
Thursday 15 September 2011

Inspiration from the most unlikely places

Good Morning peeps, hope you are all having a good week.

'Puter' problems seem sorted I am pleased to say and I've got so much added virus protection now I should withstand all comers, I can but hope. So a couple of shares, both much of a muchness using a stamped image and a digi image just to try and prove to myself that I can be versatile if I really try.

Before I launch into my cards, a heads up that it will be Freebie Friday again tomorrow at Sir Stampalot, so if you have not already signed up for Smudges newsletter, click here to be sure of getting advance details of this weeks freebie offer.........remember, whatever it is will only be available for that one day.

Now I'll tell you the same as I told Ruth of A Passion for Stamps about how the idea behind both these cards came into being...........last Friday evening as it was getting dusk I was collecting acorns in one of the you do............ a big full moon was just rising and a pair of pheasants strutted out from the headland of the adjoining field in front of me............and there was my card !!

In both I have used simple masking and brayering to create a background using the good old Speedball brayer and Adirondack dye inks slate and pitch black. I used the slate first to create a misty look, then went over the top section with the black to create more shadow.

The sentiment on the top card is Penny Black 2905H and on the second from a Sheena Douglass set. The grasses are Penny Black 3381K and the the bird at the top is one of Sue's newer Animal Spirit images which you can purchase here, stamped very simply with versafine back and embossed with detail clear.

The pheasants on the second card were drawn by Ruth and were printed out in two sizes onto Neenah cardstock, I was really quick the the old detail clear and was able to emboss them then added a bit of grey here and there with a Copic pen.


  1. Beautiful cards, Brenda - black and white is so stylish (I love black and white photos!) and your images are perfect.
    Hope you are keeping well - and your computer does, too!

  2. Two superb cards, very classy indeed :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Gorgeous cards Brenda, those black and white backgrounds are so atmospheric
    Claire xx

  4. Hi Brenda, both wonderful cards, love how the pheasants came about to be on your beautiful card...lucky lady to see real ones! Ruth's drawings are super too. Glad to hear your computer is feeling a bit better. Ruby x

  5. Oh Brenda....these cards are so lovely....the images and backgrounds work so well together. What a lucky person to see those pheasants strutting along.

  6. The black and white looks so classy! I love where you got your inspiration from!! Ruth x

  7. Hello Brenda. How stunningly beautiful. You are so perfect in everything you do, they are just amazing. Happy crafting and thank you for always taking the time to visit my blog, I really do appreciate it.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  8. Two stunning cards, love the designs. :)

  9. Wowwwww, what a beautiful cards. Nice stamps too.

    Hugs AStrid.

  10. Two stunning cards Brenda, created super scenes with your imagination, fab work. Carolxx

  11. These are stunning Brenda, very atmospheric.
    Hugs, Clare x

  12. Hi Brenda, two stunning cards,
    absolutely stylish and elegant;-))m

  13. Gorgeous cards. I love the black and white.
    Nikki x

  14. Two gorgeous cards - love the bird on the first one. Stunning.
    Denise xx

  15. Wow these cards are fabulous!!!!! Wow so unique!!!! You did a fantastic job on these!!!!

  16. Lovely, striking looking cards. So glad you were out gathering acorns and inspired to create them.

  17. oh wow Brenda .. they are both beautiful.. i love the black background .. so atmospheric ..
    I am hoping to get inspiration from a very special place and a very special person at the weekend
    Lisa xx

  18. Hi Brenda
    Both are beautiful, if I had to pick my favourite (I couldn't) as they are both beautiful.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  19. Brenda these are beautiful cards and what a great way to get inspiration. Ruth is a very talented lady at drawing. I cant draw a straight line with a ruler! Really gorgeous cards. Lee xx

  20. Almost tempted to give the brayer another go :o) really nice effect Brenda xx

  21. These are both so classy and elegant! Love the black and white.
    Blessings Bernie

  22. wow brenda gorgeous cards!!! I like the scene... and they are very smart as well! =)

  23. Just so gorgeous Brenda...and super layout too hun...and thank you so much for your kind words too...

    big hugs Vicky xx

  24. Two real stunners, Brenda! I love them both! We disturbed a young family of pheasants last weekend whilst walking with my Dad. Originally I thought there were only two, but the other 4 were very well disguised in the ploughed field

  25. Both are utterly striking but it is the first that really catches my eye - it's that flying bird & the sheer elegance of the whole creation. the soft "sky" is particularly effective in both of these.
    Paula (PEP)

  26. Absolutely adore these Black and White grey cards, they are so elegant and yet so detailed and beautiful!!!

    Absolute Stunners Brenda!!!

  27. Comupters...well I hope yours is sorted (still not 100% convinced by mine)
    Gorgeous card Brenda and I spy those acorns you were collecting they look lovely. Caleb had me up a tree to pick a concor case this week - not a great sight!
    Cheers Claire x

  28. These are both beautiful cards, love the black and white and the images and embellies are gorgeous.
    Kim xXx

  29. Beautiful cards and stamps. Glad you got your computer sorted. Have a good weekend Brenda. xx

  30. These are just stunning Brenda. Hope you had a great inky time at Sir Stamp.
    I am so looking forward to my weeks holiday there at the end of next month, perhaps we might get to catch up it's been ages since I saw you last.
    Have set the sky box for Stamp Addicts.
    Love and hugs

  31. these are just gorgeous!!! Love the monochrome look!! Hugs Juls

  32. Dear Brenda,
    I Just arrived at you blog. Oh my, do I love your art and creative mind! I'll be watching this blog closely, thank you for giving us so much of your time and mind. You make so wonderful and lovely works! I enjoyed the visit on your site. Many thanks for your beautiful inspirations!!
    Many warm Hugs from Marina from Germany
    I invited you gently to visit my creative Website:
