
Sunday 6 May 2012

London 2012

A very Good Morning everyone, the first Sunday of the month means time for new challenges at Stampalot and Penny Black and More and at both we are celebrating the upcoming events here in the UK, the Olympics which is totally global and the Diamond Jubilee of our Queen.

Penny Black launched a great collection of stamps to commemorate the London events and all the stamps I have used for my DT pieces are from that collection.

To create the card at the top I masked a piece of Fabriano watercolour card top and bottom and used ink dusters to achieve the graduated colour and then simply stamped the image and picked out a couple of elements to colour with watercolour pencils.

For my second card I stamped the images and again used watercolour pencils and mounted the three panels onto some red bazzil. The base piece was embossed using coredinations, then sanded down , added some swirls and a flower I made from organza ribbon.

I'm not terrible happy with my third card because I found it so hard to depict the surroundings of St Paul's Cathedral. I looked at loads of pictures I took ages ago when we visited and yes it does have a tree to the left and yes, it does have a wall, but somehow it's not quite right and I have to admit I gave up after the fourth attempt. And of course whilst the spires and parapets are pretty accurate, the front door seems to be missing from the stamp, so this one is very much artistic licence.

I do hope you will join in the challenges this month and show us your version of the London events of Summer 2012.

I am entering the top card into this weeks:

Pans Pastels challenge with the theme Anything Goes


  1. I love your cards about London.
    I love London.
    Hope to go this year again.

    xoxo, Martha

  2. Again such a beautiful creations Brenda. Love them all.
    Lovely greet and nice Sunday

  3. oh wow these are brilliant .. i just love that top one. A fabulous scene
    Lisa x

  4. the technique on the top card is just awesome! I'm right now very fascinated by distressing or brayering backgrounds and using clean silouette stamps and that's all thanks to you =)

  5. Absolutely stunning cards Brenda, love the top one, just gorgeous x

  6. Oh, I wish I could come to London this summer, to attend the Olimpic Games!
    I always love Penny Black rubberstamps :)))

  7. Three fab cards and it's a pity you're not happy with the third coz that's my favourite. I love the scene you have created. Really beautiful.
    Bery xx

  8. Beautiful selection of cards since my last visit Brenda, great masking on the first one. Love your new scooter, very snazzy looking. I love that wonderful B&W card. I love B&W too, it's so classy :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Love all your cars but particularly love the first the soft background you have created..


  10. oh wow Brenda Hun,you never fail to amaze me with your talent Hun these are just true works of art,you are such an inspiration Hun,brilliant,hugs Cherylxxxxxxx

  11. Love your London scenes... hope you are feeling less down today after the disappointment of yesterday!

  12. Love tour London inspired cards especially the first. Love the way you made the red and blue background!
    To bad I'll not be in London this summer but I'll follow the festivivities from here in Belgium :)

  13. Love the scene cards, but i'm a real sucker for the cutie animals though, Luv Sam x

  14. Fantastic cards. Love the scenes and the terrific backgrounds.

  15. These are all wonderful Brenda and I really love the top one - simple but so very effective.
    I just said to Sally I had a spooky moment when I saw the challenge too!
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  16. Fabulous cards, Brenda! The first one is my favourite, though you've made a pretty good job of the St. Paul's scene. Think I might have to go and check out those PB stamps. x

  17. Hi Brenda, these are all gorgeous, I love the British theme to them all, the style of the first one is fabulous and I really love those penny black images on the second one (they currently have a high position on my wish list lol), I love that die you have used and the flower is gorgeous too. And the third one is such a gorgeous scene. Thank you so much for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog
    Lindsay xx

  18. I find it hard to put comments on your cards Brenda as they are always superb. What caught my eye was the embossed and sanded background on your PB "celebration" challenge card. It gives so much interest on the card and I love that big gorgeous red flower.



  19. Fabulous cards Brenda and all so different!! So how are you getting on with your new toy (ie the new scooter)??? Hugs K xx

  20. lovely cards brenda, especially the top one. Am just about to post my card and medal. Am still struggling with getting myself organized in the mornings but am generally feeling a lot better. those little mice running around with a banner have really made my day tho' they are very sweet. hugs heidi x

  21. Hi brenda,
    Three wonderful cards, the first I love, the effect with the dusters are brilliant, now i'm thinking I might be able to get on with them, as the brayer scares me to death LOL!
    Fabulous creations and the stamps you have used on all these are brilliant choices.

    Now i'm off for a catch up on your other posts.

    Have a good Bank Holiday
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  22. All three cards are wonderful Brenda, I love the graduated colour on the first, the sweet images on the second and the wonderful scene on the last one, My parcel arrived yesterday and I was blown away by the wonderful prize, Thank you!
    Kevin xx

  23. Beautiful cards Brenda. all very different but all lovely!! thank you for your kind comments Brenda, my daughter is a detective in the police and the cup cakes were made by another.. She really enjoys her job.. I hope your son does also! Hugs May x x x

  24. Hi B,I tried to leave a comment yesterday about your lovely new chariot but alas,my blogger wouldn't allow me to:( you are so clever,your cards are amazing,the first had to be my favourite though,the subtle way the red white and blue are dusted is totally brilliant! Hope you have a lovely day,Julie x

  25. Hi Brenda, 3 fantastic cards and all so different, the Penny Black stamps are great to work with and love your handmade flower - very pretty. The scenic bottom watercolour card is a beautiful piece of art. Enjoy the bank holiday x Susan x

  26. Wow Mrs, amazing cards. I fell in love with the first one when I first saw it but they are all great British cards!! I think the third one is excellent Brenda, you have captured the surrounds brilliantly.

  27. 3 cards, 3 beauties ! Love them very much ! Love the big red flower !

  28. Beautiful cards, love your wheels !!

  29. wow, brenda, i love the festive look of the first two, especially the soft dusting - i thought you used your brayer; i also love the serene scene of the third one and i think i need a tutorial on your flowers.

  30. I love them all Brenda, but like Lynne, the first is definitely my favourite. Brilliant!

  31. Hi Brenda, stunning cards, beautiful collection of different styles.
    Greetings, I'm packing my bags;-))m

  32. Wow they are all stunning thanks for joining in this week at PanPastel UK Challenge Blog.

    Kerry DT Leader

  33. Love the effect you've created on the first card with the dusters. The second one has such fun PB images and I love that flower. I've only ever seen St Paul's on tv so I don't know if you're justified in being unhappy with it. I suspect you're just being hard on yourself!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  34. I think your 3 cards really depict the celebratory even beautifully in 3 very different ways - the contemporary, the cute & the traditional/classic. The first is my favourite so I was secretly pleased you chose to enter that for the PanPastel Challenge.
    Paula (PEP)

  35. Wowzer Brenda this is a fantastic selection of Patriotic cards, the image are awesome especially on the first and third cards, the soft colours and designs look wonderful.
    lorraine x

  36. Your cards are all beautiful Brenda, and fit the theme perfectly. My favorite one is the first one, I just love the way you created the beautiful background, how you stamped the image and colored the umbrella. So gorgeous and so very creative!

  37. how amazing are these, I just adore them!!!

    I feel like they should all be real postcards they are so perfect! :-D

  38. Oh fabulous selections of cards Brenda.

  39. Beautiful cards :) Simple and elegant!

  40. Fabulous cards! The last card looks so artistic, Brenda! Love how you "brayered" it and it gives a natural look!

  41. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda, I just love those stamps they are fab and you've showcased them beautifully. Thanks for joining us at PanPastel UK this week
    Claire xx

  42. How can you say you are not happy with that third card Misses!? Youre bonkers! lol heehee. I love each of them. Every one is so different but equally as always my friend. Lee x

  43. Gorgeous cards Brenda, really patriotic feel to them.


  44. lovely cards and fab images...very patriotic :) I feel the urge to get in the patriotic groove with my crafting now :)
