
Monday 1 August 2011

Welcome to the Stampalot Garden Party

Hopefully Blogger is still playing the game with me and this will pop us as scheduled on the 1st August for the new challenges at Sir Stampalot and Penny Black at Allsorts.

Today we should be in the beautiful Greek isle of Santorini, but there is one element that spoils my trips here and that is those poor little donkeys making repeated treks up and down the steep hillside to ferry visitors to the village above. The family all tell me I am sad and I am in total agreement, the only difference is my sadness is that these poor creatures are exploited in the burning heat day after day.

OK, off my high horse now, I know that's one animal rescue I cant deal with so I will tell you about the challenges, at Stampalot we have the theme of "Whatever you Fancy" and Penny Black at Allsorts "Free and Easy", so basically both totally open to create what you like.

My Stampalot creation is a sort of concertina box card, I'm sure there is a proper name for it but not really sure what this is. I stamped and coloured several Molly Blooms stamps and created a little scene, took me the best part of a day to do this one but really enjoyed it even if it is outside my comfort zone.

My Penny Black make above uses the lovely image Penny Black 4076K Gift of Flowers and I did some paper piecing for her dress and hat and coloured the other parts with Copics. The DP is Scribble Scrabble and the ribbon threaded through a Marianne die.

Thanks for visiting and have a lovely weekend.


  1. Those are amazing cards Brenda!! Great job!

  2. You must have been so busy before you left on holidays with all these creations. Love the concentina box...what a terrific idea. Hope the weather is being nice to you.

  3. Hope you are having a wonderful time ... love this beautiful little scene... i just love it kind of project!
    Lisa x

  4. Hi Brenda I do hope you are enjoying your holiday and will come back home refreshed. Stunning cards by the way. hugs Shirleyx

  5. Hi brenda hope you are having a fab holiday loving your cards as always.
    Hugs Louise xx

  6. Amazing cards, you really are a very talented lady. These cards are incredible Brenda. Lee xx

  7. Uau!! lindo demais! sempre trabalhos inspiradores!

  8. Hi Brenda,
    Your concertina card is amazing, I love all the Molly Bloom characters, they do work so well together don't they. Great idea and creation.

    And of course your fabulous Penny Black creation with that gorgeous image.

    Both wonderful creations
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  9. Both cards are gorgeous x

    I feel for these poor animals!! It's the same with the horses when me & hubby go to Spain. I believe the only way to help them is NOT to go on them. If more people thought this way, there would not be a business for them x

    hugs sally x

  10. Such nice creations, love the scene it's a very nice work !

  11. Hi Brenda, Gorgeous cards! Love all the Molly Bloom images ... so sweet :-)

    Hope you are having a lovely holiday. Sorry I have stopped by recently ... have been busy with end of term activities and now the school hols so not as much blogging time.

    Lisa x

  12. Fabulous cards Brenda and I agree with you totally about animal exploitation - it's just unbearable to think what some poor creatures go through and how they are treated. Hope it doesn't spoil your holiday though.

    Love Lynda xxx

  13. Gorgeous work Brenda, just beautiful x

  14. Gorgeous card. I love the scene on the first one.
    Nikki x

  15. Wow these are both stunning. I've never seen or heard of a concertina box card. Is there a tutorial you could share with us?
    Blessings Bernie

  16. Your projects are gorgeous Brenda, the depth you have achieved is something else, just loving the little scenes.

  17. Amazing card Brenda really brings the images to life. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. xx

  18. Gorgeous card Brenda. Love the little scene you've created with the Molly Blooms, what a lot of work but it looks amazing. The Penny Black one is beautiful too. I love the soft muted colours you've used with that lovely PB image.

    I'd probably feel sorry for the poor donkeys too. We used to farm and contrary to popular belief farmers are very soft hearted about animals.

    Kat xx

  19. I have to say that the Penny Black is an absolute stunner with the ribbon panel. I love the colours & the paper piecing of the image - I'm going to have to have a look at these stamps more closely when funds allow.
    The Molly Blooms creation is rather fun - definitely outside my creative zone that one but it does look intriguingly absorbing to work on.
    Hope you really are managing to have a lovely time & I have to admit I'd find the animals a bit distressing too.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. Your projects are truly amazing...

  21. Oh I love your garden party card is fabulous and what beautiful colours you've used on the PB one.
    Hope you have a fab holiday.

  22. Such lovely creatins there, B.! Trust you are chipper, love Shaz in Oz.x

  23. Wow these are stunning cards, especially love the style of the first one.
    Kim xXx

  24. Lovley lovley cards...but you always make beautiful projects...I am like you and feel for the animals that are put to work in the heat....its not fair and would also make me sad... Karma will take care of people that abuse animals....dont worry.
    Try to enjoy your holiday.


  25. These are brilliant Brenda. I love the Molly Blooms, it's a fabulous scene.
    Hugs, Clare x

  26. Beautiful cards!
    hugs, Jenn

  27. Beautiful makes Brenda! I've finally managed to make it back to PB@Allsorts after a very busy summer so far. Hope you're having a brilliant and well deserved break, and I agree with you wholeheartedly about the poor donkey's.


  28. I love everything with this green card!
    Especially the border with the ribbon!
    Have a great day!

  29. Hi Brenda
    love it, I can see why it took you such a long time to make it.
    As for the donkeys I agree with you, my D.I.L. helps at the local donkey sanctuary and some of the things these poor defenceless creatures have been through are terrible.
    Sandra (craftynan)

  30. wow!!
    what a fantastic little scene it is marvellous x
    suzie Qx

  31. Loves Brenda,
    oh my God are beautiful the maps.
    Wau, so breath-taking one beautiful maps
    simply beautifully.
    Stella loves greetings completely

  32. fabulous cards, Brenda! That Molly scene is inspired!

  33. Your box card is amazing - it's clear to see that you have put a massive amount of work into it! x

  34. Very beautiful...



    Bjotas sonoras.

  35. Fantastic cards! Wow - so much detail in the box - really stunning! And love the PB card too - such soft and pretty colours.


  36. Incredible job! So breathtaking cards!
