
Wednesday 5 December 2012

A touch of fantasy

Good Morning crafty Peeps, hope your week is going well.

I think I am finally shifting the dreaded flu and my sugar levels seems to have stabilised, but it seems there's always something new on the horizon and yesterday my GP told me I have coeliac disease, so I came away with yet more pills and it looks like I need to go on a sharp dietary learning curve. Never a dull moment !

I'm not at work today and plan to have a bit of a stamp sort out, I've always kept my stamps stored according to make but it's getting to the stage where my trees warrant a draw their own............ well I'm always the first to admit that I'm a treeaholic.

But before I make a start on my tree reorganisation, I have a couple of cards to share with you. Both are coloured with Pan Pastels, the top one has a mixture of stamps from Penny Black, Inkylicious and Lavinia and the bottom one are all Chocolate Baroque stamps from an Oriental set.

Hope you have a good day and is always many thanks for taking the time to pop in and say hello.


  1. Both of your cards are gorgeous. But I especially like the first one, it's magical.Hugs! xx

  2. Two wonderful cards, love the colours. Glad you are over the cold but sorry to hear about your new health issue. Hope you have a good day. :) We have snow, did you get some? Hugs Anesha

  3. Beautiful card's the fairy one is stunning I love those stamps and the scene you have made with those gorgeous colours is fabulous. Caroline xxx

  4. Fabulous work as always Brenda - the colouring is wonderful.
    What a great idea to have a dedicated "tree" drawer - I think I may need a "fairy" drawer!

    Sorry to hear you are having more health problems - I hope the diet helps to sort it out.
    Sylvia x

  5. The colors on these designs radiate with pure magic!

  6. How pretty, both are lovely, I really like the scene you've created on your first card, nicely done
    Hugs Julie P

  7. Two gorgeous card Brenda but my fav is your first one as I just love the colours.....hope you start to feel better soon


  8. These are both gorgeous Brenda, I love the colours on the first, purple's my favourite :) And the pearly branches on the second are so pretty!

    Glad you're feeling a bit better, and sorry to hear about the coeliac news - but a few of my close friends and family members are coeliac and with a bit of care it's really easy to manage :)

    Tags xx

  9. More gorgeous cards, Brenda! Sorry to hear that you have another selection of pills... hope you adapt soon!

  10. Two beautifully stamped and coloured scenes, Brenda. I love the shape of your first card and the beautiful shades of purple and lavender. The oriental theme of your second card is really lovely x

  11. Sorry to hear that yet another problem as arisen - not an easy one that but I think you'll feel hugely better once that one is under control. It's quite amazing what a difference diet can make in terms of pain & energy. I'm not surprised you need a separate system for trees. I too store according to make & with over 200 Choc Baroque themeplates have got myself a system that works. I absolutely love what you have done with that Oriental set - so far I've resisted but the tree set is on my Christmas list. I like the way your fairy is sprinkling her dust about.
    Take care & much love
    Paula (PEP)

  12. Brenda, another stunning two creations. You are so talented creating these beautiful background scenery on your cards. Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  13. Both cards are beautifully colored with Pan Pastels, Brenda!

  14. Both stunning Brenda, Beautiful designs and colours. Carolxx

  15. Oh poor you ! Hope you will be better soon !
    Your card are fantastic again ! So wonderful colouring, so sweet !

  16. Both creations are gorgeous Brenda, love the scenery backgrounds. The images & colouring are beautiful. Glad you are feeling better, Shirleyx

  17. Another two lovely cards Brenda I particularly like the second one that bird is gorgeous
    glad you're feeling better

    jacqui x

  18. I love both of these Brenda, I like the colours and the shape of the first one,I like the scene and colours on the second one.
    Kevin xx

  19. Stunning cards Brenda. The way you have added the background colours looks amazing and the images are so beautiful.

    Take care

  20. I confess that I too am a treeaholic. I thought I could hide my addiction, but people started to notice. Oh the shame! lol! I love both these creations Brenda, but especially the seedheads on the first one. Maybe we should start treeaholics anonymous... :-) Maddy x

  21. Ahhh Brenda, of course your creations are breath taking!
    Gorgeous work as always!
    Sorry to hear you have to add to the list of ailments!
    Thanks for popping by!

  22. Love both cards! Great combination of the stamps. And the colours on the second are special; not what you I would think of at first with that kind of stamps... Hope you get better step by step. It is just a way of your body to keep you alert I think... Some positive energy from here to you and hugs, Gerrina

  23. My Sister has this disease and she soon got used to GF everything But I adore bread so much I would struggle. Good luck with all that, hope your feeling better soon. I love the sun rays very clever, love that top card. Dxx

  24. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the colours in both of them.

    Glad to hear your flu and sugar levels have improved but what rotten luck to be told you have coeliac disease. My younger daughter has not been formally diagnosed but she's certainly wheat intolerant. She has an underactive thyroid which seems to go hand in hand with other health problems. I made a gluten free Christmas cake on Sunday so that she can enjoy it with the rest of us.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  25. the cards are lovely, love the Fairy and the purple color and bow !!!

  26. Lovely whimsical cards Brenda :)
    Von ♥

  27. These are both so beautiful Brenda. I must have a go at Pan Pastels as the colours really look so beautiful
    x catherine

  28. Just beautiful, really beautiful.

  29. Two gorgeous card Brenda, but I must admit I absolutely adore the top one. The flowers and shades of purple are just stunning.
    Lorraine x

  30. Gorgeous cards. I love the first one.
    I'm sorry to hear you have coeliac disease, but diet really does help with these things. My Mum has been off dairy, wheat and sugar (amongst other things) for years and has felt so much better for it.
    Nikki x

  31. Two gorgeous creations Brenda..:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  32. Two fabulous cards, both are wonderful. My personal favorite is the first one, I really love the colors.

  33. Beautiful cards Brenda. The scene on the top one is delightful and the oriental bird looks great with those blossom branches.
    So sorry to hear you have been diagnosed with coeliac disease - you've got enough on your plate without adding to it something that will radically change your eating habits.
    Beryl xx

  34. These are gorgeous Brenda, I love the first one mostly with the purple sky and silhouette fairy... Sorry about the coelic, I hope you will be better with the new pills. thinking of you xxx

  35. beautiful, beautiful. the colours are perfect on these cards.
    amazing combining the stamps image!!

  36. 2 beautiful cards, I love the second one with a gorgeous Eastern feel. janex

  37. Hi Brenda, i am so sorry to hear you have not been well, and are still suffering with your health. 2 fabulous cards, so very creative! Judy x

  38. Oh my!! BOTH of these cards are so gorgeous, Brenda.
    You achieve such wonderful results with the Pan Pastels.
    The sunray effect of the first one is stunning and these are such beautiful colours on the second one.
    So sorry to hear you have another problem to cope with - more strict dietary measures will be called for I guess.

  39. Hi Brenda, gorgeous cards hun; love the shape of that first one. I hear you are not well at the moment, so sorry for you sweetie! I do hope you'll feel better soon. Will your diet allow you some goodies over Christmas or are you stuck to the healthy stuff? Thinking of you! Hugs Frea

  40. What a beautiful cards. Nice colors too.

    Hugs Astrid.

  41. Hi Brenda, Two beautiful cards, I think the first one is my favourite because of the colours. I was sorry to hear you have more problems as well, will we ever have a year without something new being diagnosed? One thing seems to be constantly leading to something else, it's difficult to stay positive sometimes but crafting definitely helps. Pauline xx

  42. Two Gorgeous cards Brenda... Stunning stamping & colours... Sorry to hear you have a bunch of more pills to take...But Very Glad to hear the sugar levels are getting back to normal... Take care... Hugs May x x x

  43. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. I hope they sort you out diet wise quickly. A whole drawer of trees?! Sounds like bliss!

  44. Glad your flu is clearing up Brenda but not so glad about your other news. Never a dull moment with us is there lol. Be good! Your cards are stunning and yes I do believe you have a drawer just for trees lol.

  45. Hi Brenda, these are both absolutely stunning, I LOVE that fairy silhouette and the colours on the first one and the images on the second one are fabulous too. I am glad to hear that you are recovering from the flu and sorry to hear that you have yet more problems to deal with, I think once you get used to the changes in your diet it could be beneficial and probably not as difficult as it sounds (sorry for going on a bit but having a diet change had a massively positive impact on me and my overall health and so now I am all for revamping diets to suit the individual, I really hope it works out well for you)
    Lindsay xx

  46. these are both beautiful cards brenda; so serene with the images and the lovely soft colouring with the pan pastels - you've really mastered those! sorry to hear you're having a rough spell and i hope you get to feel better soon.
