
Tuesday 12 July 2011

Just a bit of brayering and inking

Good Monring peeps, I'm a bit overdue doing this post, the neck and shoulder are playing up again and crafting is so slow going as I have this silly collar which stops me looking down for long......but I guess that was their aim......are they spoilers or what, but I suppose it makes sense and hopefully it will help ease the pain.

So my shares are some I did last week for Sir Stampalot when I had a nice inky session. To achive the background colour of the one above I masked the fairy, dragonfly and all know there has to be a moon........and distressed with TH dusky concorde and broken china. Then overstamped with Penny Black 3381K Aspire and Hero Arts G4917 Dandelion using the same inks. The fair and and dragonfly were stamped again and decoupaged and splattering of glitter and liquid pearls. The little fleur de lis shapes are the end pieces of the hing in a TH die set........this is my latest 'favorite'.

My second share is simple brayering with the speedball using Adirondack dye inks watermelon and denim. The trees are Creative Expression and the fence and birds Art Impression.


  1. Brenda these are gorgeous, especially the fairy. I love it.
    Hope your neck and shoulder improve soon so that you can get back to some more comfortable crafting :0)
    Denise xx

  2. wow these are amazing!
    I hope you feel better soon.
    Thankyou for sharing your wonderful creations :)

  3. Wow Brenda, I love the effect you've achieved solely with ink and stamps! Hugs ,Frea

  4. Brenda, these are beautiful! I adore the first one!

  5. Wonderful creations especially the fairy. I love it!

  6. oh hun hope your shoulder improves soon,hun,as for your cards wow they are just stunning,love those faires,but must say that second one with those trees on are just stunning hugs cherylxxxx

  7. Stunning cards, love the fairy card. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  8. They are two beautiful cards. Your work is so inspiring - hope the collar does its job.
    Ger x

  9. Just gorgeous Brenda and I've no idea how you manage such fabulous work with your troubles.
    Hope your shoulder improves soon.
    Sending hugs, Fliss xx

  10. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the top one especially as the colours are my favourites.
    I hope your neck and shoulder improve soon.
    Nikki x

  11. Your cards are so beautiful, even if you are in pain making /blogging them. Hope you feel loads better soon.

  12. Beautiful cards Brenda
    hugs Sarah x

  13. oh they are spoil sports making you wear the collar lol.. and we never like doing as we are told! But if it helps lol.. you should wear it !
    LOve the purples ans greens in the top card
    Lisa x

  14. So love your cards Brenda both superb but is easy to see why the fairy is your most favourite :)
    Von x

  15. wow your cards are just so beautiful i just love the first one it seems so magical:)

  16. Gorgeous Breand - especially the top one which panders to my love of all things purple! Hope the neck and shoulder improves soon..I'm struggling to get to grips with Christmas SA Samples !! Esther xx

  17. My goodness...absolutely gorgeous!!! WOW...

  18. Hi Brenda

    Just beautiful!!!

    Love the scene you have set with your second one ... and gorgeous colours too.

    I love the way you say "just a bit of brayering" LOL!!!

    Hope that your neck is improving.

    Love Jules xx

  19. Beautifully made!! Very inspirational! WOW!!
    Get better!!

  20. Oh they are beautiful!
    Take care;-))m

  21. Sorry to hear you're struggling again, Brenda. It can't be much fun, especially when it hinders your crafting. I hope things ease a bit soon.
    Your cards are amazing and very inspiring. I love the fairies and your moons are rubbing off, I'm finding they are creeping into my makes all the time too!!
    Take care
    Hugs Lisax

  22. Beautiful creations. Sorry you are not doing very well. Take care. Hugs Anesha

  23. I love the fairy card, it is beautiful!

  24. They are just beautifull!
    Sorry te hear about your shoulder; hope it will be better soon!
    Take care, Greetz, Gerrina

  25. WOW!!! These are stunning Brenda! I really need to learn how to create these kinds of cards, absolutely stunning!

  26. these are fabulous Brenda x

  27. I so love your cards Brenda, they are stunning, love the colours on these.
    Hugs Linda

  28. Oh my gosh what gorgeous cards! I have just brought myself a brayer but it is still in the box, not plucked up the courage to get it out yet heheh :) xx

  29. Stunning cards Brenda. My fav has to be the first one. Just my colours of course.

    Sorry to hear you're suffering. Hope the collar helps.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  30. Love the first card in the purple hues this time and the addition of a fairy is so sweet. Great scene card too.
    Sorry to hear you are still suffering, take care.

  31. wow these are absolutely gorgeous xx

  32. Amazing cards, I love the fairy

  33. Beautiful brayering and inking Brenda, so admire your work!

    The fairy is so magical! and love the rolling hills!

  34. Oh you always do such lovely things! Hope that the neck and shoulder get better. It's not fun to hurt and not be able to do the things you want to.
    Thinking of you,

  35. Oh WOW Brenda these are stunning, so wish I could make cards like this.

  36. Two gorgeous cards Brenda but so love the top one the colours are just fab.
    Hugs louise xx

  37. Two little beauty's Brenda, love the colour on the first, so rich and yummy.
    Hugs Jacee

  38. Just tremendous - difficult to choose out of these which I like most. The treescape is so effective & I love the way the path leads to the gap/gate in the fence. The placing of that dandelion clock in the moon's shape is beautiful, especially when framed by the grass stalks.
    Take care of the neck & shoulder & hope that the pain lessens speedily.
    Paula (PEP)

  39. Another great card using the 'Aspire' stamp - not normally keen on purples but this is very nice. Also like the brayered scene - colours are gorgeous. Elizabeth x

  40. These are gorgeous but my favourite is the fairy,she's beautiful!

  41. I really love the fairy card! ♥

  42. Hi Brenda, I hope the collar is helping relieve the pain - it must be very frustrating for you, especially when you want to craft. Nevertheless, you manage to create the most wonderful cards - I love both these moonlight scenes, but of course the fairy one is my favourite - I have always had a thing about fairies!!
    Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  43. The first one is my favourite!! It's so pretty!!

  44. Wow, these are gorgeous cards! I've tried the brayering techniques before but never have this great of success. They are both great, but I'm really partial to the colors in the first one. Thanks for the inspiration!

  45. просто сказка! Лиловое чудо!
