
Thursday 21 April 2011

New stamps, TV & demo sneak peeks

Nose to Nose 40-057 One of the new Penny Black slapstick stamps

Good Morning peeps, hope you are all enjoying this nice weather, lets hope it continues for the Easter weekend.

Gypsy Caravan 2 and Cloud stamp sets

Good Friday I will be domoing at Sir Stampalot.........inky backgrounds, brayering and of course some Penny Black stamps along with Le Blanche. If you are in the area please do pop in for a chat and coffee.

The gorgeous Rosa 4184K Penny Black stamp

It decoupages beautifully coloured with Aquamarkers, inked with versamark frost and spritzed with Glimmer Mist pearls then moulded whilst wet. The DP is October Afternoon.

And another sneak peek at some of the stamps that will be included in Stamp Addicts next live TV programme at 11am on 27th April.........make a note in your dairy.

I'm still not able to spend long in front of the screen, so still shorts posts and not as many visits to you all as I would like, but when I do my DT commenting stints I try and stretch it a bit to visit a few peeps.


  1. lots of inky gorgeousness there Brenda!

    So great to see, take it easy with your eyes for sure!

    All the best to you and yours! xoxo

  2. Loving the sneak peaks, Brenda. And sadly, no - it's not a trip to the hallowed ground!!

  3. Hi Brenda more gorgeous creations - i love the adorable new stamp.. so cute .
    Hope you have a fab day on Friday ..
    Lisa x

  4. These are lovely cards and such beautiful stamps you are showing!

  5. Oh my goodness, stunning work Brenda, gorgeous images and colours xxx

  6. Amazing cards I love them all. Holly really liked the one with the horse on but then she would as she is horse mad. Take care. Nicola xx

  7. beautiful beautiful beautiful cards!! =)

  8. How lovely Brenda, super cards!
    Hugs Jacee

  9. Beautiful cards Brenda
    Don;t overdue the computer thought. Listen to your Doctor!!!!. I do sound like a busy old mum don't I!
    Take card
    Hugs sarah x

  10. Your cards are, as always, beautiful, Brenda. Although I like them all I do particularly love the decoupaged rose. Your trip round your garden filled me with envy - it's clearly much bigger than my wee plot, which is all we can manage nowadays, however it does give us a lot of pleasure. Your photographs are beautiful works of art too. Thanks for commenting on my blog, I know the effort this takes, and I'm glad you like the mayflowers. I am surprised that ours are ahead of yours - Scotland's flowers are usually way behind those in the rest of the country, but we have been having the most wonderful weather lately. I took a stroll round our plot today and will post some of the photos later. Hope you have a lovely Easter holiday. Elizabeth x

    PS: My sister, Margaret, is going back into hospital for more steroid treatment - she terms it 'going on her holidays' would you believe? Hopefully this will be beneficial and enable her to get back to her jewellery making again.

  11. More stunning cards Brenda - going to have to check out the new PB stamps now you've mentioned them lol. Loved the flowers in your previous post too - what an amazing garden you must have.

    Love Lynda xxx

  12. Brenda these are such wonderful creations. I like that little boy on your first card. Thanks so much for visiting my blog....I do really appreciate it but don't overdo it on the computer time. As I still want to be able to come in and see your lovely creations. :-)

  13. Wow fabby cards hun and am loving what you have done with Nose to Nose ,Luv Sam x

  14. Beautiful creations Brenda - I love your work and wish I lived near enough to come and see your demos. Maybe one day ......? Have a great time on Friday. Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  15. Wonderful cards, all of them.
    Wish you happy Easter days.

  16. Hi Brenda sounds as though you are going to be busy with your classes, good luck love hope you dont get to tired.
    Two stunning cards and I love the images on both. with hugs Shirleyx

  17. Oh what lovely cards the horse is adorable & love the close up of the rose. Hope your well hun, enjoy this week end

    Love Dawn xx

  18. Fab cards Brenda have a great demo day.
    Louise xx

  19. I like them all but I especially love the decoupaged rose!
    Blessings Bernie

  20. Beautiful work :) My favourite is the 'nose to nose' card - totally adorable!! And I'm very partial to the layered rose too - what a fabulous effect.

  21. Hi Brenda,
    Beutiful cards as always, I adore the decoupaged Rosa card especially and love all your details. Hope you're OK and will be back again very soon, Hugs, Teresa xx

  22. So tenderly! I like so much! BYE!

  23. 2 beeeautiful cards Brenda :) stunning :)

  24. I do hope the demoing has gone well today, Friday, & that you're not too exhausted. I do love the variety in the cards you produce - whehter cute or traditional or scenic. Those clouds in the second one are super, but my favourite of these is the rose with the script.
    Take care & recoup your strength over the weekend.
    Much love & Easter Greetings.
    Paula (PEP)

  25. Hello Brenda! These are all so pretty!

    Hope you have a wonderful Easter!

  26. Well Brenda,haven't you been busy! There have been some amazing cards to look back at whilst I was away for Spring break! Stunners! Happy Easter, Julie.x

  27. Awww the little boy and his dog is so, so cute, fabulous.

    Amazing background with the horse and the colours look beautiful.

    Wonderful rose too.

    3 spectacular makes Brenda.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
