
Tuesday 10 July 2012

The lifts not going to the top floor

Hello Peeps, hope you are all having a good week.

This really is a mega quick post, nothing going to plan at this end, just a body that won't play the game.......again. I came back from holiday so refreshed, more mobile than in ages and with a lot less pain, so I am well miffed that it's all back to square one.................could the answer be a permanent holiday in the sun ?

So huge apols that I've not visited any of you very much, but at the mo I can't navigate my fingers and arms to  use the keyboard properly, let alone see it clearly for more then a few moments at a time. I'm only grateful that I managed to get some magazine work off to the States at the weekend, otherwise I would be well and truly up the creek.

All of that means not a lot to share other than a couple of pieces I made a while back using my favourite masking and inking, samples for Stampalot I think, can you tell the lift's really not going to the top floor at the moment ?

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday everyone, thanks for taking a look and sorry if I sound like I'm moaning, it's just the frustration of the limitations this silly disease creates.


  1. Hi Brenda sorry to hear you aren't feeling as well as you did...I think the sun does help...but unfortunately we are getting much of that in the UK at the moment!
    Your cards as always are stunning...and love all your sentiments


  2. Hi Brenda gorgeous card the colours are beautiful. Take care and I hope your feeling alot better soon. Caroline xxx

  3. So sorry you are not doing so good. Hope things improve. Love the card.

  4. Gorgeous cards!
    Take care of yourself.....your post title made me smile, cause I was just thinking that about one of the employees I work with!!!
    I'd never use it to describe you!

  5. Hello Brenda, Your cards are gorgeous - the colours and masking are fabulous.

    I'm sorry to read that your mobility isn't where it should be. Definately sunshine provides us with healing therapy. I wish I could send some of our sun your way :) I hope that you feel better soon, Shirleyx

  6. brilliant creations B, more sun and warmth could just be the answer to it all, too bad you don't seem to have a lot of that at the moment...

  7. Beautiful cards with beautiful sentiments Brenda. The lift is definitely going to the top floor! Sorry you are not well, sending warm wishes, Michelle x

  8. So sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment, life is so unfair sometimes :-( Your cards are stunning, I love the colours and the images just pop with all the white space x

  9. Beautiful work as always, I just love the colour combo on the second one it is really stunning. You are not moaning Brenda - just frustration as you say.
    Lynn x

  10. I love the simplicity of them and the sentiments. Same boat as you Brenda, think the lifts gone to Basement and jammed lol! Hope things pick up soon for you, so frustrating trying to get on with life. Carolxx

  11. Wow, both so very beautiful Brenda!

  12. So sorry you are suffering again, Brenda. Hope this spell passes soon for you. The continual wet cannot help! Your cards though are just fabulous.

  13. Sorry to hear you are not feeling good, it's the bad wheather. hope you've got some sun there to heal!
    Beautiful cards as always;-))m

  14. Lovely cards. Hoping you feel better soon. xxxx

  15. So sorry to hear your not feeling so good Brenda,I am sending healing thoughts, Both cards are beautiful
    Kevin xx

  16. Two gorgeous cards, Brenda, and one of them is here in my living room! I hope you are more mobile soon. The better weather is going to return by the end of next week you know, particularly to the fens and suffolk coast (it had better!!!). Big hugs x

  17. What a beautiful cards. Nice colors.

    Hugs Astrid.

  18. Sorry to hear you are in pain Brenda. Its this bloomin' soggy wet gets into the bones! Im convinced of it. I must say, these cards are so beautiful. I love the sentiment on the first card although if the most beautiful things in the world cannot be heard or seen......well then I must be a bloomin' ugly mug because I never shut up and you can hear me coming before you see me, lol!! Lee x

  19. Your cards are so beatiful Brenda and I love your sentiments too. I hope you wille be better soon and I hope (also for me) summer. It is here in Holland wet, wet, wet.
    Lovely greet

  20. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.

    Your cards are beautiful.

  21. Two beautiful cards Brenda, love the flower image on the second, just so elegant. Sorry you are not feeling too good hope it's a temporary lapse and that you are soon feeling better.

    Pat xx

  22. Loving these simple elegant cards Brenda, just stunning.

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling too good at the moment. My niece has had MS for 24 years, since she was only 21 and just married. Her best times were her 3 pregnancies. But she's a great girl and has always tried to do everything she can with her boys when she's well. The youngest will be 17 in a fortnight so I guess they all know what she can and cannot do. She's like you she just gets on with it and does her best to do what she can when she can. It's a horrible disease but I think she's like you and just deals with it.

    Hope you feel better soon,

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  23. Hugs, positive thoughts and utter admiration. XOXO Zoe

  24. What a "peep"-dissease!!! Just wish the MS could leave you alone or at least stay at a point that you keep enough energy to get the lift a lot higher... Hope for warmer weather for you, maybe that will do the trick for a while ... The cards you made are beautiful and I'm sending some positive energy to you, maby it will help. Greetings, Gerrina

  25. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear that your health is not very good again, I do hope that the sun will shine and bring a bit of warmth maybe that will help a little. I totally love your wonderful cards, the images are beautiful especially on the second card, the sentiments are perfect.
    Lorraine x

  26. oh hun,these are just sheer elegance,you always,make the most amazing backgrounds with so much too,see and the effect you always achieve is just, stunning,so sorry to hear you are not well Hun,bless your heart,take it easy sweetie,and take care hugs Cherylxxxxxxx

  27. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you are not too good at the mo, l agree sunshine is needed.Beautiful cards today - l must be having a weak moment as the sentiments have reduced me to tears - they are so true. Take care and wishing you sunshine x Susan x

  28. Beautiful cards Brenda - fabulous inking and images.

    I do hope you feel better very soon. Take care - Sylvia x

  29. Two beautiful inky cards. A permanent holiday in the sun may well help..! Sorry you're not feeling great and I hope things improve soon, Ruth x

  30. Moan all you like Brenda....I think you are amazing putting together such terrific cards daily. Love these cards, both are simply beautiful. Lovely colours and perfect sentiments. Take care.

  31. So sorry to hear that your body isn't playing nice again for you. It must be so frustrating - especially as you felt so well after the holiday. Hope things settle for you soon. In the meanwhile thank you for sharing these two lovely cards.
    Beryl xx

  32. sorry your not feeling so well, hope you feel better!!!!
    Lovely cards, and love the sentiments!!!

  33. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I love the colours and the clean and simple designs. Take care X

  34. How extremely frustrating for you! Hope that you get some sun soon so you can go bask, sure that would make everything feel better. The cards are lovely, esp like the second one. Had a laugh about your title! Hope that you feel better soon,

  35. I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing so well at present Brenda...hugs
    Both cards are so beautiful, very classy CAS cards :o)
    Jackie xx

  36. Hi Brenda, gorgeous cards!! Love the sentiment on the first one and love the way you fotographed the second one with those matching beads! Hugs ,Frea

  37. Aw bless you-don't worry I know what you mean, I've tried looking for a new body but to no avail.... Keep smiling sweetie, thinking of you and sending you a big hug.Love these two cards - fab crisp lines, beautiul sentiments and great techniques - stunning.Hugs Debbie x

  38. Brenda, I love your cards, they are so special and clever!

  39. I've had you much in my thoughts & sympathize with your frustration. Thank you for your note about signing up - very thoughtful especially at present.
    The sentiment on your last card is beautiful & made me think - you often do.
    Much love & hope there's a turn for the better soon.
    Paula (PEP)

  40. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you're not well again, what a nuisance. Hope you're soon back to normal. In the meantime, I've ordered some lovely warm sunshine for you. I'm sure we'd all feel better for that!

    Gorgeous cards, love that masking/inky technique. Big hugs, Lynne x

  41. wishing you a speedy recovery, my dear!
    those times in life can be very hard...but we think of you and pray for you!
    thanx for your honest post...makes us all connected with you!

    i love the style of your cards! they are so noble and fabulous!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  42. 2 very beautiful cards, sometimes simple is just the most stunning. janex

  43. Two stunning cards as always Brenda, I'm always so pleased when I come and have a look, you give me the inspiration that I so much need now :) .. hope your fingers and arms will be better soon.. and a permanent holiday might help yes he he :D xxx

  44. Hi Brenda I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing very well at the moment. I hope that your mobility returns really soon. I always enjoy visiting you and also your lovely comments you also leave me. Please take care. Your cards here are stunning and the sentiment very apt!
    Jane x

  45. These cards are just gorgeous!!! I am so sorry that you are struggling with health issues!!! (((hugs))) TFS!!!!!

  46. Thanks for sharing such beautiful cards :) I hope you are feeling better soon.

  47. Simply elegant, beautiful cards Brenda!

    Love the blocks of colour and the white space, so awesome!

  48. Again, very nice cards Brenda! Really love your style!
    Wishing you all the best!

  49. Sorry to hear that you are not doing so well with the mobility, Brenda! Hope it will be over soon and sending you some miserable sunshines from NLD which I hope will help a little bit!

    Beautiful and serene card!

  50. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well .
    Nikki x

  51. This two cards are really gorgeous


  52. Beautiful creations B, love the panels of colour and stunning images with the crisp white CAS background - perfect!
    Praying that things get better for you!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  53. Hi Terminator,
    I am so sorry to hear about Buffy, it just goes to show how strong you are to be there for her while you are not at your best.
    I hope you feel better soon, and I think I would go with the permanent holiday idea, well it wouldn't hurt to try.;)
    Hope to catch up with you soon
    Big Hugs

  54. Ciao, le tue card sono stupende, complimenti.

    ciao ciao,

  55. love the clean & simple style of theese cards, and those sentiments are beautiful :)

  56. love these simple yet beautiful cards very much....
