
Friday 1 July 2011

Molly Blooms chillin' at the beach

New challenges at Penny Black at Allsorts where the them is 'Flower Power' and it's our first Birthday so we have a bit of fun adn some etra prizes planned. And at Stampalot tje theme is 'Anything Goes', a nice easy one.

So as you can see I've been having a play with some on the new Seaside Molly range of stamps which you will find here. All fairly simple, images coloured with Aquamarkers, some clouds and sand, a little boat in the background and a computer generated sentiment.

The card above has some of the lovely new Scribble Scrabble DP from Stampalot and Penny Black 4035K letters and flowers which I just love using this way, simply inked with distress inks and spritzed with water before stamping. The flower is made from the same DP using Tim Holz tattered floral die and the swirl is also TH, tattered flourish.

The card above has a background created by dabbing blocks of distress ink onto a piece of linen cardstock, the over stamping with Hero Arts S5316 silhouette grass and Penny Black 2666K blush. The sentiment is Penny Black 3940F life.


  1. Hi dear
    it was some days I didn't pass here... gorgeous cards as usual! =)
    I send you a warm hug

  2. oh love the cards!! just gorgeous!

  3. Hi there B. love the Molly Bloomers at the top and also how you did the last one great idea for a background must give it a try! love Shaz in oz.x

  4. Hi Brenda - just gorgeous ...especially that cute little scene at the beach.
    Lets hope i can enter this month without any trauma or mistakes lol
    It just wasnt meant to be last month!
    Lisa xx

  5. Three beautiful cards Brenda - love the PB stamps, and the sentiment is wonderful.
    Have a relaxing weekend - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  6. All three cards are wonderful! And the cake looks very appetizing!

  7. all lovely but the beach one is my favourite x

  8. Your cards are fabulous Brenda! I love the Molly Blooms, the scene is wonderful and reminds me of my childhood living near the sea.
    Hugs, Clare x

  9. Hello Brenda. How are you keeping, hope you are taking care of yourself.
    As always, you make the most amazing creations. Loads of fab details and finished to perfection. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  10. Beautiful work Brenda, I absolutely love the Molly Blooms scene, makes me wish I was there with them x

  11. Fabulous cards, Brenda! The Molly Blooms looks very warm and summery, love the sparkles on the sea. But my favourite is the last one - great background.

    Lynne x

  12. Oh wow....all three cards are amazing. So love the little people in the first card. That flower you created and the image in the second card are so terrific. And I really like the layout and colour of the third. Brilliant.

  13. wow! They are so nice and joyful! very beautiful cards!

  14. how fun of those kids chilling at the beach, So great!

    I just love the two floral cards, so great, look like paintings, really beautiful!

    Hope you and the family are doing great1 All the Best!

  15. such amazing cards as always, thanks for your inspiration!!! Hugs Juls

  16. Super card, love the first one so cute!

  17. Hi Brenda, three beautiful cards, love that middle one especially, youve done a brilliant job of it. hugs Shirleyxx

  18. 3 lovely cards, & all so different. Love the flower on the middle one, brilliant. jx

  19. These are lovely Brenda - love the sky you've created on the first one!

    Love Lynda xxx

  20. Fabulous cards Brenda with great techniques, love the blooming ones.


  21. Just gorgeous cards Brenda and I especially love the middle one which has such beautiful colours.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  22. Smashing cards Brenda, the middle ones my fave.
    Hugs Jacee

  23. Wow Brenda..they are all so beaitiful hunni..

    have a lovely afternoon.....hugs Vicky xx

  24. Hi Brenda, gorgeous cards, I think the middle one with the Penny Black flower stamp is the best!! HUgs, Frea

  25. The clouds & the sand in the first had me mesmerized, but it is the second that is my favourite - the letters & flowers technique just lovely & the torn/distressed edging of that panel looking so real. I cannot get my tears to look anything but contrived. The last one has such lovely soft colours - the mauve being one of my favourites. Lovely examples of a spread of different techniques in these three cards.
    Paula (PEP)

  26. Hi brenda,
    I love your Molly Bloom scene, the clouds look fabulous. Great combination of stamps, the gulls look fab too.

    Love your colour combo on the Penny Black card, love that stamp.

    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  27. Stunning cards, Brenda! I love the second one particularly! I must get that stamp out again and have a go at colouring the flowers in different colours. It looks amazing!

  28. The letter and flowers - stamps is also one of my favorites, lovely new papers, fresh look!
    Gorgeous cards!
    Thank you for your beautiful card I received, love it, try to case you...
    Here's hot and sunny;-))m

  29. Such an array of beautifully stamped cards Brenda, but my favourite has to be the cutie patooties at the top:)

  30. Absolutely gorgeous cards ....and even better in real life!! It was really fantastic to meet you and Eddie on Friday! Thanks a million for the coffee and cream buns!! Ruth x

  31. Hi Brenda I love the sea effect on your Molly Bloom card it is just perfect Love Linda xxx

  32. Some really lovely card- your first one is my favorite! It's such a cute image! x
