
Monday 21 November 2011

A crane takes flight

Good Morning everyone, well I hope it will be when this pops up as I am scheduling it as by now I should be checked into hospital and become robotic linked up to machines and a "probe".....don't much like the sound of that bit.........monitoring my hearts activity for a couple of days. To say I am petrified is an understatement, not so much by the tests, more by what they may find, although they have already told me it will be a few days before I get all the results as they need to be "analysed". And being removed from my craft desk and computer will be a huge wrench, so I guess I will have to be a virtual crafter and dream cards for a while.

My share for today is one of the samples I have just finished for Sue of Animal Spirit stamps, this one uses the lovely Crane stamp and I have combined it with a bit of inking and brayering. I stuck with two colours of Adirondack dye ink, butterscotch and hazelnut. The trees are Inkylicious as is the sentiment. I stamped the crane onto Copic cardstock and coloured with Copics.

Hope you all have a good day and as always, thank you so much for dropping by.


  1. This is really lovely, the crane stamp is great with all the detail. Laura

  2. hope today hasn't been too traumatic, fingers crossed for good news on the results. love these animal spirit images, they are brilliant. hugs heidi x

  3. Beautiful card. Hope that the test go well and the results are good. Hugs Anesha

  4. This is really gorgeous and very beautiful. You have colored the crane so beautiful and the composition is fabulous.
    Lovely gret

  5. What a gorgeous card. Love all the beautiful colours on the crane and the whole layout of the card. Hope you get on okay.

  6. Stunning card colour those images so well. Take care during your hospital stay. I hope all goes according to plan....will be thinking of you.

  7. Brenda, I hope it all goes well. It always freaks me out if I have to have tests for anything, even the regular "women's" ones... so will be thinking of you. At least yesterday's result was good!
    Love the card, the crane is a gorgeous stamp.

  8. Good luck with your tests. Hopefully the results will be helpful.
    Love the colourful crane on your card in front of the soft muted background. Very pretty!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. What a gorgeous card! I love that sentiment with the stamp. Good luck in the hospital, I hope the test results will be good news. Hugs, Hanneke

  10. sending my best wishes, Brenda. Your art here is beautiful. I hope you can be at your art desk again soon.

  11. WOw your card is just lovely...good look with your tests..


  12. Hi Brenda,
    Or should I call you Terminator with all those gadgets you will be hooked up too !
    I hope all goes well and I get to see you soon.
    Your card is gorgeous, I love the crane, you rock.:)
    Big Hugs Mandy

  13. crane is beautiful, love the card, hope your results are good!!

  14. Hi Brenda, I hope your tests will go well. I can imagine you dreading it, I would be too. On the other hand, if there is something wrong it is always better to know so they can help you right?
    Love your gorgeous card, great image. Hugs, Frea

  15. Aw Brenda, hope today has been ok for you, I am thinking of you and willing the best of the best results. I love your card, so elegant and beautiful. Such a gorgeous sentiment x

  16. Wow Brenda, I love this, absolutely gorgeous!
    Hugs Jacee

  17. Fabby card Brenda. Love that scene and the crane is stunning.

    Hope the tests go ok and you're not suffering too much from withdrawals from no crafting lol!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  18. Beautiful Card - Hope it all goes well in hospital! xx

  19. I hope that it goes OK - shall be thinking of you. Love the way the crane is positioned flying across the two panels; lovely & elegant especially with the earthy colours.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. I am keeping everything crossed for you, Brenda. Your card is really beautiful. I do love these two panelled brayered cards you are creating - gorgeous work x

  21. Your card is stunning, Brenda. All the elements fit so beautifully together.

    Hope all goes well with the tests. I'll be thinking about you. xx

  22. Brenda I really hope the tests go well and you get your results really quickly. This card is stunning, the bird is incredible. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. Lee x

  23. WOW stunning! lovely work hunny!! :0)

  24. I just love your crane! Your scene and sentiment are just fabulous!

  25. Hi Brenda, I love the animal spirit images and you have done this one proud! Fantastic art, very eye catching!

  26. Have to say that the whole hospital thing doesn't sound like a lot of fun, and to keep you from your computer is just cruel! Will be thinking of you and keeping a set of fingers crossed for good results. In the meantime, this card is simply beautiful. The layout, sentiment, and that crane is amazing.

  27. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful creation!

  28. Its gorgeous Brenda, hope all goes well.

  29. What a stunning card, so beautiful. I hope that all is going well with you at the hospital :o)
    Hugs, Jackie xx

  30. A gorgeous card. I love the scene and the crane is fantastic.
    I hope all goes well with the tests.
    Nikki x

  31. Just realised that I had missed this card. It is fantstic - the crane is incredible. Love the brayering. Sorry to see that you are in hospital - hope that all goes well.

  32. Wow Brenda! That crane is gorgeous! I sure would love to see how you do that. Good luck in the hospital - will be praying that all goes well. Big Hugs!

  33. That crane is absolutely _amazing_! I love the entire card, it's beautiful.
    Hope you'll be home from the hospital soon and that all it goes well with your tests.
    Hugs from Anna
