Awwwwwww Brenda so is so cute and what a lovely christmas pressie. Glad you have had a good christmas with lots of family around you. Take care and hope you have a happy new year. x Susan x

  6. Hi Brenda ! I'm just catching up a little myself this morning and up pops Holly's sweet face ! Congratulations on the newest addition to your fur family ! Happy New Year , Shirleyx

  7. Oh what a lovely Christmas present!! I love the picture of Holly and I guess you won't have much time for crafting now :-)

  8. OMG!! She is beautiful, Brenda. We always had yellows labs before I was married...I adore them. They are very boisterous for the first year but adorable with it. I hope you enjoy many years of unconditional love with Holly xx

  9. Oh Brenda she is adorable I just want to cuddle her..just love the name too....


  10. I'm glad you had a good Christmas. Holly looks adorable.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year
    Sue xx

  11. Sounds like a fun Holiday celebration. Your Holly is so cute.

  12. Santa didn't bring me a little cutie - she's lovely B. Happy New Year with the puppy madness!! Tracy x

  13. aww, she's soo cute! holly is a perfect name for a christmas present. glad you enjoyed your holidays and now i know my reader was not acting up again. :)

  14. How adorable is she, I love her name too. What a gorgeos addition to your family Brenda. Hope she gets on well with all your other bundles of fur.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  15. Congrats, lovely Holly, what a present!
    Happy New Year;-))m

  16. Rapidly doing my sums - she must be the 7th canine friend now in residence. She looks absolutely delightful. You must be holding something very interesting by the look of her wrapt attention - unless she's into photography. Gllad you had some good quality family time.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  17. Holly is adorable!!
    I dont know if I could handle being away from the computer that long, I'd probably get alot more done,lol
    wish you a happy New Year!!!

  18. Oh Brenda how wonderful. Welcome dear Holly, you will have such a happy home to live in!
    Jane x

  19. What an adorable little sweetie Holly looks Brenda.
    Hope you had a great Christmas and apologies for my lack of comments lately - very busy with family etc.
    Wishing you all the best for 2013.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  20. Aaaaw Holly is so adorable and I know she is already stealing hearts.
    Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  21. Oh how cute does she look Brenda!! Just adorable. Glad you had a great time over christmas and wishing you all the best for the new year
    x catherine

  22. oooh she looks adorable.
    love Lynn x

  23. Awwww B, Holly is absolutely gorgeous xxx

  24. Awww how sweet. She is just so adorable. TFS
    Hugs, Rosalee

  25. Hi Brenda, Holly looks absolutely adorable. May you have many happy years together. And, just in case I don't pop in between now and Hogmanay, I wish you and yours health, happiness and prosperity in 2013. Elizabeth xx

  26. What a cutie! She is adorable! :) Hugs, Hanna

  27. Ah Brenda she is adorable and a perfect name for her!! Wish you lots of love and cuddles from her.

  28. oh Holly is gorgeous .. Santa is the best!
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas
    Lisa x

  29. she is a little cutie!! Hugs Juls

  30. Oooh Brenda, she's adorable.
    Glad you had a good Christmas, all my best wishes for 2013.
    Avril xx

  31. Holly is just gorgeous Brenda. Why is it that every Labrador pup is the sweetest, cutest pup that ever lived? I really have a soft spot for Labs. We've had my daughter's 2 here this week as well as our own. Our boys love spending time with them. They're both lying flat out tonight after a few exciting days!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  32. hello Brenda,
    what does she looks so have you for the time being your hands full with this little puppy upbringing. and with all the love and fun that you get from her. oooo...this brings so much another joy into the family. enjoy!!
    I do remember that you have a dog that past away few months ago...I hope that I don't remember it wrong.
    have fun and I wish you many years to enjoy your new family member!

  33. aaaaaaawww, she's absolutely adorable!!

  34. Hi Brenda, Holly is absolutely adorable, glad to hear you had a good Christmas.
    Kevin xx

  35. Holly looks sooo sweet! Think that my daughter is verry jealous of you! Glad to hear that you feel better! Have a nice weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  36. What a sweetie! I hope she settles well. She looks so gorgeous!

  37. Oh my goodness how cute is she....welcome Holly. Xx

  38. She's sooooo adorable Brenda! Just the kind of dog I'd love to have!

  39. Hello Holly, what a cute little lady she is :o)
    Jackie xx

  40. Hi Brenda, I am glad you had a lovely Christmas and I wish you all the best for the New Year. Holly is absolutely adorable. Take care, Pauline xx

  41. She´s so cute.
    Happy New Year and many happy moments with Holly.
    Hugs Petra

  42. Glad you had such a lovely family Christmas Brenda and the arrival of Holly must have made it even more special. Glad she is settling in well - give her an extra cuddle from me.
    Beryl xx

  43. Hi there B.. was thinking of you and your former pup, on your profile at Christmas time so glad that you have a new little foot warmer with melting big lab eyes (dont those eyes warm your heart?? melt, melt)..and pray you are feeling more chipper too every blessing from God for a healthier 2013, thanks for being such a rich blessing in my life in 2012, love Shaz in Oz.x

  44. Oh, my, she's absolutely adorable... what a wonderful addition to the family!
    Alison x

  45. Holly's so cute!
    Glad you had a great Christmas!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  46. Hi Brenda, glad you enjoyed the festivities with your family, we also had a good time with all the family together. Santa has been good to you, you must have been behaving to get such a gorgeous present, she is so beautiful and so cute just right for lots of cuddling. Have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  47. Aweee, so cute. Feels like to cuddle them.
    TFS the joy!

  48. Oh Brenda, what a little cutie. Give her a cuddle from me. We have recently been talking a about getting another little friend for my poppy.
    Hugs kelly

  49. Brenda, she has the sweetest, most intelligent face! What an adorable little girl Holly is. Santa def. had you on his nice list this year. Its wonderful that you had such a nice Christmas with the family. Have a lovely weekend with your newest family member, she's a real cutie. Happy New Year!

  50. Welcome Holly! I think you will be very happy in your new home. Merry Christmas Brenda - off to pick my top 5 now, Jx

  51. What a little cutie! Holly looks like she is settling in already, what a lucky pup she is to have found such a good home.

    I'm glad you had a good Christmas, here's wishing you a Happy New Year too.

    Sarah x

  52. She's absolutely adorable, Brenda! I know she'll be spoilt rotten. Ruth x

  53. Oh, she looks just like my Lulu - 3 years ago! I am sure you will have a lot of fun with her!

  54. Hi Holly, what a cutie what's not to love about a puppy! Have fun raising her! And a very Happy New Year hugs Amy

  55. Happy New Year Brenda , what a lovely new addition to the family, give Holly a big cuddle from me. janex

  56. Welcome Holly ~ you are a sweetie. Hope you enjoy your new bundle of furriness ~ what a lovely way to end the year. Love Bev xx

  57. Happy New Year Brenda! Holly is Gorgeous Oh she is mega cute, hope you have lots of fun and lovely times together! hugs me xx

  58. Oh what an adorable puppy, she is so cute and I am sure she will keep you busy, I am glad to hear that you had a good Christmas and I wish you a wonderful new year. I hope you are well
    Lindsay xx

  59. Happy New Year Brenda... Wee Holly is adorable... What a Fabulous gift for you... Lots of cuddles on the menu methinks... Hugs May x x x

  60. Happy New Year Brenda, not sure whats going on but Im finding it difficult to see your blog. I gather that this is a new or she is gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxx

  61. Adorable pup!!! So sweet, I love her sooo much, wish I could come by for cuddles!!!

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and Happy New Year!

  62. Happy New Year to you and yours, Brenda! Holly is so adorable and I love her name too!

  63. Holly is just adorable.
    Happy New Year.

  64. I love Holly...She is so cute...
    Happy new year from Spain

  65. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Holly is a real cutie Brenda. Here's wishing you a happy crafty 2013. Carolxx

  66. She's adorable...what a wonderful Christmas present!!!

  67. Wishing you a very Happy New Year and Holly is adorable. Have lots of fun with her. :)

  68. Happy New Year!!

    Holly is gorgeous!!! in fact all your dogs are soo cute, had a wee peek just now, think I will keep peeking at other stuff :)

  69. Holly is so sweet and adorable! Congrats on your new pet.

  70. Thank you for your vist, Brenda, and a very Happy New Year to you. What a wonderful addition to your family with the arrival of Holly. I am afraid I was still crafting first thing on Christmas morning, with two cards to finish off at the very last minute, but after that there was no crafting done here until yesterday. Really suffering from withdrawal symptom now. xx Maggie

  71. Ah Brenda, she is so cute! My son and his girlfriend had a baby late November and guess the girlfriend's name? Yes, you guessed, it's Holly! Sarah x

  72. Hi Dear Brenda!!!
    Your little Holly is so cute... so nice!! =))
    I wish you a very amazing 2013... hope all you wish come true...
    with love

  73. Happy New Year Brenda. I hope you have a fantastic 2013.
    It sounds like you had a lovely Christmas and Holly looks absolutely adorable!
    Lorraine x

  74. Awwww.... she's soooooo cute! Happy New Year! xx

  75. Holly is adorable, Brenda. Happy New Year!

  76. What a total cutie, you must be a proud puppy mummy. cheers Linda

  77. OMG she's cuuuuuuuuuuuute ! Such a sweet babyyyy ! She will be happy with you !!!

  78. Holly is adorable, I bet she is keeping the household very amused. :-)
