
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Easter basket tutorial and Cup Winners

Good Morning, hope everyone had a good weekend and saw a bit of the lovely sunshine we had here in the Fens, it was really beautiful and Sunday quite warm as there was little or no wind.

Before I can talk craft I have to share a picture of the boys after our win at Wembley yesterday, it was something of a nail biter going to extra time and then penalties, but we got there in the end and are assured of  European footie next season, not to mention another trophy in the cabinet at Anfield. For those of you totally lost and not as mad and fanatical about footie as I am, I mean Liverpool FC !!

Silliness over, on to some craft and I thought I would share one of the little Easter baskets I have been making, the inspiration actually came from a demo I saw on TV for a rather expensive score board and it got me thinking I could probably come up with something similar using my cheapie MDF board which I've had for yonks and hey presto it worked a treat, so here is my take on the basket.

It's a really basic design and I am sure most of you can suss it out for yourself, but just in case I've done a few photos with sizes to help. Above is what I used for mine, one sheet of A4 linen cardstock, I 12x12 sheet DP, some ribbons, CopicsAquamarkers, scoring tool four eyelets, Nesie and stamp for the image which is Penny Black 2665K Blush and I also used Adirondack raspberry for the main part of the flower.

Start by cutting the A4 sheet of card down to a 21cm square  and score in both directions at 7cm intervals so your piece is divided into nine equal squares, the score the four corner squares diagonally as above. Crease all scored lines and you will see the shape of the basket coming together. The four diagonal corners scores need to be carefully folded inwards.

Next cut 17 - 6.5x6.5cm squares from the sheet of DP, leave 9 whole and cut the other eight in half diagonally, then stick all into place as below. Both sides will look the same with just one centre square blank, that will be your base.

Note: the basket in the picture at the top was my prototype and I didn't cover the folded in flaps, so if you prefer to do it that way to get some contrast you will only need nine of the 6.5cm squares and they won't need cutting in half as you will only be covering the whole squares, five inside and four on the outside.

Stamp your image four times and cut out with a Nestie, I then ran a Copic round the edge rather than matting and layering so as not to add too much weight. Stick on the four outer squares.......make sure you get them the right way up and not upside down as I did on my first attempt !!

Finally pop an eyelet into each of the four corners, draw the basket up into shape and thread ribbon through the eyelets. And walla, you have a pretty little basket to fill with goodies. I will share this pink and green version another day.

And of course you can change the size to larger or smaller, all you need to remember is that your chosen size will divide evenly by three so you get nine equal squares.


  1. Gorgeous little basket, thank you for the tutorial :)

  2. Super basket! A little spring treat. Thanks for showing us how to make it. I'll be giving it a go, Ruth x

  3. Thank you for tutorial!This basket is very nice!!!

  4. Wow.I thought I've seen it all but, no !It's a very beautiful idea annd you are so sweet sharing us this tutorial!
    thanks and wish you the best!

  5. Hi Brenda this is so sweet! Hope you don't mind if I make one and link back here

  6. First of all Brenda congratulations on your teams win. As neutrals we really enjoyed the match but I bet your nerves were on edge.
    Love your pretty little box. You're like me, if I see something I have to find my own way of doing it with the tools I've got. Great tutorial. Hope things improve for you MS wise very soon. xx

  7. I could hardly watch towards the end.... esp for the pens! But Hurrah, we did it in the end....
    Love the basket.

  8. A wonderful basket. Thanks for the tutorial. I might try it out sometime as it doesn't seem too difficult.
    Nikki x

  9. WOW this is amazing! I love practical applications

  10. Pretty basket! Nice for giveaways!

  11. Really pretty little basket and a fab tutorial, thanks for sharing, I hope you are feeling a bit better today
    Lindsay xx

  12. Brenda this dimensional pocket basket is beautiful! Thank you for generously sharing!

  13. Fab tutorial, such a lovely project. Thanks for sharing. xx

  14. Hi Brenda - great tutorial, always helps to have piccies...a beautiful basket !

    I've tried and tried to link up on the Stampalot challenge but Mr Linky is just not having it - I left a comment yesterday with my blog URL as he wouldn't accept my pic saying it was too large, (it had been fine on other sites) tried again today after I figured out how to resize the pic but he's not playing ball, it let me add the photo but when I click done and go back to the blog, my entry isn't there..... Don't know what else to try...Esther xx

  15. Brenda, this is a gorgeous little basket and thank you for sharing the tutorial.

  16. ooh fab tutorial and gorgeous little basket
    So pretty
    Lisa x

  17. This is wonderful,Brenda!Love the tutorial,must try this! :)
    Great papers and colours!
    Have a lovely week!

    Hugs,Kari :)

  18. Thanks for the tutorial - it certainly looks a treat & I like your idea of having the corners contrasting. I can just imagine this filled with little chocolate Easter Eggs.
    Paula (PEP)

  19. Amazing tutorial - thanks for sharing. I don't even like football - not one little bit - but even I can say that the penalty shoot out was exciting! xx

  20. I made one for christmas this year ,but what fab idea never thought of making one for Easter stuffing with shavings nd eggs.Thanks for reminding me and love your basket .Congratulations Liverpool not footie fan me !

  21. Super project Brenda - great idea for Easter with the kids.....Cheers Claire x

  22. Thank You for the tutorial...looks great.
    I will try it for Easter :O)

    Have a nice day

  23. OH I love this idea, I think I am definitely going to have to try this!!!

  24. Wonderful tutorial and beautiful papers you have used.

  25. Wow - you make this look like something I could actually do! Thank you!
