
Saturday 21 July 2012

A tad distressed

Good morning one and all, do we think there is any chance of sunshine here in the UK this weekend ? I certainly do hope so, this ongoing rain is becoming more than a little tedious.

Before I tell you about a new challenge at Allsorts this week, a little reminder that you can win a £20 Sir Stampalot voucher by joining in my little fun challenge which you can read about here. And I really should clarify that although I waffled on about poppies you don't have to use poppies on your card, you can just use the beautiful red colours as inspiration, I realise that not everyone is as fanatical about buying poppy stamps as I am……… and one or two other peeps out there I know….… you know who you are !!

So so back to this weeks Allsorts challenge where Fleur have chosen the theme of 'Distressing', as you can imagine I was quite at home with this one.

We have a new sponsor this week, a New Zealand company Flonz Craft who very kindly provided all of the Design Team with stamps to use on their work, one of those I selected was this pretty bird image and as the stamps as so beautifully detailed I simply stamped with distress inks and pulled the colour out a little. Some nice grungy edges with some frantage powder embossed here and there and I also added some to the TH fence die. The DP is from stash but I think it may be MME.

Hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Brenda this is fabulous and I adore what you have done with that beautiful stamp.

    Huhs Shirley x x

  2. What a wonderful card Brenda, I love the distressing. I love those wonderful poppy photographs too :o)
    I hope all goes well with Buffy...hugs
    Jackie xx

  3. Fabulous card Brenda and I love the birdie stamp. I'm sending the link to the new company to my niece in Pinner who comes originally from New Zealand - so I'm sure will want to have a browze round their store.
    Beryl xx

  4. Красивая открытка!!!

  5. Your card is wonderful Brenda!
    Love the colours and the image with the birds is beautiful :)
    Hope you are ok sweetie :)
    Enjoy your summer, hope the sun is shining where you are!

  6. Wow Brenda, what a gorgeous card. I love that bird stamp and all the frantage, beautiful colour palette too. Its a beautiful sunny morning here so I hope you get to enjoy some sunshine too
    Claire xx

  7. Just one word sums this card up FAB-U-LOUS....


  8. A great card B.
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  9. Such a stunning card hun xxx

  10. oh Brenda .. i am already distressed with the birds lol.. best get the poppy stamps out to calm me down!
    Lisa x

  11. oh wow Hun this is stunning one amazing card Hun,brilliant design,so effective hugs Cherylxxxxxx

  12. Aren't Flonze a great company to work with! Gorgeous gorgeous card planning a little play over the week-end. Robot fingers doing a great job so pleased you have found a solution! XOXO Zoe

  13. Hi Brenda what a stunning card! The style is right up my street. I love the images and colour palette. Can I thank you too fir visiting my blog and leaving such kind comments. Crafty hugs from your newest follower , Annie x

  14. The butterflies work beautifully with those birds & I do like the way you've pulled the colour out on those. The colour of the Frantage is lovely combined with the aquas & browns.
    Paula (PEP)

  15. I love those birdies, a fabulous distressed look card. janex

  16. Beautiful card Brenda, I love those birds, I like all the distressing the papers the flower and the twine.
    Kevin xx

  17. Brenda, this is gorgeous.

  18. Stunning bit of distressing B, love the birds and the gorgeous colours!
    Have a great weekend enjoying the sunshine :)
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  19. What a beautiful piece of art Brenda. Every detail is so amazing. Loving how you did the edges with the blue glitter, the distressing looks fabulous, and a really beautiful color combo too.
    I hope you are getting some sunshine this weekend, so sorry it's been such a rainy summer for you. It's been way too hot here, and we need rain badly.

  20. Simply love the card Brenda :)
    Von ♥

  21. Beautiful card. Love it!! Good work!

  22. Beautiful card, love the colours and textures. Enjoy the sunshine, I am! :)

  23. I really like that stamp! Beautiful card!

  24. Another gorgeous card Brenda, I love the colours and the layout and those birds are beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  25. Gorgeous Brenda the distressing is just perfect. Love how you've used the frantage powder.

    Today started really well then just before our strawberry fayre the heavens opened. It had to go on as planned so people ended up crammed into the minister's garage or standing under golf umbrellas. The scones with cream and a strawberry were yummy though!!

    I think I'm one of these people who can't resist buying poppy stamps lol! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Kat xx

  26. Absolutely stunning work Brenda, gorgeous soft colours and beautiful detail x

  27. beautifully distressed card; i love all the elements!

  28. gorgeous card, love the colors and details!!!!

  29. Gorgeous card. I love th einking, glitter and the fab cord twine.

  30. Stunning work as always Brenda.
    Hope you are looking after yourself.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
    Take care
    Debs xx

  31. Wow Brenda this is stunning!!
    Laura xx

  32. Stunning Brenda ! I love the textures, soft colours & die cuts in your wonderful creation. I hope you, Buffy and the other four legged family members are doing well :) Great to 'see' you here. Shirleyx

  33. Hi Brenda I do love that image its just stunning. hugs Shirleyxxx

  34. Such a wonderful card! Makes me feel like I'm sitting in an old garden!

  35. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the distressed look and lovely design. Been drier but not a lot of Sunshine up here this weekend. Supposed to be getting some the next few days then back to rain. Carolxx

  36. Absolutely gorgeous piece - beautiful colours and textures, and that blue weathered border round the edges is glorious!
    Alison x

  37. Brenda, your card is stunning, love the distressing, the colours and my favourite thing - butterflies. Gorgeous card. A x

  38. super pretty birdies, I really love what you did with the inks! looks so nice!
