
Saturday 8 December 2012

Glitzy Christmas

It's white and gold plus one other colour at Allsorts this week where the lovely Helene is our host.

Before I tell you about my card I want to say thank you for all your kind messages this week, I'm still not feeling brilliant and not been up to much crafting this week so I'm a bit reliant on 'here's one I did earlier'. I had lots more tests done yesterday, in some ways I am hoping everything confirms the GP's diagnosis of coeliac disease because at least a new diet regime should start to put things right and I'll know there is nothing more sinister going on........ the old mind over matter syndrome again.

So back to my card and I have to admit that gold is not a colour you see often in my crafting although no idea why I don't use it that often. But I enjoyed making this one with lots of gold Frantage both round the edges and on the image itself which is Penny Black 2808L Winter Glow. I find the silhouette style stamps take the Frantage really well and it gives them gorgeous texture. The background is another Penny Black favourite 40-169 which I stamped with Versamark and coloured with Pan Pastels..................... yep, I'm still loving them. The holly is a Marianne die which I embossed here and there with detail gold powder.

I hope you can join in our challenge this week and look forward to seeing your entries.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and manage to keep warm as it looks like being pretty cold and blustery here in the UK over the next few days.


  1. Gorgeous card I love the colours and the layout is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  2. Hi Brenda,
    I hope the tests will give the results you are hoping for. *fingers crossed*
    YOur card is very beautiful. I love the classic look. Hugs! xx

  3. This is lovely Brenda love that image and the way you've coloured your holly

    jacqui x

  4. Brenda this is just beautiful. Love the colours and all the little finishing touches. Everything works so well together. Hop on over to my blog to partake in my 400 Follower Give Away - thank you so much if you have already participated.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}
    {Doing Life – 400 Follower Give Away}

  5. This is so lovely! The look of the pan pastels and the frantage is awesome. I love the little picture blocks demoing what the items look like ( that you used).
    I did not know that pan pastels were in cake form! I thought they were like copic pens!

  6. Brenda what a gorgeous card love your glitz and your bow just makes the card WOW


  7. First things first Brenda, I hope that your results tell you what you want to hear...hugs
    What a wonderful card, I love everything about it including the soft colours :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Oh WOW, love this Brenda, the Gold and White is lush, finished off beautifully with the red, love it. Waiting for results always seem to drag, hope they get you sorted out soon, Carolxx

  9. Stunning card Brenda. I love the image and wonderful festive colours

    Take care
    Hugs Sue

  10. Lovely card. Hope you get good news from all your tests. Lots of hugs anesha

  11. I know where you're coming from Brenda - take care of yourself - I find it's so much easier when the sinister things are ruled out & you can get on with adjusting to whatever it is. A huge hug & much love from me.
    Love the way that ribbon echoes the shape of your main image too & those little holly leaves holding the red ribbon are just terrific.
    Paula (PEP)

  12. Beautiful card Brenda, superb!
    Hugs Teresa xx

  13. the ribbons make a stunning effect

  14. Beautiful card. Nice colors you used.

    Hugs Astrid.

  15. That is one of my favourite stamps, and the card is just beautiful!! Have a good weekend.

  16. Glitsy Christmas never looked so good :)

  17. Gorgeous card as always Brenda, I love the sparkly image and those holly diecuts are lovely :)

    Hope your results come back as you want them to!

    Tags xx

  18. I hope the tests come back ok, and you are soon bacvk to your oldself Brenda, I love the card, the stamp the lace and the big bow are all fabulous.
    Kevin xx

  19. Stunning card Brenda ,love the sparkely poinsetta :)Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  20. Hi Brenda, I love what you've done with this Penny Black Poinsettia, Gorgeous ! The background is also beautiful. I have that stamp, love it, created about 12 cards for this year with it. I haven't blogged them, should do that sometime ! Take care, Shirleyx

  21. Hope you are soon on the mend B - lovely card this week. Tracy x

  22. Beautiful card.
    Veľmi pekná karta.

  23. Hi Brenda, gorgeous card, beautiful embossing.
    Hope you are better soon;-))m

  24. Gorgeous card Brenda. That lovely image looks fantastic with the Frantage. Stunning.

    Hope a change in diet helps Brenda. I know my daughter feels much better on a gluten free diet. What we have noticed is you wouldn't believe the things she can't eat. Even sweeties! Liquorice, which she loves but can't have and lots of what you might call children's sweeties. Even though she's 30 she used to love things like that. So from her point of view it's worth it but you do have to read a lot of labels!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  25. Beautiful! I love the poinsettia and gorgeous colours and the bow just looks fab!
    I hope the test results go well and that you are on the mend soon.
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  26. I love your card. The poinsettia is gorgeous and that bow is fabulous.

  27. Simply stunning hun and i do hope the tests come back with, like you say nothing more sinister, thinking of you, Luv Sam x

  28. Hope you start feeling much better soon, horrible time of year to be poorly :-( Your card is just stunning x

  29. beautiful brenda! i love the frantage, the image and the diamond pattern background stamp; it's on my wish list, but i might not be able to wait for long. thinking of you and hoping all goes well with your test results.

  30. Hello lovely Brenda! I'm sorry I've been a poor commenter lately! I hope you are doing great! It seems you are keeping busy with creating which is awesome to see! Loving all the scenes and even Christmas goodies you have made!

    Take Care! xoxo

  31. Gorgeous card Brenda.. I love the sparkle & that Penny Black Poinsettia is stunning... I hope you get the results soon & get started on the new diet to get back on track... Hugs May x x x

  32. Gorgeous card Brenda.. I love the sparkle & that Penny Black Poinsettia is stunning... I hope you get the results soon & get started on the new diet to get back on track... Hugs May x x x

  33. Hi B

    Beautiful card Hun again loving the frantage!
    Hope your right regarding your tests results and the peace of mind that comes with them

    Have a lovely Sunday
    Em xxx

  34. A gorgeous card Brenda! A beautiful flower stamp and I love the way you made the bow! I hope your test results all come out fine! hugs, Marlies

  35. A wonderful combination of stamping image, ribbon and lace. Your card looks fantastic.

  36. Brenda, that is such a beautiful card like all your work. So sorry to hear about your illness. If its any consolation, my sister was diagnosed with coeliac disease a few months ago and since being on the diet she has improved tremendously. It's hard work but well worth it so I'm told. Hope you are having a good weekend, and best not to worry. Also, remember the golden rule DO NOT GOOGLE :-) love Maddy x

  37. Hi Brenda, I hope that your diet will sort out your problems, there are so many more products out now which are gluten-free. Doves Farm make a range of gluten-free flours (for bread and cake making) and gluten-free pasta if that is any help. Onto your lovely card - I like the way you have added the frantage and the way you've coloured the holly. Take care, Pauline xx

  38. Beautiful card Brenda, gorgeous image and that bow is fab. Sorry you are not feeling too good but do hope the test results go well.

    Pat xx

  39. Wow - gorgeous! The gold frantage looks amazing in the image and on the edges, and I love your holly die, and that beautiful bow! Thanks for the inspiration over at Allsorts...
    Alison x

  40. Stunning, classy card Brenda. You surely are the Queen of Stamping! The frantage looks fabulous. I hope that healthwise all is resolved for you asap - my sister is coeliac and the diet really works well. Very best wishes, Nicola x

  41. Gorgeus!!!
    Have a great week too!!


  42. Lovely Brenda and I love your double bow. xxx

  43. Like how you applied the gold on this card as I was struggling with it, Brenda! Beautiful card!

  44. Brenda this is stunning to say the least!! Elegantly designed!

  45. Gorgeous!!! Loving the texture on your card!! hugs Juls
