
Thursday 6 October 2011

By the light of the silvery moon

Hello Peeps, hope your week is going well, it seems to be flying past here, almost the weekend again before I know it. So as tomorrow if Friday it means there's the opportunity to pick us some free stash from Sir Stampalot !!

Because it's Freebie Friday again.......

Which means you can choose either of these Art Impression sets value £18.95 absolutely FREE when you place an order on line for £35 between midnight tonight and midnight tomorrow 7th October. Either one will be fabulous for all those Crimbo cards still waiting to be made.

I had a bit of inky fun this week making some more sample cards ready for the 'Fourth Ultimate Rubber Stamping Day' at Sir Stampalot on 29th October, grief that means it's only three weeks away now, so I need to get my skates on.

For the background I brayered Adirondack dye ink denim on gloss cardstock, masking a moon........there has to be a moon, then spritzed water and immediately blotted with a piece of kitchen towel to create the snow effect. I then stamped the main image Hero Arts K5524 Winter Scene and sponged the same inkpad to create snow drifts. Finally I sponged more ink using the edge of a piece of copy paper to give the impression of light coming from the moon. As always plenty of fantasy going on.


  1. An absolutely awesome inky effect on your beautiful card Brenda and just love the moon rays on there.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  2. Love that sky, gorgeous card!

    I'm looking forward to attending the ultimate rubber stamping day! It will be my first and hope to learn lots :)


  3. Oh my, I'm blown away with this one, Brenda. The light coming from that moon is just stunning.
    It has a wonderful wintery feel.
    Hope you are doing OK.
    Hugs Lisax

  4. Stunning card, Brenda! I love that snow effect - will have to try that!

  5. what a stunning card Brenda
    hugs Sarah x

  6. Brenda this is just flipping fabulous!! I LOVE it! I so much want to do one of these snowy Christmas cards. Your light from the moon looks amazing!! Can I come back for another class and do one of these!! Pami x

  7. Hi Brenda,
    A superb creation with such beautiful details. I love your brayering and the snow effect is fabulous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. I really, really like this card! I think that I understand what you did from your description, but sure wish you'd do a video for us poor souls who live WAY to far away to attend a class! Better yet I wish I could come hang out in your studio for awhile! Oh well, if wishes were horses..........

  9. gorgeous card, I love how you've made the twinkly sky, so great!!!

  10. Your Christmas Card with silvery moon looks very cool.It touches my eyes.Its with snow.Great creation it is.

  11. Your card is so beautiful and Christmassy!

  12. brenda wat a beautiful Christmascard you have made. the sulvery moon is gorgeous. It looks so peaceful and dreamy. Fantastic.
    Lovely greet Marja

  13. Brenda what a stunning how you have achieved the shafts of light..


  14. Hi Brenda stunning card love those scenic ones you create they are beautiful. hugs Shirleyxxx

  15. A gorgeous card. I love the light from the moon.
    Nikki x

  16. oh this is so pretty... i love that snow effect
    Lisa x

  17. Huh you make it sound so easy Brenda but I know its not!! Its absolutely stunning and I so wish I had the knack with the brayer but it just doesn't like me:(

  18. Wow This is Spectacular!!!!!
    Blessings Bernie

  19. Hello stranger ;) what an amazing work of brayer art! You are a super star!.x

  20. I love this card.The sky's amazing and the whole scene is perfect!

  21. Wow! I love how you got the rays of light coming from the moon! Thank you for sharing how you did this with a piece of paper, I will by trying this out!!

  22. Wow, this is amazing Brenda! I love the snow effect.
    Hugs, Clare x

  23. I love visiting your fantasy world - there's so much to see & learn. The moonshine was a real revelation to me.
    Paula (PEP)
    PS - my week disappeared before I knew it.

  24. This is stunning. I just love that image.

  25. Love the card with that great big moon. Thank you for the tutorial too. xx

  26. Wow this is quite simply stunning, love everything about it.
    Kim xXx

  27. OMGoodness Brenda, I am speechless. What a beauty!! Will be looking for this stamp on my next trip to the stamp store.

  28. Ooooooooooo just stunning Luv Sue x

  29. Очень лаконично, такое глубокое небо, лучики понравились, ломаю голову как так можно сделать? Чудесно!

  30. Such a lovely card. Every thing looking amazing. I am so impressed by that. It design and decoration looking amazing. I really appreciate for your work.
