
Tuesday 31 January 2012

Spring Bluebells

Good Morning from the dull, misty, cold and basically pretty miserable Fens, but I am keeping positive and hoping for a glimmer of sunshine if for no other reason so I can take some photos of my latest makes. And I keep reminding myself Spring is not so far away, judging by the garden the bulbs certainly think so.

So just a quick couple of shares before I head off for my routine bloods, I'm still pretty immobile and the pain is as fierce as ever at times, in fact I reckon I could move backwards quicker then forwards, so needless to say I can't even contemplate driving and hubby is taking me.

But all is positive on the crafty front.......a girl has to do something to pass the time and I do find like so many of you that it helps absorb the mind and the pain seem less evident. Both my cards are made with Ruth's wonderful artwork which you can grab for yourself at A Passion for Stamps. Ruth has drawn some lovely new Spring crocuses which I will be sharing with you shortly and also some very sweet love birds which I need to put to use this week.

My card up top uses the beautiful bluebells, printed onto Fabriano watercolour card, heat embossed with detail know my method of throwing the powder on as it comes through the printer and coloured with Aquamarkers. The DP is Nitwits, the roses cut with a Marianne die and the swirl is a Memory Box die, aren't they just so delicate.

My second card is Ruth's columbine printed onto acetate, then placed on one side of a piece of double sided sticky sheet. The reverse is a piece of white tissue paper scrunched up and inked with TH broken china, old paper and stormy sky, then stuck to the reverse side of the sticky sheet. The flower is then coloured with Copics from the reverse through the tissue, this technique never fails to fascinate me. The sentiment is a really old PB wood mounted stamp. I picked a couple of laurel leaves to place in front of my card when I did the photo, but they do look like they have measles in the picture don't they ?

Have a good Tuesday everyone, thanks for popping in and I hope you see a bit of sunshine today.


  1. So sorry to hear you having a bad time,glad your crafting is giving you some pleasure.I used to dread blood tests ,big softie that I am,now there second nature.Just read about a new ms drug coming here from the US,sounds promising for releaving symtoms. My son's gilfriend's Mum has ms ,poor lady,she often falls .
    I love both your pretty blue cards and like you we have a cold and very dull day. Just put some seeds out for the hungry birds.

  2. Your cards are beautiful and such a lovely floral image. Hope the tests go ok and still waiting for the sun up in north yorks as well.
    x catherine

  3. Morning Brenda....sorry to hear that you going through a rough patch at the moment think crafting keeps a lot of people 'sane' and helps a lot of people...
    YOur cards are gorgeous I particularly love the spring bluebells beautifully coloured and I like your rolled flowers...


  4. Brenda both cards are fabulous. Love the blue bells but also your second card on acetate. Marvelous.
    Lovely greet

  5. Wow, beautiful cards! I'll keep my fingers crossed you will have some sunshine. Hugs, Hanneke

  6. oh these are pretty Brenda - the bluebells remind me of walking through the woods with my Grandad when i was small.. wonderful memories
    Lisa x

  7. oh wow How pretty are these Hun those bluebells,are just gorgeous hugs cherylxxxxx

  8. Such beautiful cards Brenda and it's lovely to see the sun shining on them. I love the acetate and tissue technique on the second card.
    Hugs, Clare xx

  9. I love the first one, the colours and the roses too.

    a bordo

  10. I love this Brenda it's really pretty!
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Amelia (mimi)

  11. Absolutely stunning creations Brenda. Just love the flower stamps and oh yes, your photographs of the creations are so profesionally done.

  12. Brenda, these are so fresh and the blues! Thanks so much! I hope you get on well at the doctors, I'll be in touch later this evening,
    Ruth x

  13. Firstly. I hope you get on ok! The cards are stunning - I love the bluebells and the columbine both!

  14. Gorgeous cards Brenda!
    Both so lovely and full of style;-))m

  15. Gorgeous card! Love the color. Hope all goes well for you.

  16. Brenda, It is very sad to hear it. Your cards are beautiful and I hope the spring will come soon on your street and in your heart.

  17. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I especially love the second one. The acetate and tissue effect is wonderful.
    Nikki x

  18. Ooh now you know I am a sucker for those blues and greens and throw a little purple into the mixture and I am totally absorbed. sorry to hear you are suffering badly again. You are so amazing to be able to produce such gorgeous creations even while you are in pain.hugs heid x

  19. Ohhh, such a wonderful cards !!!
    Love them.

    Have a great day.

  20. Lovely colors! Great cards again.

  21. So sorry you are in so much pain, you made me giggle at the thought of you moving around backwards as you can go faster that way. I hope you don't mind ;-) Your cards as always are amazing, such beautiful colours and images xxx

  22. Sorry to hear you're going through a bad time just now Brenda. Lucky you have crafting to try and take your mind off the pain. Wonderful how you make such stunning cards in spite of your health problems. I love both cards but maybe the second is my favourite. Thanks for sharing how you made it.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  23. I do hope there can be some better pain control & mobility obtained for you. Sorry to hear that you are having a rather tough time with it. I'm rather intrigued by that second card but have to admit the first with those blue roses is my favourite.
    Paula (PEP)

  24. Hi Brenda
    Superb creations with such beautiful details. The second one is striking and really gorgeous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. absolutely gorgeous cards n I luv the paperflowers on the first one :)

  26. Youve blown me away again Brenda, these cards are stunning. I love that gorgeous memory box swirl die, thats a definite want on my list, lol. Lee x

  27. These cards are very beautiful! I especially like the one below! I admire and colors!

  28. Hey brenda, sorry to hear about the pain, I am glad you are keeping busy crafting though! Take it easy :-)

    Beautiful bluebells, love the flowers and flourish!

    and I adore the background of the second, cool technique!!!

  29. I'm glad to hear that crafting helps keep the pain from the front of your mind. Both of today's are gorgeous. The second is very intriguing, don't think I've done quite that technique, will have to try that! Thanks for the tip.

  30. Both are so beautiful Brenda.

  31. Both cards are so beautiful, I wouldn't like to have to choose a favourite :o)
    Jackie xx

  32. Hi there B. do love the cards - blue is the colour and the weather makes you feel that way by the sound of it but so glad craft is a solace :D and pray the bloods do show less bad marks and more good ones! for you! mine are never normal but some days they are more normal than others!! I would guess you are well and truly in that way also. love Shaz in a warm but wet Oz. x

  33. Hi B, Really gorgeous cards and I love the background paper on the second one and the flowers and the doily on the first. Sorry to hear that you are having a bad day, I quite agree that crafting helps to make the pain seem less evident and distracts you from it a little, crafting is the best therapy, but I will be hoping for a better day for you tomorrow
    Lindsay xx

  34. Hi Brenda so sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment. Hope all goes well with the blood tests.
    Thank you for visiting me as I always love to hear from you.
    Take good care of yourself.
    Oh nearly forgot to say the cards are stunning and beautiful to brighten the dull cold winter days. xx

  35. Wow Brenda, these are absolutely stunning, and so elegant, loving the pretty flowers. .. sorry to hear you are not so good, hope all will go well. Hugs xx

  36. Hi Brenda, sorry to hear you are not too good at the moment. Hope the blood tests go well. Sorry I haven't been blogging much myself - lost my mojo a bit but hopefully it will return before too long. I love these cards and the colours. The Bluebells are lovely but especially the Columbine - such a lovely effect. Well it was sunny in the Fens today - soon be coming home from work in the daylight - roll on spring! Take care, Linda x

  37. Hi Brenda, sorry your not feeling to well hope you soon feel better. Stunning cards as always you really do have a talent to making beautiful cards. hugs Shirleyxxx

  38. Ur cards are simply beautiful!! love those blue roses

  39. These are stunning!! Brenda and absolutley fabulous images nice layouts too.
    Hugs Linda

  40. The effects you have created with the acetate and tissue are very pretty, almost like marble.

  41. Hi Brenda, loving both your cards and the touch of laurel leaves on your pic, fabby, hoping you're not suffering too much! Ruby x
