
Monday 5 September 2011

American seam just have to try it......

Good Morning peeps, hope everyone had a good weekend.

I had planned on posting this one last evening until I discovered Sky Arts had a whole evening dedicated to would have been Freddies 65th of course I ended up glued. Seen lots of it before, but you can never have too much Queen !!

Apart from that my weekend was a bit crafty and I even managed to fit in a trip to Sir Stampalot as there were a few bits and pieces I was in urgent need of' if, but any excuse goes.

And I also received a package from Sarah at Pretty Little Ribbons with some American seam binding and bakers twine. I've been wondering for ages what the seam binding was like and boy, is it gorgeous. It's soft and flowy and comes in several pretty colours, but I also tried colouring the white with distress inks and it works brilliantly and still retains the lovely soft feel.

The card above has some of the green and the one below using A Passion for Stamps new thistle has the white coloured with TH dusky concord - dab some direct from the inkpad onto a silicone sheet, spritz with water and scrunch the ribbon about in it, then dry with your heat gun.

So my shares, well it's another with Penny Black 4210K Floral Story. To begin with I painted a frame cut with Nestability Fleur de Lis with copper acrylic paint and also a piece of mountboard. When dry (I used a heat gun) I smeared vaseline round the edge of the mountboard and painted white acrylic all over, dried then wiped away the white paint from the edges...............the vaseline acts as a resist. I then masked the edges and stamped the image into the centre and coloured with Copics.

On to my second share using the thistle. I re-sized it and printed out a border to compliment the main image, did some zig zag stitching along the edges and colours this and the main image with Aquamarkers.

Thanks for visiting peeps, have a good Monday.


  1. The second card very much is pleasant to me! Simply remarkable! I wish you to be same talented!

  2. Открытки прелесть! Особенно вторая мне нравится.Спасибо за радость которую вы дарите!

  3. Какая красота! Супер!)

  4. Brenda these are both so lovely!! I see you didn't waste any time cutting into the seam binding! Sarah x

  5. Two terrific cards. I must remember that vaseline trick and one day have a play.

  6. Brenda these are both so lovely. The seam binding looks perfect for these cards. Lee xx

  7. Stunning cards Brenda. Love them both. Beautiful colours in the second one. Thanks for sharing the tip about the Vaseline, must try that.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  8. beautiful cards dear!!! I like the flowers...

  9. Hi there B, really love this too and thanks for tips on the binding have never heard of it but have coloured lace and ribbon etc like that before too .. love how you have used the twine and ribbon together. Shaz in oz.x

  10. You never disappoint, two more stunning cards!
    Blessings Bernie

  11. Great card hun you cant beat a bit of seam binding!

    Emma xxx

  12. very pretty those flowers..

  13. Two lovely cards, have a great day. :)

  14. Gorgeous cards - I've got some of that binding too and agree it's lovely. Perhaps predictable given that I'm Scots, but I just love that thistle stamp. Elizabeth x

  15. Hi Brenda
    I've had a lovely time browsing back through all your gorgeous creations. My fingers are itching to create now with all this inspiration.
    Bakers Twine is my new favourite thing but haven't tried seam binding yet!!!!
    Hope all is good with you at the minute.
    Hugs Lisax

  16. Hi Brenda
    Oh my your cards are GORGEOUS!!!!!
    Hope you are well
    hugs Sarah x

  17. These two cards are gorgeous, superb works Brenda !

  18. beautiful florals Brenda!!!
    lovely seambinding ribbon!

  19. Fabulous cards Brenda, love them both
    Hugs Jacee

  20. Brenda these are wonderful and beautiful cards. both of them. And lovely colours
    Greet Marja

  21. two real beauties! That seam binding looks fabulous. I bet it works with sprays too (Maybe into a bag). Queen or crafting - must have been a tough decision!

  22. Lovely cards Brenda...I just love your 2nd one...


  23. oh what gorgeous cards as always Brenda - i just love the thistles .. beautiful image
    Lisa x

  24. Hi brenda,
    These are wonderful, love those thistles and the colour. I'm no stranger to seam binding, I worked in a Haberdashery Wholesalers for years. Never thought i'd be crafting with half the stuff.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  25. awesome cards Brenda, I love these beautiful flowers, is there anything prettier!

    Awesome spellbinder frames too! Sets them off beautifully!

  26. I love the way the Baker's Twine picks up the spotted paper in reverse colours on the first & thew ay the seam binding mimics the plant's leaves. Your pins & button add a lovely touch.
    As for the second - that border is a real tread layered on the darker cardstock with the stitching picking out the striped effect of the Baker's Twine.
    So much co-ordinated detail in these two I was absolutely riveted to your post. Thank you so much.
    Paula (PEP)

  27. Have to warn you that the seam binding is addictive! Love the border that you made for the second card, really helps set off the main image. Lovely, lovely, lovely!!

  28. Two gorgeous cards Brenda.

  29. beautiful cards Brenda, i really like the second one as the thistles remind me of my late auntie.

    have a great day

    hugs Troy xxx

  30. Both gorgeous card! I love the Spellbinders die cuts and the seam binding. You always put such a lot of detail into your cards, Ruth x

  31. Two stunning cards Brenda

    Love Lynda xxx

  32. Two beautiful cards Brenda the images are so lovely the design and colours perfect.
    Lorraine x

  33. love the second card you made, lovely purple.. You combine the image, the coloring and the other attribute in perfect balance. aww love it brenda..

  34. Thanks for tips on the binding have never heard of it but have coloured lace and ribbon etc like that before too, impressed to watch how you have used the twine and ribbon together.

  35. Two beautiful cards, I really love the frame on the second one.
    Kim xXx

  36. Kept rose flower in the place of those flowers and gifted my dearest teacher on her retirement, she is really genius in paper work and quilt work also.

  37. Both card are look so pretty.It awesome and some extra work to seen in the picture.

