
Saturday 1 September 2012

News on the horizon

A very good morning Peeps, still very crotchety at this end, why is it that I always take twice me long as 'normal' folk to mend............well of course I know the answer to that one, but it still irritates like fury when my wings are clipped and everything takes twice as long as it should.

Anyhow, I can still pass on my news (below) and as it's Saturday we have a new challenge for you over at Allsorts and this week my lovely teami Debs would like to see anything but a square or rectangle. And no, I've not lost the plot, the square card at the top is not my DT one for Allsorts, they are below. 

The one above is for Flonz Craft.....................I was invited to join their new DT a few weeks ago ........been bursting to share my news...........and it took my just a few moments to accept, it may seem like a moment of insanity but since I was introduced to their stamps only a matter of weeks ago I absolutely loved working with them so the answer was easy really. You may ask why do I take on more, well the less mobile I am the more I take refuge in my maintains my sanity...........there are those who would question that but it's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.

There's more Flonz news to come which I will be sharing with you in a few days time, so watch this space.

So now for my Allsorts DT cards and two for me this week, the easel card below using an image from one of our sponsors DigiStamp Boutique and some paper piecing which I thought worked well with this particular image. The other one is using the lovely Go Create arched dies, a little bit of inking and a sun of course and the lovely Hero Arts poppy image which is also paper pieced plus some stamping in the background with Hero Arts Harlequin and Old French Writing.

Whenever you had planned, I hope you have a lovely weekend and as always many thanks for dropping by.


  1. Fantastic cards hun I love the arch card I think it's my fav of all your cards so far!!!!!

    Congrats again on your Flonz position can't wait to hear your next Flonz news

    Em xxx

  2. Good morning Brenda, congratulations on your new DT appointment, you will be a great asset to the team!
    Wonderful cards this morning, but then your cards are always wonderful :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Many congratulations on your new DT post Brenda. You'll be such an asset to their team and I bet it didn't take them long to decide once they'd seen your work. Thanks for sharing these lovely cards - the arch shaped die is calling to me now. Will have to see if I can find one at Port Sunlight in a few weeks.
    Beryl xx

  4. Brenda your cards are so gorgeous. the first with the ladies is beautiful but also that one with the poppies. Congrats with your new DT appointment.
    Lovely greet and nice weekend

  5. Hi brenda,
    congrats on your mew Dt position at Flonz Craft...loking forward to seeing your creation there :)
    Loved all three cards of your's.. Especially the easel card and the Arch card they are just so gorgeous..awesome paper piecing and stamping!!

  6. I love both shapes on these cards Brenda. I have to say I have always loved the Hero Arts Stamp of the Poppies, and the way you have presented it is beautiful, Gorgeous creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  7. Hi Brenda, what gorgeous cards all so beautiful. I'm so excited to be working with you on the new DT, and your debut card is a real stunner. I hope you're feeling better soon, and I've got to agree that crafting is the perfect excape isn't it?
    Claire xx

  8. Hi Brenda, Congratulations on your new DT post, All three cards are beautiful, I like the elegent ladies and colours on the re first card, the stunning poppies and the wonderful background on the second and the lovely colour combo on the third, I hope you feel a bit better soon.
    Kevin xx

  9. Congratulations Brenda ..your cards are gorgeous and your work is always beautifully present you really are a talented lady.


  10. Stunning card and congrats on your new DT position. Hope things improve soon. Hugs Anesha

  11. Lovely Cards Brenda particularly the poppy one!!Have a restful weekend. Tracy xx

  12. I love that first one - it's definitely "you." As for your excuse - that's not what I would call it: it's being real & down to earth & keeping level-headed!! I always enjoy seeing your Hero Poppy stamp & must remember the paper piecing technique (it sort of flies out of my head most of the time). Take care & much love
    Paula (PEP)

  13. Stunning selection of cards Brenda. and big congratulations on your new DT place with Flonz Craft.
    Hugs Sue

  14. the stamped background on the poppy card is amazing

  15. Really beautiful cards as usual Brenda. Well done on your new DT, will take a look at these stamps. Love the elegant ladies and the shapes and images of the other two are fabulous. Michelle x

  16. Stunning cards Brenda and many congratulations to be asked to join the Flonz DT, looking forward to seeing your Flonz creations xxx

  17. Congrats on your new Design Team Brenda! You don't have to have an excuse for anything you do - whatever makes you happy should make everyone happy for you too :D When I was too ill to do anything (which was most of last year) I made more cards than ever, it really is a good thing I think to have something positive and productive to focus on to take one's attention away for negativity :) I really hope you feel better soon :)

    Enough rambling from me now haha - your cards are amazing as always Brenda, I particularly love the one for Flonz, I love the image, the layout and the papers - you're just so talented! The other two are fab as well of course, I love the colour combos and your poppies too :)

    Take care :)
    Tags xx

  18. Congrats on the NEW DT position ;0) Sorry your not on top form hunny (sending hugs xx) I love all the cards as always but I have to say the first is my fave this time the colour pallet you have chosen and the stamps as well as this fab LO is a total winner for me. The poppies are amazing to fab stamp. wishing you well on your recovery hun xx

  19. Hi Brenda ! You have a lot of talent to create gorgeous & unique cards every time. I can see that you love flowers too ! It is wonderful when we have passions in our life to bring us joy. I hope you are doing a better and happy that you can share with us. Congrats on your newest DT spot ! Shirleyxx

  20. Brenda these are just beautiful. All the elements woks so perfectly together. Wishing you a fab weekend.
    Doing Life
    Digistamps4Joy DT Member
    Tammy’s Scrapin Corner DT Member

  21. Absolutely stunning Brenda, love all of them nice to see the different style and shaped cards. Aud x

  22. Congrats on the new DT position Brenda, they are so lucky to have you. And your cards are absolutely beautiful. I hope you get better soon Brenda. Sorry I haven't been about much. This is my 3rd week with this bloomin' chest infection but I'm finally seeing an end to my coughing.....hopefully. The elephant that was sitting on my chest has thankfully lost a bit of weight, lol, so Im able to breath a bit better haha. Lee x

  23. congrats on your design team, your cards are beautiful!!!
    I believe that being crafty or artist you can express yourself in your work and takes you away from daily troubles, and whatever ails you, keep up with your works of art!!!!

  24. These are awesome! I adore your poppy card. The blue ray pattern and green text grass are perfect. Beautiful design!

  25. good morning brenda, congratulations on your flonz team position! all gorgeous cards; i love the shaped ones and the flonz one is just so elegant and especially pretty in those colours. i hear ya on the mobility and recuperating issue; you're being honest and open and providing people with a glimpse into another perspective, so that's a good thing.

  26. Fab cards Brenda, just love those ladies!

  27. Loving your Flonz card Brenda, it's so elegant. Love the shaped cards too. The paper-piecing in each one is very effective. If I had to choose a favourite it would be the Poppy card as it's one of my favourite images.

    Hope you enjoy your new Design Team work, that should keep you out of mischief lol!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Kat xx

  28. Hi Brenda, Firstly congrates on your new Dt post - and Wow! you have been busy making such beautiful cards, love that elegant ladies card..such beautiful colours and your two flower cards are devine, love the poppies and the 3d of the vase of flowers. Have a great weekend and I hope you feel much better soon, Big Hugs, Teresa x

  29. Beautiful DT cards Brenda, and congratulations on your new DT position, you are very lucky as they do have some gorgeous stamps at Flonzcraft. Sorry not been around this week we have been away for a few days. Hope you are feeling a little better and enjoy the weekend.

    Pat xx

  30. Wow, such stunning cards since my last visit and congrats on your new DT position xx

  31. Hi Brenda - loads of congratulations on your new Design Team, I've a few Flonz stamps as they are one of our sponsors over at Craft Room and I love them..they have such a huge range, being on their team is going to be loads of fun, not surprised you accepted !! Beautiful cards as always...hope you're feeling less crotchety soon, Esther xx

  32. Wow, so gorgeous cards!!!! I love it!
    You are the best!!!

  33. Beautiful cards B, with so many wonderful details as always, love the paper piecing and gorgeous colours and shapes. Congrats on your DT place with Flonz, well deserved, and thanks for your lovely comments left for me on my blog!
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  34. Congratulations on your new DT position. They are very lucky to have you. The top card is very elegant and I just love the flower cards.
    Nikki x

  35. What a great set of cards again! Love the forms that you used for the Allsorts cards! Have a fine weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  36. Oh wow, such classy cards, loving the vintage ladies in the first, and adore the sparkly poppies, and those gorgeous yellow beauties in a vase are perfect! Way to go Brenda!

  37. Congrats on the DT position can't wait to see more creations with those amazing images. I love the colours you used in the first card. Then two more beautifully shaped cards. Yes, it's me again doing catch up. So glad hubby is busy watching NASCar on TV. :-)

  38. Love Gothic arches, so your beautiful poppy card is right up my street - just lovely! Great news about a new DT position to - congratulations!
    Alison x
