
Monday 23 January 2012

What sort of person steals the work of others ?

Good Morning Peeps, I hope you all had a good weekend.

Mine was soured somewhat by a Blogger who seems unable to conduct herself in a fair and honest way and is part of a teeny tiny minority faction that makes us all sad. I refer to a person who not only copies but also uses the work of others.

An incident happened with this person in September and I really hoped it had been sorted then and she would refrain from doing it ever again. Apparently not, as it's happened again at least twice in the last ten days and when it's the girls on one of my Design Teams being directly targeted I take great offence.

Having spent some time reading this persons blog I have little doubt the incidents I know about are not isolated ones as she has several posts where she claims to be posting very old work and for this reason is unable to give any details of the products used. Yeh, right....could it be because she never made the piece ?

And to add insult to injury she consistently sings her own praises on her blog about her quality of work and high profile in the crafting industry. I guess if you are small minded and devious enough to post other peoples work on your own blog you eventually believe all you write.

I thought long and hard about doing this post and initially was all for naming and shaming, but I know this person will see this post and I truly hope that she does have a concience and will see the error of her ways and quit blogland, as there is no place for her in a genuine and friendly environment.

I know the issue of watermarks on work will be raised, well some of the work did have them and has been cleverly's apparently possible if you know how. And other recognisable publicly displayed pieces have I believe, been photographed  and then used. I will add at this point, this is NOT the person who did something identical to a friends work a couple of years ago. 

Not a nice way to kick start the week and for that I apologise, but it has to be said.


  1. oh my my! that is one evil person.

  2. Whomever it is should know better, I think it is ridiculous. This is the second post I have read tonight about watermarks and people stealing others works. take care.

  3. Thats literally ridiculous. I started blogging in october last year and bookmarked hundreds of tutorials... and praised those guys as if they were super. But today I literally know who copied whom. Moreover I feel saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad when they get prize. Seriously .I had this when I had my food blog. So now I restricted my blog.

  4. Disgusting B. Obvioulsy not got any talent of their own !
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  5. Not a nice story to start the week with, you're right.
    Take care,

  6. Wow what a foolish person - to think they are really thieves and petty ones at that!!

    Good on you for doing this B.

    I had a very good friend suffer (and I mean suffer as the theft hurts big-time) through this last year - someone stole her work on Splitcoasters.
    This is low, not welcome here on blogland - simply not nice, Shaz in Oz.x

  7. Hi Brenda

    Well what can I say?!?! This is just so very wrong!!

    It must take more effort to steal other people's work and disguise a watermark than to make the card in the first place?

    The pleasure for me is all in the crafting, designing and making .. .. clearly not for this person though. What pleasure can this person get out of blogging etc knowing that the work isn't their own!!

    I just don't understand it.

    Sorry your weekend was spoilt Brenda.

    Hope the week is better!!

    Love Jules xx

  8. Taking inspiration ( and giving credit)is one thing, but stealing?? Internet is a mine of knowledgw=e for those who want to learn, but its also a place where you can steal and be hidden. I have come across so many write ups which were lifted from somewhere else and without cridit to the actual writers. I hope that the person stops her devious ways. Otherwise you should take more drastic step. You don't know who is copying your work in this vast online world, but when you do, you should put a stop to it.

  9. Hi Brenda....I really dont know what to say to you..I think if it was me I would name and shame particularly if its not the first time this has happened and to win a competition using something elses card is just not on...card making is such a lovely hobby and its the 'art of creating' YOUR OWN work..... and to cover up a watermark on a card is just the pits!
    We certainly dont want people like this in blogland....


  10. Brenda this makes me so sad.
    I can only echo what the others have already said, it is just shameful. Perhaps you should name and shame so everyone is aware. I would!!!
    The hard work we put into our cards is rewarded by the pleasure of the recipient and to think others can be so thoughtless as to call it their own is quite frankly beyond me.
    Take care
    Anne x

  11. It has ruined your weekend, Brenda but the person involved probably has no conscience and has most likely enjoyed her weekend. It's despicable. Your work is an inspiration - but stealing it is disgusting.
    Ruth x

  12. Well said & thank you for speaking out. I hope the person contacts you & apologises. This post really shows your own integrity & your generosity in giving the offending party an opportunity of seeing the error of their ways.
    Paula (PEP)

  13. Wow, what a story. I’m sorry to hear that such persons really can win competitions!! I really hope this foolish person read this and come to here senses, but I doubt it. She probably don’t have any conscience at all.
    Wish you a good week, despite this incident.

  14. This type of behaviour is disgusting and I think she should be named and shamed. Take care.

  15. Not a good start to your week Brenda. I'm with Craftyanny, name and shame. We all put our own work into the public domain and are delighted when we inspire, but to actually steal and say it's your own is disgusting. Hope the person in question reads your post and has a guilt trip and stops.
    Anita x

  16. Brenda, it is a very sad situation. I hope that everything will be ok. But I see a one plus of this situation - your works are so popular and so beuatiful that somebody wants to copy it.

  17. Absolutely disgusting! We ALL take INSPIRATION from other people's blogs in one shape way or form and I think this is why blogland is so rewarding as I have generally found that ALL crafters love to inspire and be inspired and are willing to share this with others...but to blantly "steal" another's work and then to get "rewarded" for it is totally unaccptable. I too have had this happen to me - I made a card for the local craft shop to demonstrate some stamps, one of the other customers took a photo, made an indentical card, sent it off to a mag and won a prize!!!!!
    Never steal, take inspiration but give credit .....
    I doubt the person in crafter will feel any guilt though ... could you write to the mag/company she got acknowledgement from Brenda?
    Suzanne x

    1. So sorry to hear this, it really boggles my mind how anyone can do this, cannot even begin to imagine and then still ...won... , hope she is also reading all these comments and hangs her head in shame........sis on you!!!!!!!
      Hope the week will be better for you and the others affected!!
      lotsa luv

  18. Hi Dear... that's so sad... this should be a passion, something that make us happy just by DOING, not by showing... does it make sense?? my english as you know is not that good... I found unbelievable to steal other works... Blogland is a perfect way to exchange ideas, and take inspiration from very talented girls (like you dear) but that's different from what you are talking about... very sad!! =(
    I wish you a nice week, even if the start was not that good! =)

  19. Brenda, it is times like this that sadden my heart. There is so much camaraderie amongst us all, that you will be praised of your OWN work and it is shameful to think one would go to these lengths to get recognized. Sad, Sad, Sad. As for your DT member, my apologies go to her for being a victim of such harmful acts of theft. Now, I will be sure to keep my eyes sharp and be on the lookout, although I truly wish I didn't have to. Keep your chin up!

  20. I would name and shame to, the cheek of it. To give credit is one think but to blatantly steal ones work and make it there own is not on. Wheres the talent?

  21. It just goes to show that you have far more integrity in not naming and shaming the person than the lady herself.

    I do hope she reads your post and reconsiders.

    However I do have concerns that this lady is unwell as surely she must be to be so disillusioned as to think the work is her own? But then again the world does have plenty of accomplished liars out there.

    I think if it was to happen again then I would name her so everyone can be aware of her tricks?

    Hope your week gets better Brenda - Im still picturing your horses hunting out the hidden carrots! (Yes, I know, Im sad!!)

    Keryn x

  22. Not a very nice one!!! I think you ought to tell who it is...if she is taking from one, she is taking from several, and whomever it is, if she were a follower, I would remove her as well as everyone else to remove her...hard to get what she can't find! It's sad, but it's the only way to stop this kind of behavior, just my two cents worth! Sometimes people have to face the music so to speak...or they never learn that people will not tolerate this kind of behavior. As my Mom says, you may never see the person pay for what they do, but someday they have to meet their maker, and I wouldn't want to be in their shoes! ARRGGGHHH! Hugs! Leah Ann

  23. I am sorry to hear that you had to go through this. (((Brenda)))

    Happy creating,

  24. Good on you Brenda!! Its such a shame and why oh why she wants to do this is beyond me. How can she call herself a crafter if she doesn't actually craft but uses the talents of others for her fame!! I will never understand this!! Hope your week improves:)

  25. Really sorry to hear you've had this issue Brenda. There really are some horrible people out there.
    let's hope whoever it was reads the post as stealing is so bad.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xxx

  26. oh dear - taking inspiration and casing is one thing, but to gain from the work and not even case it is unbelievable. I am afraid if they stoop that low they will not take the hint from this post.

  27. Oh Dear Brenda its so sad to hear that is happening again, she doesnt deserve to be rewarded for other peoples work I do hope that your post does shame her and make her leave us here in blogland as we dont need her. hugs Shirleyxxxx

  28. meh, I think this is absolutely shocking!!!

  29. I find this completely amazing, Brenda. What on earth does this person achieve by blatantly stealing someone's work and passing it off as their own. We craft for the love of it and love sharing ideas and inspiration with each other and it seems so sad that someone just wants to cheat. She is no crafter that's for sure and should definitely be named and shamed so that those that she follows can be warned and remove her. She needs to leave Blogland for good!!!
    I feel incensed for you and your DT memebers who have been affected by this. What a way to start a week Brenda.
    I hope it continues in a better way.
    Hugs Lisax

  30. Brenda, I say name and shame! I doubt this person will stop unless shamed into doing so. As long as you can prove it (i.e. pictures of the card on another blog) then I can't see how it could backfire on you.
    I love to look at the blogs of others, I have only won a handful of challenges myself since starting my blog but I know that each one is a totally unique card made by ME. If I have taken inspiration from a card (I do save lots of beautiful cards to a file on my computer) I try and give credit and a link to that person's blog. I would not want to win with a card that is some one else's idea. Actually going as far as to get rid of watermarks is just theft, pure and simple. my pictures always have at least one Cat and a terribly messy desk in them!

  31. What is this disgusting and schocking Brenda. Who does that now. We are all busy in our own way and then to smear our work on this way, I think this is very very bad.
    Actually, you could, if she do not want to listen, to make her name known. That earns them anyway.
    This is a bad start of the week and I hope for you it continues better.
    Hugs and lovely greet

  32. This is so sad. I can't believe people would actually just take someone's photo and say it is their own, wow. And then to enter a contest with it, serious nerve.

  33. Brenda - this is dreadful. I can't imagine why anyone would want to do such a thing. My feelings are that this person should be named and shamed - at the end of the day it amounts to stealing.

  34. Brenda, how awful, what a sad, sad person they are. Just can't see how using someone elses work could give them any pleasure whats o ever! Carolxx

  35. HI Brenda, this behaviour is so despicable, but in all honousty, do you really think that she will change her ways because of reading this? If she steels to start with, I do not think she will suddenly come to her senses and change her ways.... I think you have very little choice but to expose her. Have you tried talking to her straight? Maybe if you do and threaten to expose her she will refrain from doing it again. Hugs, Frea

  36. OMG, I can't believe this has happened, it's like stealing, completely wrong and immoral, name and shame her Brenda. I am so sorry this person has upset and angered you x

  37. I think it is disgraceful. Why can't people just be honest!
    hugs Sarah x

  38. I have to agree with the other commenters. How low do you have to be to steal someone elses work and enter it in challenges and such. It is just so wrong.

  39. Hi Brenda
    I think you have shown amazing restraint in not naming and shaming. I don't think I would have been so generous. I hope she has learned her lesson, but as this is a second offence I think not. Hope your week improves x

  40. I really don't understand why people would do this! They are obviously not a crafter and have no conscience at all. We all get inspiration from other work, but to just copy their photo and claim as their own is just unbelievable!!
    Hope your week gets better x
    Wendy x

  41. This is really horrible Brenda, I can't believe that someone could do this to a fellow crafter. I agree with some of the others that this is stealing. After all you can't accidentally erase someone else's watermark. Makes you wonder if she actually made any of the cards on her blog.

    Hope you feel better knowing that we all support you and join you in your horror and revulsion at this nastiness.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  42. Blimey Brenda that"s shocking. It would be pretty bad to make a card the same and give no credit, but to just steal a photo and not even make the card at all is really low!! I'm pretty sure most people don't mind if their work gives someone an idea and they give you a toot for it ... I've done that myself a few times when someone"s idea really appealed, but in any case the real joy of crafting is to combine ideas and thoughts to create something of your own. Didn't understand what satisfaction this person gets from what she"s doing
    Pauline x

  43. There's no limit to the depths some people will go to is there?I hope whoever it is sees sense and does the right thing.Good on you for speaking out.

  44. oh that's shocking.. why would you? the clue is in the title ... Crafter .. one who crafts! .. not one who steals !
    Sorry to hear this Brenda ... but thankfully the majority of crafters are wonderful honest people
    Lisa x

  45. oh Hun this is awful,no idea who this person,is but no one should ever do this,and you are right to expose who ever has done this to you thankfully most of us are honest hugs Cherylxxxxxxxxxx

  46. Hi Brenda, I am sorry your week has gotten off to a bad start. I don't understand people like this, surely the whole point of crafting is getting your hands dirty and having fun, I really don't see the point in stealing someone else's work and I think that most true crafters would agree that we craft for the love of crafting, I just don't get why anyone would want to skip the crafting bit of it, surely it's all pointless then. I hope your DT don't have too much trouble from her
    Lindsay xx

  47. It sounds as if naming and shaming may be the only way to stop this person from stealing. I craft for love, and as I don't have a lot of time available I don't get to visit lots of other blogs so haven't been aware of this. However, I think the more people that are made aware of people who steal other's work, then the less likelihood there is of good crafters having their work stolen, and if we know where to look we can check it out and name and shame.
    annie x

  48. Brenda, what an awful thing for anyone to do. I really do hope that this post shames her into stopping. I hope your week improves.
    Nikki x

  49. Hi Brenda, looks like a lot of folks are as appalled as you are with this person's behaviour. I wonder who else has been the target of this person. I don't flatter myself that she/he would bother to steal mine - although I do put a watermark on my photographs, just in case - but I have had a website's contents stolen in the past and had to take action by reporting the culprit to the professional organisation we both belonged to. The illegal website was shut down. Unfortunately, crafters do not have such an organisation to complain to but surely Blogger can shut the site down in cases like this. Like others, I can't see the point, where's the fun in stealing photographs ... that's not crafting. Hope it all gets sorted out soon. Elizabeth x

  50. hi huni this is so shameful of the person how dare she and then claim prizes too who dies she think she is thanks for putting up this post i hope she sees this tonight and feels really bad and leaves blogland how very dare she xx

  51. hi brenda, i'm sorry to hear about this. when it happened to me recently, i posted about it and started a thread on splitcoaststampers; i got chastised, mocked and some posts were so insulting, they had to be edited and the thread was ended. someone then went to the trouble of sending me a nasty email. i started labelling my pics, even though i know how to delete watermarks. i hope the original card maker exposed the 'winner' for copyright infringement. here's an article worth reading:

  52. Good grief, that is brazen to the extreme! Not only to steal the work, and post it on her own blog, but to enter it in a contest???? To win and claim the prize? I hope that whoever it is has enough conscious left to feel shame and STOP! To steal is just wrong. We all get inspiration and ideas from each other, that's one thing, even to CASE (with attribution) but to flat out steal and claim as ones own...that's wrong on soooo many levels!!! Can certainly understand why you felt the need to post this.

  53. The only way you will stop this sort of blatant copying is to Name and Shame~!

  54. I doubt that this person would have a conscience, if she/he did then they wouldn't steal other crafters work in the first place!
    Jackie xx

  55. Please name and shame this person!

  56. that is dreadful, how can she think she will get away with it??

  57. What a shame that person has to go to such length to boost her ego.
    She could put all that efford into making a name for herself and by herself instead, to gain
    the respect of other people aswell...
    Hopefully it will turn around this time for keeps..
    with love...

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Oh my...again, so sorry to hear;-))m

  60. Crikey, what a nerve and totally unacceptable!!!!
    It is a very sad person who will try to pass off another's work as their own.
    Where is the satifaction in that?

  61. Hi Brenda, I am so sorry that this is happening. I feel so sad that someone feels the need to do it. I would really love to know who it is as if she is stealing on a regular basis I think that people have a right to know hun. The fact that she is profiting by entering someone elses work and winning is shameful. I don't think you would be a bad person to name and shame hun, infact if it is out there then hopefully she will quit blogland out of shame. Good on you for this post hun. Big hugs Clare xxx

  62. Oh Brenda, I have no words for this. Sounds like the only way to stop this behaviour (for a while) is naming and shaming. On the other hand it might be better to report this issue to Blogger/Google or whatever blogging service she's using, so that they can ban her? If you can properly document that all this is about an infringement of copyrights the blogging service should be able to either remove the relevant content from the blog of this person or remove the entire blog. Have a look at Blogger's Content Policy for more information.

  63. This has left me feeling so sad. Only this week a fellow blogger has advised me to watermark my work and I have been looking into doing this , but if they can go and just remove your watermsark what is the point to it all!! I craft for the shear fun of making an item not to steal and pass off as my own. I liken this to atheletes that take steriods to win a race. We certainly live in a very sad world. Name and Shame and let blogger know too. hugs Mrs A.

  64. I admire your restraint, but at the same time I have to aggree with some of the posters - it's unlikely she will change unless her devious and despicable actions are shown to her "public". I found out about a famous crafter that did that ( I fact checked the story and decided in my own opinion that she probably had stolen someone's work ), and so therefore, I no longer follow her blog, or buy any of her products. So I think it does work to put the name out there. Maybe tell her you plan on doing it unless she makes some type of agreeable concession. Good luck 2 u!

  65. Not a lot else to add apart from there are people who will steal anything from someone without a second thought to what they're doing or why. This person needs to be stopped but please don't take this on your shoulders, you may then become a target for their vileness. Shame we have to deal with this at all.


  66. Oh my ... that is really lousy.. it's outragous it what it is!!! I'm all for naming people who do such things - I would really want to see if my work or any of my blogfriends where stolen and put on her blog as hers! :( I'm using watermarks on my card pics, had no idea they could be removed again.. So sad that one bad apple can ruin the fun for so many. Big hug to you & the crafting community from me :)
