
Monday 23 April 2012

Outside my comfort zone

Good Morning Peeps, I hope you all had a good weekend. We had a real mixed bag weather wise again, rain, sun, hail and even a -2 frost Friday night, but hubby got a good few hours in the garden between showers so was a happy camper, which meant plenty of inky time for me.

And I totally forgot the update on my hospital visit, probably because there was little to report, MS is unpredictable and each time there's a relapse some things never go back to where they were before........tell me something new ! Add to that worn facet joints and disc herniation and pain is inevitable and they doubt my walking will improve much. So looks like even more crafting on the agenda. 

A few weeks ago I admired a piece of work that my friend Lee -Crafty Loops had created using the TH birdcage and bird and she immediately offered to send me some ready cut. Panic set in as I really struggle with die cuts as I never quite know where to put them on my work, they usually end up looking like a badly placed afterthought. So for a couple of weeks they sat looking down at me from one of the wall racks in my craft room, all neatly packed in the little bags Lee sent them in.

Then Saturday I decided I had to try and work with them and told myself crafting is all about stretching ourselves. So I decided I would follow my normal inky route doing lots of background stamping and try approaching it that way and bit by bit it sort of came together. I inked the bird and cage and embossed randomly with some vintage embossing powder, made some roses using TH tattered floral die and a punch for the smaller ones, grunged up some lace with distress inks and that was my card. In fact I actually quite like it and made a second almost identical for a friends birthday later this month.

I know I don't often enter challenges, but thought I would enter this into:

Pretty Little Ribbons - 'To die For' - three entries allowed and this is my third, unheard of !
Pan Pastel - 'Add a flower' - a new one for me.

Have a lovely day everyone.


  1. I think it looks fabulous, Brenda. Unlike our performance (or at least result) yesterday... roll on next season.

  2. Its gorgeous Brenda, beautiful colours and I love the delicate inking on the little bird. Sorry you didn't get better news at the hospital but glad to hear you're making the most of your crafting time
    Claire xx

  3. Great!! The 3D element is a super touch - I love the birdcage. Hope you're feeling better, Ruth x

  4. Hi Brenda,
    oh my this is gorgeous,
    luv it!
    Another beautiful and warm day;-))m

  5. I really like this card, Brenda! You made it come together verry well! And made a beautifull background to start of with! Greetz, Gerrina

  6. Good morning Brenda, I am so sorry that yopu could not have better news from the hospital, but at least you seem to be positive about it...hugs
    Your card is wonderful, everything looks in proportion and in the right place, beautiful colours too :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Wow its stunning to say you were out of your comfort zone you have done an amazing card i love it :)
    Hugzz Val xx

  8. Wow this is really stunning you should craft out of your comfort zone more often!!! thanks for sharing with us at PanPastel UK.

    Kerry DT Leader

  9. Well, it seems that you followed the right approach, because your card is simply stunning. If I hadn't read your post I would never have guessed your were out of your comfort zone here.

  10. This is perfection Brenda, and you out of your safety zone too! Hugs Heidi x

  11. Brenda this is fabulous...the colours are gorgeous everything just goes together beautifully...


  12. Brenda this is amazing! That die is fantastic, you really did a great job with the embossing and everything, what a perfect card, i love it :)

    Tags xx

  13. i think it's just lovely. Gardening can be tiresome so I think it's good you were only out in small portions =)

  14. I love this card. The 3D birdcage is wonderful and I love the background.
    Nikki x

  15. Brenda this is lovely wish my out of comfort zone projects looked half as good as yours. Take care x Susan x

  16. Wow! Brenda this is AMAZING you might have felt out of your comfort zone but your card certainly does not look it, it's absolutely beautiful, love the the colours and the flowers and the lace and the die cuts look beautiful, just brilliant. I must say I find Lee to be very inspirational too, I love stopping by her blog and she is such a sweetie. Sorry to hear that your hospital appointment was a bit of a let down and that you are having to just struggle through the pain. I will be thinking of you and hoping for some better days for you. Thank you so much for joining in with the PanPastel challenge blog and good luck.
    Lindsay xx

  17. I love your card! The texture on the cage is such a clever idea and the lace and rumply flowers are so soft and romantic with it. Look how far you pushed the 'Zone' now! :D
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  18. well Hun it does not show you are out of your comfort zone,and this is just brilliant with such gorgeous detail love those bird cages,hugs Cherylxxx

  19. Wow Brenda that is one stunning card, I love how youve decoupaged the cage and your colour choice is just gorgeous. hugs Shirleyxxx

  20. Oh your card is fabulous ! Such nice idea for the cage, wonderful ! Love your card, very romantic !

  21. really gorgeous card, love all the details!!!!
    sorry for your disapointed doc. visit!

  22. Gorgeous Card! Love the bird cage and the extra details.


  23. This is so totally gorgeous. The stamping and inking is fabulous and the die cut certainly looks like the whole card was made just for it - and it alone.
    Glad you got your reading list sorted - me - I'm just glad to get online the way things are going here at the moment. Logged on and 5.30 this morning just to catch up. And I thought the internet would be better in town. What did I know?
    Beryl xx

  24. It is gorgeous Brenda. Love the scene, the bird in the cage.
    Lovely greet

  25. Well Brenda out of your comfort zone, It does not show at all... Fabulous card I love the texture on that cage...the detail of the card is just perfect... I am sorry the hosp visit was not more positive for you, sending wishes for a less painful time in the near future... Hugs May x x x

  26. wow,very wonderfull your work,

  27. You did just fine with the bird & cage!
    Lovely card!

  28. Oh,my,this is amazing!Love this!!
    Hope you are well!
    Have a wonderful week :)
    HUgs,Kari :)

  29. Well you should stretch yourself more often , this is all the vintage inkyness...Esther xx

  30. I love the colours & as for your background - superbly splendid. I'm not very good at using die-cuts either but I agree with you about being stretched.....I always learn something. I hope there can be better pain management for you & take care of yourself.
    With much love
    Paula (PEP)

  31. wowzer ... i would take me hat off 2 u if i had one... i love this card... its just fab fab fab.... i love everything about it....

  32. Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous.

  33. Exquisite! Love it! Comfort zone or not it looks brilliant. xx

  34. It's beautiful Brenda! Love it. I too don't feel comfortable with die cuts like this - flowers are really my limit!

  35. It looks amazing Brenda! I dare say you will be having another go at this. Love the finished card. Those flowers are so pretty too.

  36. Hi Brenda this is fantastic you have done a brilliant job with the birdcage the background, colours and embellishments look stunning.
    Lorraine x

  37. REally love what you have done with this birdcage Brenda. Funny thing is that the swap kit that I received from my friend Kaye had a birdcage and other things that was not normally my style. Enjoyed using them though. Hope to post mine tomorrow.

  38. Brenda this is really fabulous! I love the birdcage, the colours and flowers you have used.

    Sending you hugs and hoping that you get some relief from the pain soon.

    Thanks for joining us at the Pretty Little Ribbon Shop challenge.

    Sarah x

  39. Hard to believe you were apprehensive about using a die-cut... what you did here is exquisite!

  40. Been catching up with your blog as I've been away for 10 days in South Carolina enjoying the sun! I love it when you step outside of your comfort zone, great card! Also love the background you created, I'm itching to get back in my happy space but I really enjoyed the time away! Off to see more of your wonderful creations.


  41. I love the stamped backround, the metalic birdcage, the flowers, that lace... Beautiful work!

  42. Hi Brenda,

    Well I cant see why you would be apprehensive about using dies. This card is gorgeous and I am loving the way that you have set it all out. Sorry the hospital visit didnt go as you would have liked. BFN Jo x

  43. I think its fabulous, I like everything about it.
    Kevin xx

  44. this is beautifully done, brenda! i never would've guessed you struggled with it. i hope you're able to get some relief from your pain too.

  45. This is gorgeous certainly doesn't look out of your comfort zone....very lovely creation. Funnily enough having watched Stampendous on Create and Craft this week I have ordered some of their goodies. Can't wait to have a play - very out of my comfort zone....Cheers Claire x

  46. Ooh Brenda, this is beautiful and no one would ever have guesses you were out of your comfort zone! Did giggle a little when you said the die cuts sat there looking at you! Im like that with flowers!

    So beautiful, look forward to seeing more also now that youve mastered this style too!

    Keryn x

  47. Ohhhhh aren't I terribly bad for pushing people out of their comfort zones?! Lol. Well Brenda in this case I am so glad I did because I love what you've done with the bird cage. The textures and colours are beautiful. And it seems I'm also an enabler as you've gone and bought the die and another bird one too! I am such a boldie, lol. You never want to go out shopping with me if you are an avid saver......I have an uncanny ability of getting people to buy what they want before they realise they've even spent a penny, lol. moto is you only live once and you can't take your money with you, heehee. I'm sorry to hear your news from the hospital wasn't better. You take it all so well Brenda and are always so positive, you are an inspiration and I'm so glad to know you. Big hugs, Lee xx

  48. How did I miss this stunning creation last week Brenda? A magnificent card, I love how you have used the birdcage and your added flowers. Congratulations on your well deserved with at PanPastel UK and so glad you joined us.
    I am sorry to hear about your hospital visit, with a SiL and niece with MS and a sister with RA I know how difficult it is to live with the pain and the uncertainties. Your positive approach will help see you through.
    Happy Sunday.
    hugs {brenda}
