
Monday 2 April 2012

Spring blossoms

Viburnum Burkwoodii........we must have at least a dozen different Viburnum varieties in the gardens but this one tinged with pink and lovely ball shaped blossoms is my favourite and a beautiful scent as well

Good Morning Peeps, hope you all had a good weekend. 

No card today, just a few pictures of the beautiful Spring blossoms in the garden. I was determined to walk to some of the shrubs closest to the house and take a few photos yesterday, although my back told me all night I had done too much and the Tens machine is back in use. But I so love this time of year I couldn't miss out on a closer look at some of the wonderful splashes of colour Nature brings us as if by magic each Spring.

Forsythia.........again several of them in the gardens but this one which stands 
at least ten feet tall and as wide is probably the largest despite having a 
really sharp prune in the Autumn

Spirea Aguta..........although they variety tends to be sparse we have a clump of several close together which give a beautiful display outside the dining room window

I love the beautiful winter fruits on this Ivy........I have a thing for Ivy and always plant the ones from indoor platers into the garden when the flowers finish. It never fails to amaze me how well they establish themselves, in our Secret Garden the are two, both originally from indoor planters that now completely cover the fences in that part of the gardens.

A rare Jasmine variety Sundaville's taken years to establish but now has an abundance of the delicate blossoms.

Mahonia Japonica.......this is one of several hubby grew from cuttings taken about four years ago which are now well established 

Have a good day everyone.


  1. Oh wow Brenda, you are truly blessed to have nature's beauty on your doorstep. And there is nothing more satisfying than watching cuttings grow and become plants in their own right.

  2. Hello Brenda. How fantastic, gorgeous colours too. Such a wonderful array of Nature Beauty. Glad you can enjoy this wonderful sight.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  3. Hi Brenda
    Just been having a lovely catch up with you and your stunning cards. They are all beautiful but as always it was photos of gorgeous flowers that attracted me, talk about predictable.
    The blooms are amazing after our heatwave aren't they. They seem to bud and flower all in the same day.
    I love Viburnums too and am gradually building up a collection. The scent of most of them is stunning isn't it.
    Is your Mahonia still flowering?
    Lets hope we get some more beautiful weather to enjoy the garden.
    Sorry to be such a poor blog hopper these days, life gets in the way sometimes but I do appreciate your visits.
    Take care

  4. Fabulous!! Glad you managed to get out - hope you don't suffer too long now!

  5. Gorgeous photos Brenda! I will have to get outside with my Camera too. I love the scent of Viburnums, and have spent many a happy minute breathing deeply beside mine!

  6. Such beautiful flowers and plants Brenda, my garden suffered massively with the weather last year and it is still looking a bit sorry for itself :-(

  7. Woow, just my kind of photos! I love looking at flowers and these are spectacular. Thanks for sharing, Ruth x

  8. Aw ! lovely shots, love spring, the nature is so wonderful !

  9. I envy you so much, we had most of the snow melt away, just to get a huge surprise yesterday when we had almost 30 cm of new fresh snow again... sigh...

  10. What stunning shots. I just love spring when the world bursts back into life xxx

  11. Hi Brenda, thank you for your lovely comment on my card and i'm sorry i hadn't read the rules properly!! Stunning blossoms, i love taking photos of new growth in the garden!!
    Hazel xx

  12. Beautiful flowers and great photos. :)

  13. Lovely pictures Brenda and I just checked out your Penny Black cards, gorgeous work hun! Hugs, Frea

  14. Wow, I loved your photo's! So many wonderful flowers and plants! Hugs, Hanneke

  15. What a beautiful pictures. Our garden is situated at the north and the flowers are later, but the Viburnum Burkwoodii is slowly blosseming and I can't wait to smell it! By the way; thanks: I didn't know the spicies name, cause we bought the house and this one was already standing in the garden...Greetz, Gerrina

  16. I joy to see these - & I very much appreciate the labelling as I'm not good about names but always like to know. I come from a green-fingered family & love seeing the various shapes & colours of everything that emerges at this time of the year. Take care & I hope that the TENS machine deals with the pain as quickly as possible.
    Paula (PEP)

  17. Gorgeous photos, Brenda. Our garden at the new house is rather bare at the moment (except for daffodils), it will take us a while to get some colour into it, but something to look forward to. x

  18. Oh Brenda, these photos are so beautiful. I only imagine that there is a wonderful scent that goes with all these beautiful flowers. I did not know that Ivy flowered and that is such a lovely seed head it has.

  19. oh i just love Spring - what gorgeous blooms and colours .. really cheerful, and so pretty
    Hope you are well
    Lisa x

  20. Hi Brenda, you have a beautiful collection of shrubs and plants in your garden, l love the burst of colour at this time of year. My wisteria is starting to flower just hope the cold snap we are due does not damage our blooms. Take care x Susan x

  21. What a beautiful flowers.

    Hugs AStrid.

  22. That's lifted my spirits just seeing the photos of your shrubs. Your garden must be a wonderful place to be in this time of year. Thank you for sharing.
    Beryl xx

  23. Really beautiful pictures Brenda, it's so lovely to see everything springing to life isn't it, hope you are well
    Lindsay xx

  24. Thank you for the partial tour of your gardens, they must be stunning. I do miss my forsythia and lilacs they just don't do well down here. Hope your Tens unit is helping, but I'll bet you feel the walk was worth it!

  25. Beautiful flowers and photograhs Brenda, love seeing them!

    Thanks for sharing1 xoxo

  26. wow darling... gorgeous pictures, spring arrived there as well then!!!! =)
    I send you a big hug

  27. What beautiful photographs. It is wonderful to see all the hedgerows bursting with buds and blossoms :o)
    Jackie xx

  28. hi Brenda
    You are a talented photographer, these pictures are very beautiful!

  29. What beautiful photos of beautiful flowers. Lovely! Michelle x

  30. Oh My how lovely and your pictures are so clear.
    Trish (-:

  31. These pics are wonderful Brenda... Beautiful, Hugs May x x x x

  32. Wow that is awesome B love all these shots and the Forsythia clour and then the softer blossoms too amazing that jasmine thanks for sharing, ah England in the springtime... ;D Shaz in oz.x
