
Sunday 18 March 2012

A Krafty Affair

Hello peeps, Happy Mothering Sunday to all you crafty Mums out there.

A quick question, has anyone else lost their little editing tools from their blogs over the weekend ? I can still edit from the settings but the little pencil and spanners have disappeared on all the blogs I manager which is a real pain as they make editing so much quicker.

Today it's time to share the second of my Stampalot creations for the DT's March challenges. I hope you can fine a few moments to pop over the the challenge blog and go and visit all the DT's pieces of work, they are all fab and so different.

The kit's I sent to the DT were again much the same, just slightly different double sided DP's from the same pack of  My Minds Eye Kraft Funday Happy Days. Most the the designs were quite bright with primary colours so I opted for the reverse side of my three sheets.

The base sheet was a neutral colour with spots which I spritzed with Glimmer Mist iridescent gold and red velvet. When dry I randomly stamped with Hero Arts S5601 Newspaper Background and S5449 Fabulous Flourish and embossed the latter with detail copper. I then stamped Hero Arts K5586 Starbursts and again embossed with detail copper. The sentiment is Penny Black 3195H stamped onto a piece of the DP and embossed with the same powder. I made the flower using TH tattered floral die and the leaves are Spellbinders and I found the DP sanded down nicely to fit in with my overall theme.

Have a good Sunday.


  1. Love your card Brenda very 'chic'...yes I lost my editing tools also yesterday


  2. oh Hun love this,adore that background its so effective,and just love those flowers Hun,yes Hun I too have lost the pencil,I noticed it yesterday when I was trying to edit a post hugs Cherylxxx

  3. It's lovely Brenda. Fingers crossed for later on...

  4. Great card Brenda. Love all the distressing. My little editing tools have gone too. Thought it was just me! I agree that editing is so much quicker with them.

  5. Hi Brenda, lovely card for a special day. Mother nature has brought us rain, what else could we want to fill up our reservoirs, happy mothering sunday to all! ruby x

  6. Gorgeous card, Brenda. I love the background you created. The more I see of that starbursts stamp the more I love it! The people in the local flower shop say it was snowing at seven this morning, but the rain has stopped and I am laughing at Steve and Meg cleaning my car (and having a bit of a water fight!) Enjoy your day my friend. I'm off to get inky xxx

  7. Hi there B. some stunning creations on this page am madly busy here so little time for blogging but do love the brayer and dusting cards below and yes my dusters have arrived from Joanna Sheen rent they marvellous - both dusters and JS (AWESOME Shop and service from Joanna's girls) for posting free overseas, re the dusters love them to bits! sadly cant play too much as happily this bit am on new DT so busy with that very exciting actually!! Shaz in oz.x

  8. Hi Terminator,
    This card is just soooo pretty, I am lovin the colour combo its great.
    I hope you are lovely mothers day and you are being spoilt rotten.

  9. gorgeous card Brenda

    I lost ALL my followers (71)from my new blog for my shop.!!!!
    Someone gave me a link to a website. I contacted them and they helped me straight away.....and no charge either!

    have a good day
    hugs Sarah x

  10. Such a pretty card, love this one. HAve a great Sunday, hugs Frea

  11. Really lovely card. Just love the background.

  12. Gorgeous card Brenda! Love the fab.colours, and the way you've built up the background design.

    Just noticed that my little editing tools have gone AWOL too - Mr Blogger must be in one of his mischievous moods again!
    Have a very happy Mother's Day - Sylvia xx

  13. Wow, I LOVE this! Stunning work. My wee pencil as gone AWOL too. xx

  14. A gorgeous use of the kit Brenda, your flower is fabulous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  15. Oww something a little different lovely ! Humm yes mine has gone too and like wise thought it was just me lol
    Von x♥x

  16. Hi Branda,
    Gorgeous card. I love the background. Its perfect.

  17. What a beautiful card, I love the colours and the wonderful textures :o)
    Jackie xx

  18. Gorgeous card Brenda, love how you've done the background. Love that flower, should use mine more often! Great sentiment and lovely colours.

    Hope you've had a lovely day today. The weather here today has been beautiful and I even got all my washing out and dried. My younger daughter took me out to lunch. She even gave me a card lol, and I had cards from the other two as well.

    Kat xx

  19. THis is so pretty - i love all that embossing
    Wish i was back in Sunny Cromer lol.. we had a fab time
    Lisa x

  20. Beautiful Brenda. Gorgeous background and beautiful colors and textures together.
    Warm greet

  21. Gorgeous, gorgeous card Brenda. I love all the dies youve used too and your flower is beautiful. Lee x

  22. A gorgeous card. I love the stamped and embossed background.
    Nikki x

  23. Your card is just stunning Brenda and I love the sentiment.How true is that:)Hope your coffee beans were ok lol.

  24. A thoroughly unusual & very itneresting background - I love the texture & the effect of the different screw heads you used. I had a look at my blog - yes I've lost those bits too.
    Hope you were spoilt today.
    Paula (PEP)

  25. Hi Brenda, gorgeous card and a great kit for your team to use. love the TH die it is fantastic for quick card (often use it for belated birthdays) had a good day at Harrogate and treat myself to a few goodies including the spellbinders foliage die you have used today. Take care x Susan x

  26. Happy Mothering Day to you!!!!

    I love love the shabby feel to your card! So so pretty~

  27. Wow! Another stunningly beautiful card, I love the background and the hinge and the ribbon look lovely. I have lost my editing tools on blogger too, I know that a few people have, hope you had a lovely weekend
    Lindsay xx

  28. Very cool card Brenda!

  29. a very beautiful chic creation dear!!
    I wish you a lovely day
    warm hugs

  30. hallo brenda, this is gorgeous, love allthe embossing and the crumpled flower style very vintage meets chic, and the colours are glorious. hugs heidi x

  31. OMW Brenda, This is stunning! I love the way you've done that flower and the bow looks absolutely superb, Hope you are well, Hugs, Teresa x

  32. Beautiful card with a beautiful sentiment!
    I have awarded you the Versatile Blog award as I love your work and you are a great inspiration to me!
    Love Pearl x

  33. Brenda this color combination is a stunner! Terrific balance and wonderful dimension!

  34. I really love this card Brenda, that embossing is fab as the embellishments love, love, love the flower, x x Hugs May x x x x

  35. Ooh, this is lovely Brenda - gorgeous die-cuts and wonderful colours! :)



  36. Hi Brenda, you might guess I'm catching up on your posts but how did I miss this little beauty - absolutely love the colours, the layout and the vintage style of it. Elizabeth x
