
Monday 21 March 2011

Thank you kind people

Hello all, I just want to say a huge thank for all your lovely words and understanding regarding the content of my post on Friday and I would like to share the words Elaine left me:

People who mind don't matter and people who matter don't mind

Such a simple quote, yet it has so much meaning........I did check with Elaine that I could share and she tells me she had no idea of it's origin, so being of inquisitive nature it set me on a hunting expedition.

It appears to be attributed to Prerna Chikersal of India and I found this quote dated 1993 "I am Prerna Chikersal (16 y.o.) studying in Delhi Public School, R.K. Puram, I write all sorts of poems". I checked out the poems and wow, what talent !


  1. Love the new blog background Brenda. Tracy xx

  2. Hi Brenda,

    been catching up with your Blog as I have been away for the past couple of weeks. As always it is filled with the most gorgeous creations..

    I know you have really not been well, and I am glad you can still do some crafting, as well it does help with coping with ill health e.c.t.

    I agree with Elaine's quote, someone said that to me years ago and it is so true...blogging is fab as an exchange of idea's and meeting people with the same interests, but it does have to be kept in its place, and it should never be a pressure, we all started this because we wanted to, and enjoyed it, and it should stay that way!.....

    I for one am just happy that you are still able to do some crafting and that we can still get to see your gorgeous creations....I am not worried that you may not be able to comment on mine or the fact you cant write screeds and screeds on your post!

    Keep well, and sending big hugs


  3. I love the new background. What beautiful paper this would make! I also love your blog and the poem. Thanks for sharing.

  4. The box is amazing brenda, and don't worry about not commenting, we all understand. Even those of us with normal commitments (jobs, housework kiddies etc)sometimes find it difficult to fit in the blogging bit. Now Will is poorly, I am finding this part far harder, but at least he will gradually get betterer. Hugs and love to you and your family, thank them from all of us for helping you with something that you love. Hugs Heidi x

  5. What a great saying.. and so true..and its just lovely to see your creations.. and to know how you are doing
    Lisa ;)

  6. Loving the new look Brenda, very swish!
    Hugs Jacee

  7. Hi Brenda, I've been away for the weekend so only now read this post and the one from last Friday. I hope you will be able to continue your crafting and will definitely be visiting your blog regularly. Don't worry about not posting any comments, I'm sure people will still come and 'visit' you! I know I will, love seeing your work. So big hug, Frea

  8. That quote is so true Brenda. I'm certainly just happy to be able to see your lovely work and not at all worried that you aren't able to comment.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  9. Hi B!

    Coincidentally I read that very same quote somewhere today and thought how true the saying was.

    Hope you're keeping well.


  10. I love the new blog background and the quote is wonderful.

    Nikki x

  11. What a lovely quote Brenda and so so true. Your blog looks wonderful too.

    Love Lynda xxx

  12. Such a lovely quote,perfect! I'm guilty of not calling by for a while,I've rather a lot on at the mo,I feel for you Brenda,you are often in my thoughts,you are one of the blogging buddies that I consider a friend,a blog where I like to stop and stay a while gathering inspiration. I'm glad that you still feel able to craft and hope that this continues as I just know that it makes you happy. Take care dear friend,have a good week,Julie.x

  13. so very true, and I am LOVING your new blog look so beautiful!!!!

  14. Hi Brenda,
    I've been catching up with your blog as I haven't been visiting and commenting as much these pass few months as you know...So I'm so sorry to hear you've not been well hope things have improved now for you...I'd like to echo everyone's comments,blogging should be for fun and to make new friends,to see everyones beautiful cards,projects etc,if these pass few months have taught me anything it's in life some people are in it with you for the long haul and when things get tough, others are can I just say I'm happy to just see your gorgeous work,to leave a comment when I can and not be worried that you aren't able to comment... Take care...
    Mandy x

  15. HI BRENDA,
    i read about ur condition in ur earlier post and i wanted to say that hopefully u make a recovery from it and get well soon.its a lovely quote that u have posted today it seem to touch us in different ways .
    take care and u will be in our prayers.

  16. Hi Brenda,
    I've been catching up and have just read your blog from Friday and my heart goes out to you.
    Sometimes we bloggers expect so much from each other when in fact what does it all matter in the great scheme of things.
    Of course we love to see your work and love you to visit us but really, you must put yourself first in this.
    Your health and being able to do what you enjoy doing is so much more important than leaving messages hear there and everywhere.
    Continue to do what you love doing and know that we are thinking of you.
    Sending much love and a HUGE (((HUG)))
    Lesley x

  17. love your work Brenda - didn't see the post on Friday, but do understand and am just so glad that you are still able to craft.
    I do hope we see some of your creations but wouldn't wish you to struggle blogging them.
    Take care.
    love and hugs
    Ann xxx
