
Monday 12 March 2012

Onwards and Upwards

A Passion for Stamps roses image

Good Morning peeps, I am starting off on a rather different note and sharing a quote from Mother Theresa ................................

"Your honesty and frankness will expose you to problems but your work should not stop for it means the world to so many people"

I will not elaborate why I am sharing this quote as many of you will know and understand why I find it's content so inspirational and apt. Suffice to say it summarises recent events which I have overcome because of the support and friendship of you dear friends.

During the last few months, the inability to get out has endorsed my view.............. which I know is shared by many of you............that craft goes much further than just providing us with the ability to express ourselves provides the far more important role of offering a distraction from the pain, both physically and mentally of the everyday rigours live throws at us.

So onwards and upwards as they say and I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed some of that lovely sunshine which was kind to lots of us here in the UK the last couple of days. I'm still not able to go far due to my legs unwillingness to play the game, so yesterday was a real treat to be taken for a drive in the sunshine. We went in my car so had the top down and it was really nice and warm, but it did mean not enough room for my wheelie, so apart from a few gingerly steps at the woodland where dad is buried, I took in the air from the car which was lovely.

And to prove I am still crafting and enjoying it, a few shares of cards I've made recently for Ruth at A Passion for Stamps. To create the one at the top of this post I printed Ruth's two roses image onto Fabriano watercolour card and coloured with Derwent watercours, then masked a sun and did some gentle sponging with Adirondack denim and meadow. The card base was cut using Go Create dies and the sentiment an old unmounted Hero Arts one.........sorry long since lost the code.

The second card  using Ruth's hawthorn blossom image was printed onto the same Fabriano watercolour card and coloured as above. The card bases is cut using Picot Edge and Grand Nesties, the Kasier DP is one of the brand new designs and the sentiment Penny Black 3419D.

Have a good day everyone and thanks so much for popping by, your visits are always much appreciated.


  1. What a fabulous quote Brenda - and it sort of says it all doesn't it. I am so pleased you are still here sweetie - your work is such an inspiration - I may not stop in all the time but I'm always keeping an eye on what you produce.
    Two more stunningly beautiful cards too - such gorgeous colours and I love the sponging on the top one - just gorgeous.
    Keep smiling hun - nice for you to have a trip out in the sunshine - may the weather give you many many more!!
    big hugs
    Dawn xx

  2. Love the shape of your first card Brenda....both a beautiful. Very inspiring words you have written here and a great reminder of us not taking anything for granted. So glad you got to go for a drive and enjoy the sunshine. I am happy for rain here today and tonight as it was meant to be my first game of touch footy and I am at this stage so regretting I would have a go at it. So maybe it could rain every Monday night for a while. :-)

  3. Beautiful creations Brenda. Love the softness they have and they are also beautifully photographed.

  4. Glad you were able to get out in the glorious weather. the butterflies were flying here yesterday though I wasn't close enough to positively identify the species. The soft colours you have used for both creations are lovely & I particularly like that peachy apricot you used in the first. Your quote is such
    a truth & it was the discovery of blogland & artistic colouring that helped me keep from thinking too much when I was housebound for 7 months.
    Take good care of yourself.
    Paula (PEP)

  5. Oh wow Brenda that is such a lovely card, love the shape and the image. Glad you actually managed to get out and enjoy the sunshine over the weekend, weve got fog here today, lets hope it clears eventually. hugs Shirleyxx

  6. oh wow Brenda this is simply stunning the detail and the shape is just amazing hugs Cherylx

  7. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit more positive Brenda and that you managed to get out and about over the lovely Spring weekend.
    Gorgeous cards with such lovely images and I really love the soft and pretty colouring as well as the great shapes to your creations.
    The lovely Ruth surprised me with a really lovely comment the other day too.
    Hope you have a good week.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  8. Beautiful quote, Brenda, and beautiful cards. I especially like the second one. Ruth's images are gorgeous, aren't they? Glad to hear you managed to get out yesterday. It was a lovely day here too, very springlike. xx

  9. Brenda, the quote is wonderful and I am so glad you are still here and showing your fantastic work.
    Your cards are gorgeous, as always and I especially love the background on the first one.
    Nikki x

  10. Brenda love your first card very inspiring....your second card is lovely and what a gorgeous image...pleased to hear you managed to get out and about in that lovely sunshine....down here i Somerset we still have thick fog....what a difference a day makes.....sorry didn't mean to burst into song...lOl..lOl..


  11. Hi Brenda ,,,,both cards are real beauties - that goes without saying! The saying is so apt too - thank you for sharing it! We should all take note! Suzanne B x

  12. Glad you had some sunshine to enjoy whilst you were out - I should have delayed my trip to Kew Gardens till the pm on Sat as when I was there it was cold and cloudy! still got some fresh air!
    Love your card, and the thought behind it! Perhaps we could apply it to the footie... seem to be going backwards - and the neighbours across the Park tomorrow!!

  13. Such a pretty card Brenda I am loving the soft pinks shades
    Hugs louise xx

  14. So glad you've had a lovely weekend. These cards are perfect! The first one looks like a ray of sunshine is coming through a church window. I love the quotation, too. Ruth x

  15. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the sunrays on that top one!! Hugs, Frea

  16. pleased you had a good weekend huni I love todays cards they are so pretty my fave is the top one but i still really like the second one though xx

  17. I love the quotation Brenda, so glad you got to enjoy some lovely spring air in the car, Beautiful card as always, Have a great creative week, Hugs May x x x

  18. Very pretty. I love the lovely, soft colours used.

  19. these are just gorgeous!! Love the colours of the 2nd one! Hugs Juls

  20. Beautiful card! Hope that things will improve for you. Glad you were able to enjoy the beautiful day yesterday. Hugs Anesha

  21. there both gorgeous, very nice colors !!!!

  22. Hi sweetie,two really beautiful cards, I love the effects that you have achieved with the watercolours. So sorry to hear that you are still not feeling great and I totally agree with what you said about craft helping to distract you from the pain and helping you to carry on, it has certainly helped me through tough times, I do hope that you feel a bit brighter soon though. I thought the quote was brilliant and it seems very appropriate considering recent events, I am certain that your work does mean the world to many people. please take a look at my blog post if you get a chance, I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award
    Lindsay xx

  23. Hi Hun
    I know too well what you mean about using craft to take away pain physical/mental my craft has saved me in so many ways over the years.

    I love the first card the light shining through is just a wonderful touch you have added Love Dawn xx

  24. lovely quote and creations x

  25. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Totally agree on the craft front and illness, gives us a whole lot of pleasure, and a real meaning to press on and take what's thrown at us. Pleased you had a lovely day out. Carolxx

  26. Great quote and great attitude Brenda. I am so glad you got out for a while in the sunshine!! More of that is needed;) I love your gorgeous creations, so delicately coloured to perfection. Many hugs

  27. Wow, lovely creations! I hope things will go better for you and that more people would live up to that statement. Hugs, Hanneke

  28. Two really stunning cards! I love them both, but the colours on the first are so beautiful! I am so pleased your little journey with Eddy was uplifting. I Love that quote too.

  29. Oh wow, such gorgeous cards Brenda, love the way you have coloured the top one, it's amazing! Love the quote too xxx

  30. Beautiful cards! Love the palette on the first one and both are beautifully coloured. Hope more of that warm sunshine is coming your way!

    Hugs, Dawn

  31. I do like that quote Brenda, it seems very appropriate.

    Loving those gorgeous cards. The shape you've chosen for each one seems to fit the image very well. I was going to say my fav was the second one but maybe I can't choose which one I like best after all!

    Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday. We left for Glasgow at 6.20am and got home about 9.20pm. It was lovely and sunny on the way down but not so nice in Glasgow. But we were indoors there anyway looking at all the lovely craft goodies lol! It was a long day!! Luckily I had arranged to have a day off today but I've achieved nothing except catching up with the papers and some of the progs recorded on sky+. I think I should just have a quick catch up with my favourite blogs and my DT work and go to bed early tonight.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  32. these are both so beautiful brenda! you must have a heavy duty printer; mine shreds watercolour paper. glad you got out to enjoy the sunshine - hope it lasts, as it's raining right now here.
    hugs, linda

  33. Sounds like a wonderderful ride out Brenda, the weather has been glorious.
    Two beautiful cards, I love them both :o)
    Jackie xx

  34. They're both beautiful cards, but I especially like the background in the first one. It's just beautiful. Glad you enjoyed your day, I think it's important to find something to enjoy in every day, even if it's only a bite of something tasty :-) Maddy x

  35. Such a beautiful card, very comforting x

  36. Glad that you were able to get out and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Esp. like the "gentle sponging" on the background of the first pretty! Sorry I haven't been leaving comments lately...not enough time. I really, really, really could use a time stretcher!

  37. Brilliant post and card xxx

  38. Two stunning cards Brenda, love the shapes!
