
Thursday 8 March 2012


Good Morning Peeps, how you all doing ? The  weather  here  looks  promising  today  and after  yet another overnight frost I'm hopeful we might see some sunshine, after all it's meant to be Spring.

I thought I would share a bit of my favourite crafty pastime, brayering of course and as lots of you know I love my suns and moons so this months Craft a Scene theme of 'Moonlight' was totally up my street. The stamp from The Unmounted Stamp Company is one a lovely crafty friend sent me for my Birthday last year..............she said she saw it at a show and thought of me, anyone would think I was a closet treeaholic.

I made several very similar to this one as I think they are perfect for Winter Birthdays, her's included. A very simple brayered background using the Speedball with Adirondack denim and black, stamped the image with archival black then sponged the hills and snow drifts. I added a rose, leaves and some lace to add a feminine touch, but I think without those it would be fine for a guy as well.  I also decorated the envibox to match, don't know if you have discovered these but they are so useful for cards with a little bit more height and protect the embellies. Nearly forgot, I added some snow with a white fine tip marker.

This is my entry for......................

Craft a Scene whose theme is Moonlight

Whatever you have planned, have a good day and hope the sunshine reaches you.


  1. Such a pretty card - and yes, it's sunny here! Shame I'm at work.... and a shame I can't afford to retire early! Have a great day.

  2. Just love this card Brenda....lovely wintery scene


  3. stunning card Brenda
    sorry i haven't been around recently. setting up my new shop has taken up so much time. i hope you will visit it and the blog that goes with it.

    hope your health is okay

    hugs sarah x

  4. Absolutely stunning snow scape you have created here Brenda. Love the mono chromatic colours as well.

  5. Totally fabulous Brenda. I love trees and this stamp is gorgeous.

    Hugs Ali x

  6. Hi Brenda, your card is like the scenery here last night, full moon and lots of snow!
    It's gorgeous and the flower is a beauty;-))m

  7. Brenda, what a gorgeous group of trees for your snowy moonlight scene. I love your tiny stars in the sky. Thanks for playing in the challenge.

  8. hallo brenda, think the sun has been and gone already this morning, and there i was thinking i would get the washing out.ho hum. But i did get more time to pop on the comp. love this scene, you do do your moon and sun scenes so well. I love this one so much. hugs heid x

  9. Hi Brenda, great card as ever - the winter scene is beautiful and the flower is gorgeous - like the touch of lace too. I trust you are well and enjoying your day. Elizabeth x

  10. Wow!!This card is fabulous!!

  11. Beautiful Brenda and thanks for visiting over my way. I am so behind in commenting in blogland I am trying to catch up but everyone is so fast with new posts. :-) Off to check out what else you have been up to.

  12. Morning Brenda,

    Night frosts?? Oh my goodness! Im sure the weather will have now brightened and all of your animals will be out enjoying the sunshine!

    I admire your strength Brenda, openly admitting your 'holicism' and treeholism is no light matter but Im sure - with the help of your crafting buddies - you can overcome!! :O)

    What a stunningly beautiful card! The starry sky really caught my eye, its just so pretty and would make a gorgeous canvas too!

    Have a super weekend Brenda,
    Keryn x

  13. I love the snowy/winter cards that you do Brenda, this is no exception! Beautiful! Pami x

  14. I love this scene sooo much Brenda. Beautiful work, stamps and colors.
    Lovely greet

  15. Absolutely beautiful, Brenda, such a lovely peaceful scene. The moon here last night was like that too. But no snow, thank goodness!

  16. Ooh that sky is amazing!! Actually the whole card is! Ruth x

  17. Beautifiully striking especially with the lace & the flower. I do love trees & the moonshine is especially effective in this.
    Paula (PEP)

  18. A gorgeous card. I love the sky.
    Nikki x

  19. Wowza, Brenda, this is STUNNING!!
    such a beautiful scene!

  20. Wow, what a stunning scene, so atmospheric. xx

  21. What a beautiful moonlight scene, your brayering is superb :o)
    Jackie xx

  22. Fabulous blending Brenda... your scenes have so much depth!!

  23. Brenda,
    This is a beautiful scene and I love the colors:)

  24. Wowwwwwwww !!! It´s really amazing !!

  25. ooh this is beautiful.. love that Big moon
    Lisa x

  26. So full of atmosphere - what a fab card! Cheers Claire x

  27. Oh wow, this is absolutely stunning Brenda x

  28. It is gorgeous, Brenda! I have to admit to owning that stamp to. Bought it at the same time as yours was bought for you. I love your sky too - perfect for the scene. Big hugs x

  29. Gorgeous card... and gorgeous background sky you made!!!

  30. oh wow this is just gorgeous,the background and the sky is amazing,hugs Cherylxx

  31. Beautiful card B. I love the trees

    BIG HUGZ Fleur xXx

  32. Wow! What a lovely moonlight scene. I love that you stamped the envelope too. Thanks for playing along with us at Craft a Scene. NancyD

  33. Beautiful card, Brenda.
    Thanks for dropping by in my blog.
    Send you email for the second time.

  34. I'm really loving the background that created for this one! Almost enough to make me wish I had a winter birthday, lol! Hope that everything is going well for you.

  35. What a gorgeous scene Brenda!! Love the stamps and your layout and colouring is breathtaking!!
    Thanks for playing along with us at Craft A Scene!

  36. hi brenda, i think that is the most beautiful of all your cards that i have seen on your blog. i do so wish my attempts at doing 'stuff' with inks didn't look like a dogs breakfast!

  37. Gorgeous scene and your brayering is absolutely fantastic, Brenda!

  38. Hi Brenda, this is such a beautiful scene! You can almost smell the frosty moonlit night! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and joining as a follower! I hope I can return the favour and give you some inspiration too ;-)
    Have a great weekend, hugs Frea

  39. Wow, I love this! The background is gorgeous - must get my brayer out for another go. I love the whole thing - layout, colours, stamping, lace & flower. Brilliant, thanks for sharing. Maddy x

  40. Wow! Wow! and a little more Wow! I love moonlight scenes, I just think that they are the most beautiful thing ever and this is just so gorgeous, love it
    Lindsay xx

  41. This is so gorgeous Brenda! Love how you made the snow and such beautiful stamps!!

  42. Hey sweet Brenda, love this amazing creation! Love what you can do with a brayer, girl!!!

  43. Amazing job, love the scene, thanks for joining us a Craft a Scene, hope you can join us again!!!

  44. This is a very beautiful creation. I love this blog a lot.
