
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Lattice work

Good Morning Peeps, is it raining in your neck of the woods, it's been pouring here and the wind's blowing a gale, whatever happened to Spring ?

I have a couple of shares both along the same lines. One of the great things about being on a design team is that you see so much inspiration on your rounds and last week I was totally blown away by Hussena's beautiful card which was one of my Allsorts Top 5 entries. I was itching to try out the lattice technique so mailed Hussaina to ask if I could case her card and she gave me her blessing, so I must thank her for the inspiration for the two cards in this post.

After cutting the aperture the thin strips of card......I used linen cardstock.........were stuck to the reverse and mounted onto foam tabs to raise the front element. The flowers on the top card are paper pieced using the lovely Lily stamp are from A Passion for Stamps (direct link below), die cut leaves, swirls and butterfly and little wire swirls.

My second card is made in exactly the same way, but this time I tried using a piece of DP behind the lattice panel and made roses from coordinating DP and the leaves were lightly inked whilst still in the die.

Have a good day whatever you have planned and thanks so much for dropping by.


  1. Oh wow, stunning cards, love the lattice work :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. these are both beautiful, Brenda! I had a few sheets of lattice card from when I very first starting crafting - think I've still got a few left - wonder which box they're in!!!

  3. They are sooo beautiful. The lattice worl is lovely - not sure I'd have the patience for that - but then I'm wouldn't have the patience (or skill) for most of the stuff you do.
    Hope the weather improves down there. Rain overnight here but sun shining.Too wet to garden though so will make a couple of essential cards.
    Beryl xx

  4. These are beautiful thanks for shareing :)
    Hugzz Val xx

  5. Stunning creations. Love the gorgeous flowers.

  6. Hello Brenda. Oh wow, what can I say. SIMPLY AMAZING WORK. Your attention to detail is just perfect, and these are just stunning. Gorgeous flowers too.
    Hope you are looking after yourself. Take care, thinking of you. Thank you for always coming to visit my blog.
    Love Sandra xxx

  7. Wow Brenda that really is a fab technique and your 2 cards you made are totally beautiful. That's another technique then on my list of things to try ;0)
    Thanks for sharing,
    Jane x

  8. OMG Brenda both of these are totally stunning! Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Are you getting my drift? Lol
    I think we have the same weather as you - it woke me in the night it was so windy!
    Hugs Laurie xx

  9. Two gorgeous creations casing Hussena's card Brenda, love this Lattice effect, so pretty. Will have to give this a go too. Carolxx

  10. Really stunning creations Brenda.

    Hugs Kelly

  11. Wow they are both stunning, Luv Sam x

  12. I had already noticed the gorgeous lattice card in your top 5 and love your versions, too. I think I prefer the first of your two cards, although I love the flowers on the second. We've had a wonderful Greek Easter weekend, with lots of sunshine. We were able to spend two days outside in the sun. On Easter Sunday, Greek families are celebrating with lamb on the spit, but we had a nice BBQ (without any lamb) with some English and Dutch friends.

  13. beautyful card!!! very very nice all!!!!!hugs Enrica

  14. Brenda what stunning creations...what a great idea and something I would like to try...
    We have had the same weather here down in Somerset but the sun is shining at the moments.


  15. Wowwwwwwwwwwwww !! Breanda, this two cards are truely beautiful !! I love them :DDD

  16. Oh wow ! superb technique ! very nice work Brenda, your cards are beautiful !
    Here, the weather is very bad too ! Where is spring ? :-(
    Have a nice day !

  17. OMG Brenda both your cards are simply stunning ...your lattice work and flower arrangements are simply Amazing i knew you would come up with something this stunning :)

  18. OMG Brenda these are both so very beautiful, that lattice work looks awesome so do the flowers and embellishments, wow, amazing work.
    Lorraine x

  19. wow, this is absolutely fantastic!!

  20. wow,very wonderfull,beautifull,nice

  21. oh wow Hun,these are simply fantastic,brilliant hun hugs Cherylxxxxx

  22. Stunning cards, such a lovely technique xx

  23. My word Brenda, these are truly fantastic. I love the lattice work. Wow, both stunning cards. Your talent is endless. Lee x

  24. Wow, these are just gorgeous Brenda! I love both of them, what a fabulous technique! Hope all is well with you. Pami x

  25. Absolutely fabulous. Love lattice work.

  26. Brenda this is gorgeous. What a beautiful card and technique. Love it very much.
    You are a great talent. Love this lattice work.
    Lovely greet

  27. This is fabulous,Brenda!Love the lattice work,gorgeous!!
    Hope you are well!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  28. Amazing!! Your first card reminds me of delicate porcelain and the second is a very striking colour combination. Thanks for showcasing my image in this beautiful card!! Ruth x

  29. wow there really gorgeous, love it!!!

  30. Oh how pretty Brenda What lovely cards loving the leaf effects and lattice work ;0) Dawn xx

  31. Hi Brenda, love these cards, that lattice is gorgeous and such pretty colours. Hugs, Frea

  32. Oh wow, wow, wow these are just stunning Brenda x

  33. Just beautiful.. i love the lattice work
    Lisa x

  34. The first is my favourite of these - the colours & that astoundingly shaped butterfly. The colours remind me of the pale Wedgewood pastelly colours though I don't think they ever used these exact shades - it's the pastelly nature & sort of chalky deliciousness that you created.
    Those patterned paper flowers in the second are gorgeously shaped too & it's great seeing a comparison of the two lattice styles, with/without patterning behind.
    Paula (PEP)

  35. Gorgeous cards. I love the lattice work.
    Nikki x

  36. Stunning cards Brenda. My favourite is the first one. What a lovely technique. I must pop over to Hussena's blog for a look.

    The weather was so wet and windy this morning that Max refused to go for a walk. Blue wasn't bothered but his lordship dug his paws in! In the afternoon it was lovely and sunny and when I took the boys out after work you could feel some warmth in the sun.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  37. wow; these are both gorgeous brenda! lovely techniques, colours and flowers.

  38. Hi Brenda, both cards are lovely. The lattice work is great and the flowers, so pretty. Take care, Linda x

  39. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the inspiration. I bought the leaf dies at Harrogate and put them away unused and forgot about them must get them out to play. Back to films, yes l do love GWTW my other 2 favs are the original B&W Wuthering Heights with L O and also love Dr Zhivago . x Take care x Susan x

  40. WOW Brenda these cards are just gorgeous, so elegant.. I can see why you had to have a go !! I think Spring has definitely gone into hiding - still excuse enough to stay in the warm and craft !! Esther xx

  41. The first is my favorite, love the colors, flowers and butterfly. But the second is quite pretty too. No wonder you wanted to CASE the idea, it's a winner!

  42. Both of the cards are looking stunning. I am really impressed by the lattice work done on the cards. Both of them are also looking so attractive. I like its color combination very much. Thanks for sharing these nice cards with us.


  43. Wonderful cards. I love lattice technique. Lily

  44. Gorgeous couple of cards. xxxx
