
Thursday 27 October 2011

Lost in translation...........

........or to be more specific in the Royal Mail postal system.................I can't believe that my package of 20 samples to Stamp Addicts for the new shows on C&C at 10am and 1pm tomorrow has not been delivered more than a week after it was sent by Special Delivery................and RM's records can't even tell me where it was last tracked in their system. And to add insult to injury, they can't................or should that be their intransigent system won't investigate until fifteen days after the "expected" delivery date.

And as I said the other day, I really loved making these ones and spend hours and hours on them and could have gone on forever with those gorgeous tree stamps. So the best I can do is share a few more pictures of some of those samples.

Another of the new stamp stamp is this one with arched windows and curtains which were fun to work with.

And the On the Water stamp set.

Another of the trees.

Have a good day everyone, the weathers non too bright here so it looks like some crafting will be in order after work.


  1. oh hun what a pain,post is just terrible,lately,they are not bothered one bit,you pay all that money,for what,anyway hun enough of me ramping on,these cards hun are just brilliant,fantastic just love them all hun you have one amazing talent,and oh could look at those scenes all day love hugs cherylxxx

  2. Same bad service here in Finland with post office. The fees get up every year (it is even cheaper to send something from Asia to Finland than from Finland to Finland!) and things get lost in their way. Crap!
    Love these cards. The blue(ish) peace-card is my definite favourite, could use it with christmas-themed text also ^^
    Hugs, Eemeli

  3. Beautiful cards, as ever! Hope they arrive eventually..... grrrr!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

  4. Видимо во всех странах проблемы с почтой. Крепитесь! Открытки - чудо!

  5. Hi darling!!!
    I know post is always a pain!!! I hope it will arrive! =)The window with the cat is so cute and cozy!!! =)

  6. OMG how awful that your cards are somewhere en route, you must be really upset. Your samples are stunning and I am always in awe of your work. Those trees are just gorgeous aren't they, very easy to work with and so many things to make with them.
    Hope they turn up soon

  7. That's a disgrace, I do hope they turn up in time. You can see all the hard work you have put into the cards 'cos they are BEAUTIFUL! I love the 'peace' one, and the one with the lambs. They are all so different and special x

  8. Your cards are beautiful!!!
    I'm sorry your cards haven't made it to their destination, I can't believe how slow the mail system is!!
    I ordered something from the US to Canada and it took 42 days!! I just about gave up on it too!
    hugs to you!

  9. Hi Brenda...your cards are so beautiful. I hope they arrive soon. You've worked so hard.
    Debbie x

  10. And "they" are talking of allowing RM to charge what they like for 1st class posting!!!!!
    Your cards are so beautiful, the first three are superb :o)
    Jackie xx

  11. Your cars are beautiful!
    And your brayering is amazing!
    Hope your package will turn up on time.

  12. I really feel for you Brenda as the same thing happened to me last year and I know just how frustrating it is.
    Gorgeous cards and I hope it gets resolved quicker than mine did.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  13. Brenda, they are amazing cards. The ones with the birds on the wire just took my breath away!Hope your postal problems get sorted out...why do bills never go astray?
    Ger x

  14. Открытки прекрасны. А ваш заказ обязательно придет. Надо верить в лучшее.

  15. Wowww, what a beautiful card you made. Especially the first I find very beautiful. However you also have edited the sheep.

    Hugs Astrid.

  16. Well "WOW!" - these are amazing! Looks like you were enjoying yourself here!
    I'm really sorry to hear about your samples after all your hard work. Hopefully they will arrive today, but it's cutting it a bit fine now. Ruth x

  17. HI Brenda - I cant imagine how you must feel but fingers crossed they might just turn up before tomorrow. Your cards are fantastic such stunning work.


  18. So sorry to hear they lost your samples. RM can be such a pain. Beautiful cards. Hugs ANehsa

  19. How annoying for you and for the programmes too. Gorgeous cards though. Marianne x

  20. How awful to lose such beauties. I especially like the winter tree with falling snow!

  21. Stunning cards Brenda! I love the one with the sheep. What a pain about your parcel, I can't believe they can't tell you where it is and refuse to investigate. I bet you are so mad!

  22. sad to know that you had a problem like we all have from time to time...
    It' really awful to lose out lovely things.
    Your card are so beautifull! they aso nature, like I see it in my window - just great!

  23. How dreadful Brenda. These cards are all stunning. I really hope they are found soon!
    hugs Sarah x

  24. Hi Brenda...thanks for taking the time to visit over my way. My time has disappeared lately. Just started two days of work and it is eating into my blogging and crafting time. So very rude. lol. Love all these cards the scenes are amazing. I so hope they surprisingly turn up at the last moment for you.

  25. Hello Brenda!

    Thanks for calling by the other day, it was lovely to have you visit!

    I do hope your package arrives in time (although I wont hold my breathe!). Its always the things you really really need to be somewhere that seems to go awry.

    I do love your beautiful blue snowy wintry tree card. Its is just perfect imo!

    Keryn x

  26. Hi Brenda, those tree stamps are beautiful and I love what you have done with them. Thanks for stopping by - sorry I havent created much recently so your visit must have been disappointing :( Life has been getting in the way recently which must be better dont you think? Living it has got to be better then writing about it?? Need a quiet month to stay in the warm and make stuff and heal my creative soul!! xx

  27. Lovely samples but what a pain the post office is. Recently my husband took a very small parcel to the PO, had it weighed and measured, paid the postage and when it got to it's destination there was an extra 22p to pay on it and then a pound to go and pick it up as they wouldn't redeliver it!! What pathetically appalling service!


  28. What a gorgeous creations!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  29. It seems all countries have problems with the post service. We here, in Ukraine, meet the same not pleasant situations/ You've created reaally beautiful and PEACEFUL cards - when I'm looking at them I want to get to such calm and picturesque place...

  30. Oh Brenda, Im so sorry to hear that all your samples have gone walkabouts. I really dont understand how they can "misplace" orders. Is there a big warehouse somewhere in a secret location that the parcels suddenly decide would be a better place to go?? Its completely baffling. Its got much worse too over the last couple of years. And after watching that panorama programme on bbc last year, I have lost a great deal of faith and trust in the postal service. You know its bad when special delivery items are vanishing to the parcel heaven in the skies. So sorry that its happened to you. And your cards are so stunning too. Im a very big fan of your beautiful cards. Its a shame and disgrace that they havent reached their destination. Lee x

  31. Sounds like a nightmare you must be worried for your art as well as them not getting them on time. I love the soft looks. It has been too long since we visited lol I am happy to see you and your work again missed the doggy talk too ;0)

    Love Dawn xx

  32. So elegant, I love to see your cards using the brayer .. always so fantastic

  33. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love all the country scenes. Before time completely runs away with me I would like to say a massive thank you for my birthday card it's wonderful and was such a lovely surprise to open!
    Love Nicola xxx

  34. Fabulous cards Brenda!
    My fave is number 2 -the lonely tree, just awesome;-))m

  35. Your cards are really awsome, you do such great work!!!

  36. That sucks ! blooming post offic, but these cards are stunning :)
    Von x

  37. Your cards are stunning! Trust the post office to mess things up. I swear it was a better service when it was taken by horse and there were highway men around!

  38. These are beautiful Brenda! I am so sorry you are having postal problems. I would sure like to know how you do these beautiful works of art.

  39. Какие уютные открытки! Надеюсь, почта доставит вашу посылку в ближайшее время!

  40. OMG you must be so upset its time the royal mail sorted itself out one minute it takes a day then a week but at least you have your photos so you can show them and fab they all are Luv Sue x

  41. Oh my god Brenda that is disgusting. You pay extra to send special delivery and then you have to wait 15 days because they have been stupid and lost your parcel. You must be fuming!

    I love your cards, the second one is my favourite!! Love the look of this, the snow and the tree. All gorgeous!
    Pami x

  42. What a nightmare, all those samples disappearing after all your hard work. You've made me rush off and check the progress of the ones I sent off yesterday!!!
    They are all really beautiful, Brenda. I love the birds on the wires. Were these inspired by the wonderful Barbara Gray I wonder. We had a go at them too.
    Hugs Lisax

  43. The whole point of sending it special delivery is that they're supposed to know WHERE it is!!! Makes you want to strangle somebody...I had a package sent to me from the UK to the US 2 years's never gotten here. Lets hope that yours isn't with mine someplace! At least you had the fun of creating them and, thank heaven, have some lovely photos! Not that that helps out in the current situation.

  44. How annoying that the post is so late! We have the same problem in The Netherlands sometimes. I am still waiting an a magazine to arrive... I love your creations, especially the one with the cute little sheep! Great job, and I hope your package will arrive soon! Hugs, Hanneke

  45. What a gorgeous creations, love the 'peace'card.
    Hugs, Chantal

  46. Beautiful cards:)This card with a window is lovely :)

  47. Beautiful cards! I love the window. Those curtains are so cute.
    Hope your stamps arrive soon. It is difficult enough to wait for a parcel of stamps to arrive but then to have them lost...that's really difficult!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  48. Wowww !! Very beautiful !!

  49. these are all stunning Brenda, love them x

  50. The Peace one is my favourite here. Speechless but not surprised - if only parcels could send out SOS messages or be like MACs with their own inbuilt tracing system. Hope this is resolved for you - satisfactorily is improbably but at least in compensatory terms in some measure.
    Paula (PEP)

  51. These are all so beautiful, and what GORGEOUS tree stamps!!! I want them so bad now!

  52. How frustrating for your cards to be lost after all that hard work! I hope that they turn up soon, but in the meantime the pictures that you have posted are absolutely beautiful!

    Sharon x

  53. I´m almost speachless - stunning cards!

    *Hugs from Inger*
