
Saturday 22 December 2012

It's as plain as black and white

It's yours truly's turn to host this weeks theme at Allsorts and I thought I would get right away from all things Christmas and go with the theme 'It's as plain as black-and-white'. 

This challenge will run for two weeks to give all of the DT a bit of a of rest and of course to give you all a bit more time to enter amongst all the Christmas activities. And as it's a two week challenge there are two prizes so double the chances of winning.

I eventually got my test results, pretty inconclusive apart from confirming I'm not gluten intolerant so ruled out coeliac disease but I am lactose intolerant.......... I could have told them that, I have been since I was nine months old. The GP look quite disappointed when I told him I already knew and hadn't drank milk since I was a baby.

They think it could be some sort of other food or drug intolerance and suggested too many tests to find out for my liking, so at the moment I am going to try listing medications I take, what I eat and so on and see if any pattern emerges. It's all very well playing their game, but it takes too much time for my liking and am hoping that if it was anything too sinister something may have shown up in the tests they've already done.

Back to my DT card and I always liked working in monochromatic colours and especially black and white and for my card I took a piece of gloss card stock, masked the edges and a moon and brayered with black Adirondack ink, gave it a quick coating of black Frantage and heat embossed. I did exactly the same with the butterfly and although the Frantage is much chunkier than normal embossing powder it does give a lovely lustre although you would never know from my picture would you. 

Enjoy your Saturday and hope to find a few moments to join in this fortnights challenge.


  1. Wonderful,beautiful card.

  2. The card looks wonderful - so elegant! It's like black and white photos - nostalgic and atmospheric. Sorry to hear that you haven't got any answers yet about the allergy, I hope they can sort you out!!! Have a wonderful Christmas. xx

  3. Gorgeous card hunny! very Stylish!
    and love the way you have masked it too,
    hugs me x

  4. What a beautiful card with nice stamps.

    Nice weekend.

    Hugs AStrid.

  5. Stunning card, Brenda! Black and white is always very striking.and this is a perfect example.

    Glad your test results didn't show anything untoward, but I hope you get to the bottom of things soon. Hope you get plenty of rest and relaxation over Christmas.

    Lynne x

  6. Beautiful card Brenda, love the contrasts with the black and white and the delicate inking and embossing. Sorry to hear you're not getting far with the tests, hopefully your diary will help you identify the problem
    Claire xx

  7. Love your card this week b, but then I am a sucker for florals!! Can you tell me what flower stamp you used? Xx

  8. A really elegant card! Love black and white to bring some variation in my work... Hope you find out what your body is having trouble with! Have a nice weekend! Hugs, Gerrina

  9. Lovely card Brenda and the black and white looks stunning...


  10. Stunning card Brenda. I love black and white colours and the grasses and butterfly look gorgeous.
    Lorraine x

  11. Oh I have got so behind with commenting, just been looking at all your amazing work since my last visit. Love that black lab on the Christmas card below.
    This is stunning too - must be brave and try using black ink - never used frantage either.
    Lynn x

  12. This is absolutely stunning Brenda!!! I love it.
    Dot x

  13. Your card is stunning Brenda. I love black and white cards and yours is so elegant.
    Take care

  14. I can see the lustre on the butterfly. I must admit I love monochrome too. This is a beauty & once again your matting & the ribbon/embellishing really finishes it beautifully.
    The lactose (you've probably thought of this already) tends to be in a lot of medications so it might be worth going through the info leaflets. It's amazing where it crops up.
    Glad there's nothing sinister going on.
    Take care of yourself.
    Paula (PEP)


  15. Gorgeous card Brenda, the black & white is elegant. Hope you figure out what is causing issues. Enjoy the Season, Shirleyxx

  16. Gorgeous Brenda :) I love the scene and the butterfly :)

    Glad you got your results at last, sorry to hear you still haven't found an answer though. I'm lactose intolerant too, I had the test yesterday so I've been ambling around the supermarket looking for alternatives hehe!

    Tags xx

  17. Hi Brenda, your card is STUNNING and Black and white is so elegant! I do understand you're not getting a proper diagnosis situation - thank heavens its nothing serious but it still leaves you with the problem!! I hope that your own trials reveal the issue and that it can be managed without further intervention. Thank-you for your lovely comments on my blog over last months. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and better health and all that you wish for in the year ahead.

  18. stunning!! Love the monochrome look! Hugs Juls

  19. Oh my this is gorgeous Brenda, just love all the embossing and the beautiful scene. Sorry the tests didn't give you any answers. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.

    Pat xx

  20. Gorgeous, as are the previous cards!
    Hope you feel well through Christmas!
    Happy New Year!

  21. Great card. HOpe you have a wonderful Christmas.

  22. Gorgeous card Brenda, that image works so well in black and white. Love it.

    Pity the tests didn't tell you anything conclusive. Lucky you're not gluten intolerant because the dratted stuff is in everything! On Thursday I tried to find something easy for a starter for Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Not possible. So I'm resorting to little smoked salmon and cream cheese rolls with salad on the 25th and smoked salmon, salad etc on the 26th. My younger daughter has not been formally diagnosed with anything but she's absolutely fine as long as she avoids wheat and gluten. So gluten free Christmas cake, shortbread, mince pies and Tiramisu for us. Luckily I like to cook and bake!

    Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas and best wishes for 2013.

    Kat xx

  23. A beautiful card for the challenge Brenda. Love the detail and layout. Hope you feel well for xmas. Thanks for the lovely card you sent.
    Wishing you and family all the best for xmas and the new year
    x catherine

  24. A gorgeous card, so elegant and the black and white makes it even more stylish! I hope that the docters can soon find out what's wrong with you without all the tests! Have a lovely Christmas, hugs, Marlies

  25. Hi Brenda, just been having a catch up on your makes while I was away. You have made some beauiful snow scene cards. Congrats on your son's win, love the Paris card.
    Sorry to hear you've not been too well, hope you're on the mend now.
    Avril xx

  26. Love the card Brenda! I can see the luster a little bit. lol! Please take care this holiday and get some rest. Merry Christmas. NancyD

  27. It's black and white...but...certainly not plain, Brenda. Your card looks fabulous!!
    Wishing you and your loved ones a really lovely Christmas!! xx

  28. Great black and white card you made!
    I dont like very much this color combination; I can not doing with this .-((
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, hugs Andreja

  29. You always make elegant cards and without exception this black and white theme is nothing less, Brenda! Sorry that the test did not give you much answer and hopefully with your listings you will get to know more soon. Enjoy the festive seasons!

  30. Stunning Brenda :-)

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas...biggest of hugs VIcky xx

  31. Fab card Brenda, black and white is always so elegant. Hope you get some results and find out whats wrong

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas


  32. Gorgeous card.
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas
    BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

  33. I think medications can cause all kind of strange symptoms and problems. So listing them and trying to find some pattern there might be a good idea.
    I eat alot of medication myself and sometimes I feel like a walking pharmacy...

    I hope you are enjoying these days before Christmas.
    Happy Holiday!

  34. Such a wonderfully elegant card! Love the stamps you used and the decorative border and ribbon!

  35. So chic and smart - how beautiful!
    Alison x

  36. This is a beauty. I love monochromatic cards. I think they look serence and elegant!
    Yours is no exception.

    Hope you get to the bottom of your health troubles!

  37. I hope you are able to find what is bothering your body very quickly. Your black and white creation is lovely Brenda. Wishing you a fantastic Christmas and I will definitely be catching up again with you in the New Year.

  38. Wonderful card!!Love the butterfly!!Love the Black and White!
    Wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  39. Stunning card B, I just love the scene and the beautiful butterfly x

  40. Another real beauty Brenda. I want that stamp, but haven't found it at a show yet. Will have to have a look on line x

  41. Oh wow, wonderful card, I love everything about it :o)
    Jackie xx

  42. Absolutely fantastic card,,,,,,,,,,wowww,,,,Happy New Year 2013,,,and thanks for your comments to my M. Antoniette pict used at May's Happy Daze blog,,,,.Feel free to ask me your favorite product from all my stuff for free.....e-mail me to

  43. Gorgeous card. I love it.

    Hugs, K
