
Monday 24 September 2012

More trees

My apologies to my teamies at Craft a Scene challenge, this should have posted yesterday, but was one of the posts Blogger managed to lose in his enforced interface changeover and coupled with the events of Friday into Saturday I failed to realise it was missing.

I know these things ease with time, but at the moment there is a huge void and lots of tears. I know we have other lovable dogs, but they are all young and playful and yet to develop the art of real companionship, it takes a long while to gain the perception to give a wag of the tail and a raised paw in response to the wave of a hand as Buffy always did.

So at last the cards I made a few weeks ago for my mid month DT post where we have the theme of 'Trees' and it will come as no surprise that I really enjoyed this one and didn't have a lack of ideas.

The top card uses a mixture of Art Impression, Creative Expressions and Stamp Addicts images. Sponging masking and inking as usual and some poppies in the foreground to add a little colour.

My second card was one that came to me in the middle of the night when I was thinking about crafting.......... as you do..............and it occurred to me that a very old A Stamp in the Hand image might work with the Stampscapes mountain range and I'm actually quite pleased how it turned out. The colour is sponged on with Adirondack inks and the little guy in the water fishing is also a Stapscapes image. The pinecones were made using a Tim Holts Alterations die, I'm not sure if it's a new one but I saw it the other week and had to have it. They don't show up too well on the picture above so here's a close up of them, I know it doesn't take a lot to please me, but I think they're really cool.

Thanks for taking a peek and if you have not already joined in our challenge this month or if you've never tried making a scene before, then now must be the time and look forward to seeing you there.


  1. Oh wow Brenda these are out of the world creations. You are uber talented.

  2. Two stunning creations Brenda...just love the black and white effect with the touch of colour and those pine cones are fabulous, they look so real..


  3. Beautiful cards Brenda, I like the scenes, I like the touch of red on the first card, and the mountain range on the second.
    Kevin xx

  4. Gorgeous cards Brenda ,, both of them are beautiful !! fabulous stamping and details ,, stunning !! :-)

    sending more hugs ,,,, xx

    Lols x x x

  5. I love these kind of cards. They are so gorgeous!

  6. Nice scenery cards!! My favourite is the first one. Love the red poppies in the front!

  7. Слов нет. Очень красиво.

  8. Two beautiful scenic cards Brenda, you are so artistic, they are brilliant! Judy x

  9. Gorgeous work Brenda, my favourite is the 2nd one, the pine cones are really cool. Keep creating even through the tears, there is a lot of love out here being sent to you. Take each day slowly but surely,
    Jane x

  10. Beautiful scenic stamping - I love the trees!!

  11. These are so gorgeous. I love the depth to the scene and the lovely serene feel.
    Lorraine x

  12. Two very beautiful cards Brenda...:o)

    big hugs Vicky xx

  13. Great job!
    Love them both, and your pinecones are amazing!

  14. Really beautiful cards - lovely colours and materials. Hope you have a good week.

  15. sorry your still hurting, it doesn't go over night though you do have the right to be sad.
    your craft work is simply stunning, you are a talented lady.
    hugs janex

  16. two beautiful cards brenda! as always, the techniques you used are beautifully done. i love the pop of red in the first one and the 3d pinecones on the second. i also love your new banner.
    hugs, linda

  17. Too beautiful for words, both of them. I love the poppies on the first one and the pine cones on the second but I also love everything else about them!!!! Michelle x

  18. Two beautiful cards Brenda, second one reminds me of what we have just left behind in Canada. Love the cones too. Carolxx

  19. Two stunning scenes, Brenda! Love the poppies in the first one! x

  20. Gorgeous cards. I love the pinecones.
    Nikki x

  21. I always enjoy seeing your stunning creations Brenda. These are just wonderful. The scenes you have created and the colours you have used are gorgeous. I love those fir cones too.
    take care
    Hugs Sue

  22. Brenda, these are so beautiful. Great details on them both.

  23. Yet more breathtaking creations, you are truly inspiring xx

  24. These two cards are fabulous Brenda. You are a very talented lady to create such wonderful scenes.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  25. These are beautiful Brenda, both so unique, really idyllic scenes. I can imagine how you're feeling and there's not really anything I can say to make you feel better, so big hugs, take care and take it one day at a time.

    Tags xx

  26. Stunning cards Brenda. Love the touch of colour from those beautiful poppies in the first one. The second one looks very peaceful too. And I love the sparkly pine cones.

    I know what you mean about Buffy being a real companion. Our two boys are still a bit daft. I think Blue will turn out to be a really nice quiet dog.....eventually. He's much quieter and more biddable than Max. Max is a little devil, full of mischief and his tail never stops wagging. But he does like his own way!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. Hi Brenda both card are incredibly beautiful and the scenes look amazing I am in awe of your talent.
    lorraine x

  28. So sorry to hear about your Buffy. I know she was not doing well, but I missed the passing. Your creations are always stunning and I am sure that you will dedicate some of your future work to Buffy. Take care Brenda! NancyD

  29. Two stunning cards Brenda - the river scene is awesome.
    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through lots of sadness right now, and I wish you happier times to come.
    Sylvia xx

  30. You said your quite pleased on how your second card turned out. Well my friend you should be proud not just pleased. You already know i love your scenes and this is just stunning. I also love how the poppies pop on the first card too. These are so gorgeous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  31. A lovely touching description of Buffy - that is what is so special about the bond with an animal.
    The pinecones are delightful & superbly atmospheric but it is the first that takes my breath away - the horse & the scenery in those muted tones with the brightness of the poppies in the foreground is quite special.
    Paula (PEP)

  32. They are beautiful your cards, allow entry in the scene!

  33. Two fab cards doing what you do so well. Love both scenes you have created - and your pine cones are brill. Bet that die will get a good few outings in the next couple of months.
    Beryl xx

  34. Absolutely stunning, they must take you ages, Luv Sam x

  35. Uauu, great cards. I love your stamping. It's perfect.

  36. You can never have too many trees, and when they are with water and mountains they are wonderful. I love those pine cones and both cards are stunning :O)
    Jackie xx

  37. oh wow Hun these are stunning I love the scenes you always do they are just amazing and oh so so effecitve and that pine cone is stunning,hugs Cherylxxx

  38. You always manage to get such depth to your images, Brenda, as if you could almost step in! 2 beautiful cards! Hope your pain eases soon, Lisa x

  39. Love your gorgeous scenic cards Brenda.

  40. These are gorgeous, I wish I lived closer to you I could come and have some

  41. These are gorgeous, I wish I lived closer to you I could come and have some

  42. 2 fabulous scene, your colouring is extra as always ! i admire your talent !
    Hope you will have better day soon, i know that it's difficult my friend.
    Take care.

  43. Such stunning cards Brenda, gorgeous scenes x

  44. Your cards are always beautiful!

  45. Two more wonderful cards, love the pine cones on the second one.

  46. WOW, two stunning cards Brenda.

    hugs sally x

  47. I love how you create scenes on your cards! Wonderful details!
    Hugs Trish

  48. Two cards that are absolute beauties nd your pine cones are fantastic. Mine that I made on my tag are nowhere as good. Hugs Mrs .A.

  49. Wonderful, wonderful. Love both scenes. Especially the guy fishing and those wonderful trees along the edge.
