
Monday 30 May 2011

A very good morning to everyone, hope you are having a good weekend.

Thought I would do a swift post before I head to the kitchen to carry on preparing for the family invasion. Some arrived yesterday and slept over so we presently have eight dogs scattered throughout the house and when I looked out just now there was a horse tacked up standing on the patio with a head through the conservatory door, so all as normal here in Fantasy Land.

I had planned a barbie, but it actually seems as thought we are going to have some rain today, so opted for safety and have an Italian hunters stew simmering away, a mega sized chicken ready to hit the oven and veggie lasagna half prepared so all should be well fed.

The card at the top of my post is one of my Stamp Addicts samples using the Children at Play set which were featured on Create and Craft Thursday. Stamped with Brilliance ink over a background stamped with Hero H2365. And and the one just above is a Stampalot sample using about eight different Art Impression stamps over a brayered and sponged background where I used the good old Speedball and Adirondack dye inks.


  1. Hi Brenda, Your card is stunning I love silohettes....if only I could spell, hope your week-end goes well and you all enjoy it, sounds mad but fun.xx

  2. Stunning cards, Brenda! I recorded C&C on Thursday and watched it saying "That's one of Brenda's!" several times!Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Your food sounds delicious! I've managed one report so far, but they should get easier now!

  3. Two fab cards as always. Enjoy your day - sounds manic!

  4. Sounds like youre in for an awesome day with family and pets alike! hehe! How fun!

    I adore that silhouette image on teh top, I just imagine the kids singing "ring around the rosie" for some reason!

    and just adore the lake scene there, its such a piece of artwork, so admire these!

    Have a brilliant day!

  5. The cards are of course gorgoeus, but the food sounds amazing - love hunters stew - I'll be on my way, lol! Have a lovely time.

  6. Stunning cards Brenda, hope you have a wonderful time with all your family xxx

  7. Hi Brenda, sounds like a lovely busy family weekend. I'm sure despite the weather you will have a great time!! All those dogs - I love it! hugs sarah xx

  8. Gorgeous Brenda, the brayered one is fantastic with all those different stamps, lovely scene! Wishing you a great bank holiday Monday, fab feast you've planned, yummy! Ruby x

  9. Wonderful creations Brenda, sounds like you're gonna have a wonderful day, food sounds good too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  10. Both cards are just lovely Brenda.Sounds like a great family day.
    Hugs Sue xx

  11. Two belting cards Brenda!! you never fail to make a good 'un!
    Hugs Jacee

  12. Hi B,hope you've had a lovely family day. Such lovely cards but I expect nothing less when I call by! How I'd love to come to your get together that you posted the other day,I'd love to learn speedball tips direct from the Queen herself!
    On to another matter,a lovely blogger helped me with our commenting problem,I've been able to comment all evening without trouble. You need to UN-tick the "Keep me signed in" box,for some reason,this has solved all the problems,it even says I'm signed in when on my blog now so fingers crossed it works for you too! Hope you are fit and well at the mo,have a great week,Julie.x

  13. Sounds like you have your hands full with family, I cannot imagine 8 dogs plus then humans as well! Hope you've all had an enjoyable time.
    I do like the way you have used patterns papers & then used those colours in the silhouette - really striking. The second is just great with the birds flying across the moon & all the testure of the lake.
    Hope you don't get overly tired.
    Much love
    Paula (PEP)

  14. Lovely cards Brenda as always. I'm fascinated just thinking about the number of stamps in the second one.

    Sounds as if you're going to have a lovely family day. Food sounds yummy. 8 dogs, fantastic fun, hope they all like each other lol!

    Kat xx

  15. Two Amazing cards Brenda, your painting is wonderful.

  16. Fabulous cards Brenda, my fave it the scene one.
    Hope you had a great family day.

  17. creating a beautiful and wonderful work
    are wonderfully made ​​and I like very much
    I like to watch them.

  18. Your cards are stunning Brenda. Beautiful both.
    I also love the landscape very much.
    Gr. Marja

  19. Hi Brenda again youve created two gorgeous cards I love them both equally. I do hope the family invasion goes well and doesnt tire you to much. With hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  20. What a gorgeous scene! Love the colors!!

  21. The cards are of course gorgeous, but the food sounds amazing. I impressed by that. Every thing looking so beautiful.
