
Monday 9 May 2011

New Penny Black and more

Good Afternoon everyone, hope you all had a good and crafty weekend. The weather was a bit windy here, still pretty warm and a bit of rain but not enough to keep hubby happy and the pending hay harvest is looking pretty dismal.

As usual a few shares of samples I have been making for Sir Stampalot using a selection of new stamps from Penny Black, Le Blanch and a selection of old favourite Art Impression ones.

My top card was masked then brayered with Adirkondack dye inks, a whole array of Art Impression stamps, then sponged to add definition to the hills and stream......which hubby said looked like a road ! Does it ?

New from Penny Black 4141K and oldie 2410K, TH distress inks rusty hinge and stormy sky and the flowers decoupaged with MME DP.

Another newbie slapstick from Penny Black 40-056, Magnolia fence masked to extend it and all coloured with Aquamarkers.

And finally, a set of two floral border from La Blanche. I masked the base card, stamped with Hero chalk ink cerulean and sponged the edges. The panel is stamped with versamark, embossed with detail clear and brayered with the same ink - an exception to the rule as I used a matt cardstock. The greeting is by Darkroom Door. UPDATE - I've lost the plot, I uploaded the wrong card, this one is Hero Arts elegant weeds !!.


  1. Oh my goodness lady,these are gorgeous,Love the brayering,Your use of the rusty hinge is just brilliant too! Also love the little acetate green house. Can't make my mind up about the stream/road,I'd let the recipient make up their own minds. Hope life's treating you well at the moment,Julie.x

  2. There all gorgeous, I think the stream looks good!!

  3. oh wow... fab cards Brenda.. they all look great to me.. and i dont see a road lol
    Lisa x

  4. Wonderful cards Brenda, love all three. I don't think your river looks like a road especially with all the lovely reflections, always a critic LOL! The little girl peeking through the window card is so sweet, love the windows. Both flower cards are stunning! :0) xxx

  5. So wonderful cards, ver very nice !

  6. Hi Brenda, Such a beautiful selection of cards. They are all lovely but my fav has to be the little girl ... I love the sweet scene you have created.

    Another hot day here in Norfolk. We had a light rain shower yesterday morning but that's the only rain we have had in weeks. Not good for the agricultural farmers :-(

    Lisa x

  7. Goodness you have been busy and all to the good :) Lovely new stamps and makes it is the second card that really captured my attention really striking. As for the Stream OH needs to get a new prescription LOL XOXO Zoe

  8. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Can't be a road as you can see the reflection of the flowers along the edge...silly man lol. Loving the one with the opening window, very sweet.

  9. Oh my, what wonderful work Brenda, I so love the one with the window, stunning, and no, the stream dos'nt look like a road, does he need a visit to specsavers! LOL
    Hugs Jacee

  10. Gorgeous cards - love the flowers in the second one. Maybe the stream is a little grey looking (or at least, not blue enough?!) but I think it's a stream for sure!

  11. wow Brenda...I'm overwhelmed...what a great variety...and they are all fabulous!
    xxx Margreet

  12. Oh Brenda great to see you going on
    with such a speed... and all cards such a masterpieces.
    The girl with the flower is now my favourite.

  13. You have been busy Brenda. Your cards are amazing, there is so much detail and they are very inspirational.
    Hugs, Clare x

  14. Hello, the cards are all absolutely great.
    I love all.
    Regards creativemaman

  15. oh hun these are all brilliant you are so good at,brayering these are just so effective just love the card with the little girl with the gates just brilliant hugs cheryl xxxx

  16. Hi Brenda, lovely cards. I particularly like the sky colour in the first. If there was a white line up the middle it might just look like a road, otherwise it's a river ;) Love the last too, though I can't ever say I've heard of thistles referred to as elegant weeds. Weeds, yes, elegant, no! We've had rain to spare here in Ayr over the last few days. Hope you are keeping well. Elizabeth x

  17. All stunning Brenda! I particularly love your little scene. I managed to finish my school work, make cake and cards as well after our chat. I will have to post some cake pictures x

  18. Oh wow, wow, wow, such gorgeous work Brenda, have you got nice messy hands after all that inking xxx

  19. A lovely feast for the eyes. The first is a beauty with those hills & the rusty colouring on the trees is just making my heart sing. No road do I see but a river with the bridge reflected & gravel along the sides, plus some greenery reflected too.
    The second is my favourite with the colour combination & the flower stamp is just a beauty.
    The detail of the window scene is lovely & i really like those flowers on the front with the ric rac ribbon bordering alongside the opening.
    The final one is such a lovely example of repeat stamping & I just love the way you have reversed the colours & textures in the focal panel - it so effective.
    As I said - a real feast & such a lovely array of techniques. Thank you so much.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. Road? What Road? Think hubby's losing the plot not you Brenda lol. Another fabulous set of cards and I love the new PB stamps.

    Love Lynda xxx

  21. Wow Brenda, I could tell it was a stream, you have been busy and these are all so beautiful. I love your window design too, great creation and superb work as always. You never disappoint.
    Happy crafting

  22. oh WOW these are amazing!!!

    Really love the doors card with the slapstick, so cool!!!!!

    And those gorgeous royal blue flowers with the gold are amazing too!!


  23. Stunning cards Brenda. Love them all. That little scene looks so peaceful. And of course the river doesn't look like a road. Maybe he needs his eyes tested lol?!!

    Kat xx

  24. Hi Brenda,
    Your cards are always so perfect


  25. wow these cards are so beautiful i just love your brayered art expressions one its so amazing xx

  26. Oh wow Brenda your cards are gorgeous and thankyou for my Birthday card I loved it.
    Hugs Louise xx

  27. What a beautiful selection of cards. My particular favourite it the floral border one :o)
    Jackie xx

  28. saying they're gorgeous just doesn't seem enough to say for such wonderful creations.

  29. Lol...I do like you elegant all makes sense now. Such wonderful creations Brenda. Love the window card and the depth you get in your brayered scene cards is terrific.

  30. I love the landscape card you have made. I am very jealous of your brayering technique! :)

  31. Can't say witch is the best! They are all wonderful

  32. hey Brenda, these are all so beautiful, I so envy your talent, love each one....The PB slapstick has the edge for me though, really gorgeous.....
    Just stunning my friend...x

    ps, all sorted here,thanks. By the way, did you watch Strangeway's last night, me and James watched it in bed together, I didn't want to watch it but he asked if I would so I am all the more worried x

  33. You are just too clever. I think your cards are totally amazing. This is a particularly fabulous collections.
    Ann xxx

  34. Your cards are all beautiful! I love the masking technique you used in the first one. Love your pretty flower cards and the window card with the little girl is precious! I love the trifold with the panes of glass. So fun and different!
    Thank you for sharing! :)

  35. wow all perfect, Bob and I both say water,not road,your hubby should adjust his
    love your blue card those thistles look stunning in blue,great design,you are clever.

  36. Your works are wonderful
    Wonderfully presented, and I like very much

  37. Such great cards again Brenda. Particularly like the first one as I love scenic cards.

    I can see what your hubby means about the 'road' though!! Trust him to pick up on that!! xx

  38. Hi Brenda what gorgeous cards and so peaceful all of them, and I wouldnt let hubby say things like that, you tell him if he could do better it might be an idea for him to have a try at it. with hugs Shirleyxxx

  39. OH what gorgeous cards!!! I LOVE them...and the door/window look is PERFECT!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Great job!!!! Thanks!!!

  40. Brenda there are not enough adjectives to describe your cards!! All amazing and beautiful!!

  41. Such a selection of beautiful cards Brenda - I am particularily partial to the last one...I believe it's thistles - gorgeous! Cheers Claire x

  42. Hi Brenda, Wow! these are all beautiful! I love the first one especially, a very beautiful scene. I definitely see it as a stream, in fact it just looks like the brook near where I live, and there is a little bridge over it as in picture. Love the one with the window too, so pretty. But they are all gorgeous!

    Hugs Sue xx

  43. Wow!! ur cards are simply stunning.. That window card with the little girl is amazing

  44. Wow fantasic set of cards Luv Sue x

  45. So beautiful! I love, love, love the window card with the little girl! The lavander flowers and view of the hill is so relaxing! I need a butterfly punch....

  46. Really lovely cards - really really like the window card! x

  47. Открытка с девочкой меня просто поразила! Вот это у вас руки золотые! Такую красоту делаете!

  48. All your cards are beautiful, but the window card is really great! Well done!

    Mariangela ;-)
