
Thursday 31 May 2012

Just a few more peeks

As promised, just a few more scheduled sneak peeks of some of the samples I made for Stamp Addicts Create and Craft programme today which is going out live at 12 noon.

All going to plan we are in Barcelona and will set sail tea time today for twelve days sailing round the Med and Black Sea, fingers crossed warm weather and calm seas, although I'm not adverse to a bit of choppy weather, it usually means the shops and dining rooms are quieter...............could be I just have a cast iron stomach, or as has been suggested by those who shall remain nameless, the volume of bubbles I consume balances out my normally unstable gait......could be a remedy there ?

I was running rather short of time when I schedules this one, so hope you will forgive if my descriptions are brief and I direct you to the thumbnails before for the products used.

The yellow and black card at the top is some of my normal masking and inking and the obligatory sun, I rather like the quirky row of buildings which remind me of the Baroque style of so many squares in Venice. 

The blow and brown one uses the same swirly flourish in one my samples a couple of days ago, but used to create a frame, then some little flowers from the background stamp sheet stamped and decoupaged.

The above card uses the lovely Victoriana lady again, this time stamped in black dye ink and coloured with Copics. The side flourish is another from the background set.

And finally, the corner stamp used to created a circle......don't even ask how many trial runs I did to get the spacing right and the patterns to join up. I stamped in black and embossed in detail clear and used some Spellbinders for the background and yet another organza bow.


  1. These are all beautiful, really love the little flowers on the second one....

  2. Fabulous cards. Hope your holiday is going well.
    Beryl xx

  3. Super creations, love the first card!

  4. Stunning creations, enjoy the cruise...

  5. Gorgeous Brenda, looking forward to the programme.

    I think you've chosen the right time for your holiday. Cold and damp here in Aberdeenshire today.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  6. My goodness what a marathon!! I'm absolutely speechless over these & I think my favourite has to be the blue & brown but each has its own specialities. The way the cityscape continues either side of the sun panel is so effective in the first, the classiness of the second with those rounded corners in keeping with the curvature of the swirls & the dimension of the flowers make the second one suitable for any occasion. The Victorian lady's colours echoed by the patterned paper & your swirls echoing the floral panel providing a sense of the William Morris gives a lovely Vintage effect & your final monochrome card with it's deceptive simplicity (simple my foot!!) is perfect for those difficult sad occasions we all encounter. Have a super time.
    Paula (PEP)

  7. Fabulous cards! Enjoy your vacation.

  8. Stunning cards Brenda, they are all so beautifully made, the blue and brown is a real favourite. Pouring with rain up here. Hope everythings going hunky dory for you. Enjoy. Carolxx

  9. What a creativity Brenda. And what beautiful. My fab is the first one with the houses. Stunning card.
    Lovely greet

  10. A wonderful selection of cards. It sounds like you are enjoying your holiday :o)
    Jackie xx

  11. I realy love the first card with the city-skyline and the yellow sun!

  12. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love the scene on the first one, the flourishes on the second one the elegant lady, and the black and white colour combo, I will be tuning in at 12.
    Kevin xx

  13. Hope you have a really fab time away and come home full of new ideas and inspiration from all your sight seeing. Love these cards, my fave is the black and white at the bottom, so much patience to get the stamping right. Gorgeous finish to it. hugs heid x

  14. Beautiful cards and I have just sat down to watch Stamp the sun rays on your first card


  15. Brenda your descriptions are deceptively simple, really great work.. and have an even greater holiday over there! Shaz in Oz.x

  16. Superb cards, as always Brenda!
    hugs Sarah x

  17. wow i love em all! Hope you are having a lovely time
    Lisa x

  18. These are all so fabulous. The first one is gorgeous! I hope you are having a fab time! It sounds like so much fun!!

  19. More lovely peeks, really love the blue/brown and the black/white ones, you must have the patience of a saint!


  20. Gorgeous cards. I love them all, but I think the second is my favourite.
    Nikki x

  21. your cards are so awesome, love the layer of the buildings with the yellow sky in background!!!

  22. Fabulous cards yet again Brenda... I hope you are enjoying your hols... good luck & have fun on the high seas!! Hugs May x x x

  23. Always such a absolute joy to look at your cards Brenda. Especially love the first one but of course all the others are stunning. Have a great trip. Michelle x

  24. Wow ! all these cards are so wonderful ! Love the sun of the first, love the elegance of the b&w, love the design of the victorian, oh love everything you make ! Fantastic !
    have good time !

  25. stunning cards Brenda,
    have a nice trip, enjoy and relax;-))m

  26. Ein herrlicher Blog mit wunderschönen Arbeiten.
    Sehr inspirierend :-)

    Nun bin ich auch dein Fan.

    Liebe Grüße

  27. Oh wow, I just love the card at the top, a real showstopper! All your cards are beautiful as always x

  28. Gorgeous cards
    BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

  29. They are perfect your cards, I'm speechless! the buildings give an amazing 3D!

  30. oh my! such beautiful and creative cards, brenda! as usual, just wow. sounds like you're having an amazing trip; enjoy!

  31. Those are awesome!
    Love the top one!
    Hope you're having a wonderful time,and I'm pretty sure it's the cast iron stomach!

  32. Oh I love you're wonderful cards Brenda, the first one is my favourite.
    I've caught up too, now idea what Mr Blogger been doing but you haven't been coming on my dashboard as a new post.

  33. Hope you have a great holiday. I remember seeing those cards on C&C, particularly the yellow townscape. Great job :)

  34. These are all gorgeous Brenda, I love the sun over the city scene and the brown and blue flourishes with the little blue flowers is fab. Hope you are having a lovely time away
    Lindsay xx

  35. Outstanding work as always xx
