
Tuesday 11 September 2012

By the sea

This is going to be a really quick post because my craft room is in uproar and most of my goodies packed away. Why I hear you ask, well hubby decided my craft room was ready for an overhaul and on Sunday morning without warning ripped the carpet up, so yesterday was a mad rush to finish DT work and schedule posts for the next week or two. I will still be able to comment/blog on my lappy but I store all my images and prepare posts on my desktop as it's visually much easier for me to work with.

My card is one I created playing with my new Pan Pastels, I won some in their challenge and needless to say one thing led to another and I 'needed' more. I am totally blown away by how easy they are to work withm they blend beautifully and using the small sponge tools you can even colouring with them, my whole card was coloured with them alone. So I thought it only right I entered my card into their challenge this week. The stamps are Sheena Douglass.

Hopefully it won't be too long before I get back to normality craft wise, but I'm a realist and know these things don't happen overnight, especially as hubby will be trying to fit everything that needs doing around work.

Pan Pastel - By the Sea


  1. Brenda this is so beautifully designed coloured. Wishing you a fab Tuesday.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. For a woman who doesn't colour this is fab.. and how lucky to have a craft room overhaul.. i think we can put up with the disruption lol
    Lisa x

  3. Beautiful card, love PanPastels as well, they are beautiful to work with. Hope your new craftroom will be great!

  4. Beautiful scenic card, Brenda! It doesn't matter which tools you use, all your coloring are of TOP quality. So nice that your DH is giving your craft room a new look.

  5. What a lovely card Brenda, I really like how you've coloured with your pastels and the image is super

    hope you get your room back soon

    jacqui x

  6. This is gorgeous Brenda. Beautifully coloured and it is such a relaxing scene.
    Good luck with the craft room overhaul.
    Lorraine x

  7. This looks splendid - love the softness of these PanPastels (I hope to be trying these out soon too as I also won a sample set). Love the scenery on this - really English coastal scene.
    Take care with all the decorating - havoc I know.
    Paula (PEP)

  8. Lovely card and well coloured. xxx

  9. A fantastic card. I love the scene.
    Nikki x

  10. This is stunning Brenda, and such a wonderful peaceful scene. You always make the most amazing works of art.
    I hope that you are taking care of yourself. Thinking of you.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  11. Oh the colouring is fab with these pan pastels, but you're so talented ! Your creation is wonderful Brenda !
    Have a great day ! Oh a new craftroom, it's fantastic ! :-)))

  12. Wow Brenda, this is fabulous I love the scene wonderful colouring with the pan pastels,I must try mine.
    have a great day
    Kevin xx

  13. Gorgeous scene Brenda, the colours are Fabulous, I think I may have to but some of those pan pastels.. they create such a lovely effect.. Good Luck with the crafty space make over.. Hugs May x x x

  14. Wow! Your coloring is stunning! Specially I love the sky. Such a beautiful card.
    Eret xx

  15. Wow this is forgeous, I'm trying hard NOT to want any of

  16. hope you cope without your craft room. Your sea scene is just perfect, you really do scenic cards so well Brenda.

  17. This is beautiful Brenda, you've combined everything brilliantly and the colouring is very clever. Pauline xx

  18. This is stunning Brenda.. Wonderful colours and the image is great..

    Good luck with your new/updated craft room

    Hugs Kelly

  19. A beautiful transquil scene, so beautifully coloured. Love your scenic cards, all so special. Michelle x

  20. Superb cards since my last visit Brenda, I've been glued to the Paralympics so having to play catch up now LOL. Funnily enough, I have just completed my first Pan Pastels card this afternoon but can't show it yet as the recipient may see it :o)
    Jackie xx

  21. Beautiful scenery card, Brenda - I love the colouring with pastels, gives a lovely soft feel..oh to be on that beach with the sun shining! Lisa x

  22. Beautiful card...and lucky you to have a DH ready to tackle a craftroom makeover! Relax and enjoy the ride. I have a few pan pastels, (from being in a new store, not seeing anything that really hollered Buy ME, so I got the pans). Haven't used 'em yet. This may just inspire enough to hunt them up, and try them. You did a great job with them on this card. TFS

  23. Gorgeous card Brenda, you've done a beautiful job with the PanPastels, the whole scene has a lovely soft look to it. Good luck with getting your craft room back in action, I'm sure it will be worth all the upheaval when its finished. Thanks for joining us at PanPAstel UK this week
    Claire xx

  24. Gorgeous, you always amaze me with your brilliant scenic stamping. Wish I was there!

  25. This is lovely Brenda, a lovely scene, hope you get your craft room back to normal, its a bit of a nightmare but Im sure it will all be worth it ,, Aud x

  26. It's beautiful, Brenda! I love it. Reminds me those sheena stamps haven't seen ink yet here. Hope the craft room makeover doesn't take too long.

  27. Great coloring, Brenda! And the stamps are just beautiful. I long to work with the panpastels, but will ask some of them for my birthday next year. (Have set in my mind on first use everything else I have packed in my little craftroom.) I'm curious how your craftroom is going to look after the "make-over"! Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Ah.. Beautiful, Brenda!!! Your senic cards are just perfect.

  29. Beautiful colouring Brenda! Looks a lot like water colours. I have never used pan pastels, in fact I don't even know what they are lol! I have a lot to learn yet!
    Your new blog look is very nice too!
    Pearl x

  30. It didn't take you long to become a dab hand with the Pan Pastels. This is a lovely scene, beautifully shaded and the sky is fab.
    Beryl xx

  31. I love this beautiful Scene Brenda, the shading and greenery of the hillsides with the beautiful lake and boats is so peaceful, could really see myself floating away there!

  32. Great card! I'm going to have to check out the panpastels!
    Seen them used lots, and this is wonderful!
    Good luck with the crafty overhaul!

  33. Hi darling
    it was a little while I didn't pass here.... how are you?? I hope you are fine dear!!
    this card is simply amazing!!
    warm hugs

  34. Beautiful card Brenda, such a lovely peaceful image and great work with the Pan Pastels. Hope the craft room overhaul doesn't take too long, but what a lovely hubby deciding it needed doing without twisting his arm up his back!!!! Have a good day.

    Pat xx

  35. Hi there B. thanks so very much for popping over and your lovely comments :D so hubby has the bug to do some sorting and overhauling your precious creative space.. we will look forward to the transformation :D
    And Pan Pastels!! I do did not need to hear how wodnerful they are to use as not even on a shopping list of any sort for me - not for me maybe one day in distant future we might get a supplier over here and may not cost us so much. Maybe should enter their comp and win some eh?? :D
    I do love this seaside card though and you certainly have used them,and the great stamps to creative effect - thinking of Buffy, and her owners, God bless, Shaz in oz.x

  36. Love the boats on the shore and the fab landscape you have created.

  37. Lovely card Brenda and a gorgeous scene...just had a quick look back in your blog as your gorgeous cards. I am still away but managed to sneak 10mins on a PC....back next week


  38. Oh Brenda send your hubby over my way, I have lots of carpet I would liked ripped up and replaced. :-) Wonderful card...terrific scene you have created and those pastel colours come up really nice. Hope the renovations go smoothly.

  39. Hi Brenda, wow what a stunning result, havent yet given the pastels a chance but if the end result is half as good as yours will have to give it a go. Good luck with the carpet laying. hugs Shirleyxxx

  40. Brenda it sounds like you husband got a shot of remodeling craftiness!!! During all that, you still were able to create this tranquil scene!

  41. Wow! This is absolutely stunning Brenda, I knew you would get on well with the PanPastels, so gorgeous, I hope you like your new craft room when it's finished. Whilst I am here thank you for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
    Lindsay xx

  42. Oh Brenda, this is such a lovely scene. I may have to join in this "by the sea" challenge. I am really enjoying PanPastels as well. I bought a set second hand and then had to go out and add a few additional colors. They are so nice for coloring in scenes that I now use them on almost all my projects. Lovely work as usual, Brenda. NancyD

  43. Stunning scene Brenda. Love your colouring. I've heard of Pan Pastels but I haven't actually seen them.

    Hope the renovation of your craft room goes ok and doesn't take too long! But I'm sure we all know what husbands are like.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  44. Oh this is lovely Brenda! My hubby would love this card. I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my Blog with such a lovely, much apreciated, comment. Judy x

  45. Lovely card and really GREAT colouring with your pp's


  46. Wow, this is stunning Brenda x

  47. This is gorgeous Brenda, lovely scenic card, so peaceful. never tried those pan pastels...looks so beautiful xx

  48. Hi Brenda, this is gorgeous, love the scene you have created. The shading from the PP's is brilliant, haven't tried these.
    Avril xx

  49. What a delightful image & card - brilliant work, JxPS your colouring is amazing!
