
Wednesday 16 May 2012

The sweet smell of May blossom

Well I don't know what to say really because the sun looks to be shining at the moment, but we had rain the last couple of days again and really heavy at times. What a contract to this time last year when it was so dry that the grass just didn't grow and the price of hay went sky high, this year it's growing like a triffid but at this rate it will be wet to cut and turn. Do you get the impression I'm getting paranoid and fed up with the weather ?

So much so that I had a morning of total insanity when the travel agent rang up to say they had a "not to be missed deal" which of course I dismissed until I took a proper look. The upshot is we are off on holiday in two weeks time, never ever have we booked so close to departure, but the travel agent was right and it was a phenomenal deal. There was no choice about cabins, just the one going cheap, but it's a suite in a great deck location and like last year all bubbles included.....yep the ones out of popping bottles. So we head off to Barcelona first, a couple of French ports, Florence, Roma, Athens a couple of Greek Islands and home via Venice. I can never get enough of Roma and Venice and can't wait, not to mention giving my scooter a bit of a challenge.

All of my shares today are DT cards made for Ruth at A Passions for Stamps and there are links to all the images in the thumbnails below.

The one at the top uses the Rhododendron image, printed out quite a few times and cut down to decoupage, an embossed background and a bow and beaded stick pin to embellish. I've only just realised I've used the same PB sentiment on two of these cards, could be I rather like it !

My second card is very simple, the beautiful Hawthorn.........which I just adore when it comes into boom this month around the paddocks with it's heady perfume............printed into linen cardstock, coloured with watercolours pencils and a punched border top and bottom.

And my third share............which I notice has a wonky leaf in the picture but promise it's put right now on the card...............using the honeysuckle image, again coloured with watercolour pencils, a border die and some die cut roses and another PB sentiment.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your Thursday and as always I really appreciate your visits.


  1. These are just beautiful. Loving the designs.
    DS4J DT Member
    Doing Life

  2. Three really beautiful classy cards.

  3. Hello Brenda. I just love to see all your wonderful creations. So very pretty and delicate, love your designs. You always make the most stunning pieces of work. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xxx

  4. Brenda such lovely cards, hard to say which one I like best (possibly the first one?). I have just bought loads of hay and haylege in for my horse as I have a feeling it could end up being hard to get hold of later in the year...let's hope for some better hay making weather.

  5. Such beautiful work Brenda and I am so jealous. Lucky you getting to go to Venice. I would love to visit Florence and how exciting French ports. Enjoy.

  6. WOW these are so beautiful Brenda. Specially the first one. Marvelous work.
    lovely greet

  7. Three stunning cards Brenda, they are all so beautiful and both sentiments are lovely :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. All Beautiful cards Brenda, btu the first is so eye catching.
    Your cruise sounds fab!
    Avril xx

  9. Just stunning Brenda. I totally love that past present and future stamp, how fabulous, I must have it for my Scrapbooking it would be so useful.

  10. Very elegant beautiful cards!

  11. Beautiful cards Brenda - and is that Spirea in the background? No hawthorn round here. I'm used to having it in the garden and in the surrounds. There must be some in a park somewhere - I'll have ot go exploring if we ever get a day without rain and hail storms every hour or so.
    Hope you have a wonderful holiday - sounds like a great deal.
    Beryl xx

  12. Such beautiful cards Brenda, love your idea of showing them against a backdrop of blossoms. Wouldn't get off with doing that here, windy and hailstone here yesterday. Your holiday sounds very inviting, booked ours too yesterday. Carolxx

  13. stunning cards again Brenda. your work is sooooo prefessional and crisp... love it..

    hugs kelly

  14. These cards are just so beautiful,the first ...gasp ...just so wonderful.
    Lucky you going on your hols, I love Barcellona the fabulous architecture, I have a stiff neck the whole time looking up at the wonderful buildings, my dream would be to live in the Gothic quarter.
    My Mum's just got back from a Med cruise, the pictures of the garden/park in Monaco where amazing.

  15. I love all three cards, they are beautiful and the flowers look so delicate I like the embossing and the shape of the third one, How nice to be going away, I hope the weather will be good for you.
    Kevin xx

  16. These are all stunning as usual, I really love the first one, such beautiful colours. How exciting your trip sounds, I hope you have a wonderful time and manage to find some sunshine on your travels (bringing some home with you as well wouldn't hurt lol). I think you have started something by sending me the aqua markers lol I love them and I need to buy more now. Hope you are having a good day
    Lindsay xx

  17. Your cards are beautiful. Wow what a fabulous trip you have planned.I hope you have a wonderful time.

  18. Your holiday sounds wonderful.
    I love your cards and the sentiment from the first two is fantastic.
    Nikki x

  19. All fabulous cards Brenda the first being my favourite.
    Any room in your case for me? I'm fed up with the weather too and champagne is my drink of choice!
    Hugs Laurie xx

  20. I love that first project - the colours are just glorious & the wreath a super idea. The sentiment is so true too but not so easy to put into practice. It sound as if you're going to have a lovely time & I do hope that little scooter proves its worth. The soft palettes in the latter two projects really make me think of summer too & I love the background of that last one.
    Paula (PEP)

  21. your cards are amazing but I have to say that the first card is just stunning...that is sooo gorgeous...what an awesome design...

  22. Could be I rather like that sentiment too brenda, all gorgeous cards and the flower wreath popped up looks fantastic. Sounds like you are going to have a fab time and get some better weather, well done you. hugs heidi x

  23. That first pink flower wreath card just blew me away! Such a delicate beauty!

  24. These are all so beautiful!!!

  25. Beautiful cards, hopeyou have a great holiday.

  26. very pretty, and love the sentiments !!!

  27. Beautiful cards - Ruth's images are always gorgeous. Isn't it strange how those little rascally leaves shift themselves just for the photo shoot :) Lovely sentiments too. Your trip sounds exciting. I've been to Rome and it remains one of my favourite places. Hope you have a wonderful time. Elizabeth x

  28. Your cards are so amazing Brenda, I just love all the details you put into them, beautiful embossing and fabulous colors with the white. My favorite one is the first one on top, I just love how that color looks with the white, and the bow and pin are just so gorgeous.

  29. Brenda you have some serious art skills!

  30. Oh so fabulous card again ! Love them all ! The sentiment is wonderful !
    Oh wow, such a nice trip you will have, so romantic !

  31. Exquisite work Brenda and beautifully photographed. Enjoy your hol it sounds lovely.
    Lynn x

  32. Ooohhh these cards are stunning Brenda and your holiday sounds fabulous, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time x

  33. Your cards are very delicate. I especially like the first!

  34. OH Brenda am so jealous .. would love to go on a cruise ( mind you don;t let Bonnie the camper hear me say that!) - you must be so excited !
    Love all these cards - but the top one is my favourite!
    Lisa x

  35. Brenda these are absolutely stunning. I think you've surpassed yourself with these 3 cards. I love them all. Think I may need to case them. They're all so elegant. Love that PB sentiment too.

    Your holiday sounds wonderful. Well done for grabbing the chance.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  36. Hi Brenda, 3 gorgeous cards today, the top one is my fav, it is so delicate l can almost smell the blossom. My apple tree is beautiful at the mo with such pretty blossom. Lucky you getting a good deal on a hol, it sounds fantastic. We love cruising and are just having a short one this year to Norway. Take care x Susan x

  37. Stunning cards Brenda! :)

    and wow! hope you have a fabby time on holiday, it sounds fabulous! :)



  38. Beautiful cards Brenda. The cruise sounds lovely.

  39. Wow B These are stunning,gorgeous and I love the perfect sentiment on the first one
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  40. Wow, I love all three cards ! The first is especially beautiful. Love that bow ! Happy cruising, Shirley

  41. Oh My! All of your flowers that you've done are just beautiful! I love the floral wreath of the first one the best!

  42. All three cards are pretty, but the first just really stands out, at least to me. What a fantastic sounding trip! I'm sure you'll have a marvelous time, just remember all of it so you can tell us about it! Oh yes, some pictures, please!

  43. Gorgeous cards as ever, Brenda and your holiday sounds fabulous, do you think I can come too? I am sure there would be!
    What do you think about Kenny? I think he should have been given another season, but it's all business now.... shame!

  44. Oh what wonderful cards Brenda, absolutely love the first one. Sounds like a wonderful holiday.

  45. Absolutely stunning cards! They all have a lovely touch. Sounds like a fantastic trip planned! I haven't been to Venice since I was Sweet 16...wonderful memories,Ruth x

  46. Hi darling
    gorgeous creations!!!! I hope you are fine....



  47. Fabulous cards Brenda, can't choose a fav as all are just perfect... your wee holiday sounds fantastic, would love to see your pics it sounds wonderful...Hugs May x x x

  48. Oh Brenda you lucky ducky getting away on a Cruise. I would LOVE to get to Italy, particularly Rome. But considering I was an Archaeology student at Uni.....I'm pretty fascinated with "old stuff", lol. These cards are incredibly beautiful. I love the embossing. Stunning. Lee x

  49. This is so the colors....

  50. Wow, stunningly beautiful cards! xx

  51. lol @ the Day of the Triffids reference!

    AND WOW! What an awesome trip that sounds like, get lots of pics to share! Absolutely love the sound of it all, oh to join you! think I could stowaway in your luggage ;-) hehee

    Your cards are divine as always! Love the embossing and beautiful sentiment stamps quotes!!

  52. hi brenda, sorry i'm a bit behind in commenting and i think i missed getting some updates too. you sure have been busy creating some beautiful cards. enjoy your vacation and relaxation!

  53. Your cards are beautiful!!! Hugs! Leah Ann
