
Saturday 28 May 2011

Things with Wings

Happy Saturday peeps, here we are with yet another Bank Holiday to contend with, life can be tough.............mind you, after the week we have all had with Blogger, we need a break.

My teamie Fleur is hosting this weeks challenge 'Things with Wings' at Allsorts, but first I want to thank everyone who took part in our Birthday celebrations last week. It was great fun and the winners are all listed on the challenge blog, so do go check to see if you were one of the lucky ones..........

Can I also say a quick thank you to they guys from Sir Stampalot for featuring four of my pieces of work using Hero Arts products in the June edition of Craft Stamper.

My DT card for this week uses one of the gorgeous stamps from Crafts and Me, she's a real little minx and I just love her in these colours. She was coloured with Copics and mounted onto a frame created with MS round the page vintage lace which I distressed with TH black soot. I added some flowers, gems and a feather to embellish plus the obligatory glitter here and there.

Whatever you have planned, enjoy the weekend.


  1. Great card and how wonderful to have your cards published!!!

  2. Another Magazine that I will have to look out for, congrats Brenda, and I will also have to have a look at crafts for me as I think that stamp is such fun, my girlies will all love it. hugs and have a good weekend yourself, we will be celebrating my youngest daughters birthday (Evie) so that will be riotus fun and probably lots of clearing up at the end, hey ho,certainly all worth it just to see their wee faces all lit up. Heidi x

  3. Hi Brenda,
    fabulous card and have to shop the magazine too!
    Congrats, happy weekend;-))m

  4. hi brenda
    gorgeous card! great color combo! =)

  5. oooh CONGRATS on being spotlighted in the magazine! So well deserved, your stuff is just so awesome!

    Love this Emo/Goth kinda girl, really love these type of images, you did this swell!!!

  6. Hi Brenda. Great card, love the image and that gorgeous bright colour. Beautiful decorative panel, and I love the addition of the feathers with the flowers, fabulous. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  7. Great card Brenda,congrats on getting your cards into the magazine.
    Sue xx

  8. This is gorgeous,Brenda!!I love that punch!!
    Congrats on the card in the magazine!!Awsome!
    Have a great weekend!

    HUgs,Kari :)

  9. Oh I will be checking out that craft stamper for sure, well done Brenda. I love your card, she is a right little minx lol. Thanks so much for my beautiful birthday card, it was stunning Brenda and in the most gorgeous sunny colours. I knew it was yours as soon as I saw it. My daughter was sitting with me and I said 'now that's a Brenda creation', she was in awe when she saw I was right lol. Big hugs

  10. Lovely card Brenda!
    So cute image.

  11. I love the Craft Stamper Magazine - so proud you are in it! Really fab card Brenda - very striking! Cheers Claire x

  12. Very edgy fairy! is she a digi? Fabulous colours XOXO Zoe

  13. oh love love the card hun its ,just brilliant,hun love it and well done hun on being published in the magazine hun,really chuffed for you hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxx

  14. Lovely card Brenda. Fab image and the flowers and feathers are gorgeous. Saw your wonderful cards in the magazine - well done you!! Denise xx

  15. Absolutely LOVE the color choice and the's a knock out!

  16. great card and thank goodness for bank holidays. I was working this morning but still now have two days off :0)
    Happy Days x

  17. Ooohhh stunning cards Brenda, love the image and colours and the details are gorgeous. Many congratulations on being in print again, I have Craft Stamper but not looked at it yet, going to have a read now... x

  18. Congrats on the mag Brenda and this ones a stunner too!
    Hugs Jacee

  19. Fabulous card, Brenda! I didn't manage to get a copy of craft stamper locally this time. Might have to send off for a copy!

  20. Congrats on being published.
    I love your card. The image is fab and I love the image.

    Nikki x

  21. Lovely samples in the Craft Stamper & so pleased for you. Love the way you used feathers on this & the way they highlight the feathery nature of her wings. The colours are stunning & I love the way the grey softens the whole.
    Paula (PEP)

  22. Stunning card Brenda, love the colour combo. I saw your cards in Craft Stamper, they're beautiful. I recognised them as yours...who else could have made them!

    Kat xx

  23. It's a beautiful card.That stamp is gorgeous!I'm reading Craft Stamper as we speak so I'm off to check your pieces in it!

  24. Congrats in your published cards, well deserved x

    Your card is beautiful, loving that punch & all the embellishments x

    hugs sally x

    PS ... I have candy up for grabs.

  25. Hi Brenda wow whos in print? well done and congratulations. with hugs Shirleyxxxx

  26. Hi Brenda,
    Congratulations on your magazine feature. This is a gorgeous creation, I love your feathers and flowers, great design and a totally fabulous image.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  27. Love the card Brenda, the colour combo is very striking and the finishing touches are beautiful
    Love Nicola xxx

  28. Love this card - especially the way you've used feathers! x

  29. I don't have a url, so i hope this puts me into your drawing for gifts, I really love your work, and someday hope to be half as good as you.
    Thanks for the viewing.
