
Saturday 12 March 2011

More TV samples and brayering

Hi all, apologies for the lack of activity this week, I still seem to be struggling and inordinately slow at everything, so apart from DT commitments that's about it on the blogland front.

Although I am crating fine now and making cards for England, work on the keyboard remains a real effort as my dexterity seems all awry still............luckily messing about with ink and paint does not show the 'oh dear I didn't mean to do that' bits.......and there is a good bit of that going on. At least doing a post gives the opportunity of time to properly review what's written and amend all the typos, but a quick chase round blogland leaves me utterly embarrassed when I see my comments on display. So peeps, I hope you will understand why I am not about in blogland too much still.

But at least I have some shares card and another down the bottom of this post.......are sneak peeks at some of my samples for Stamp Addicts new programme which is live on Create and Craft on 21st March at 11am. The scenic, transport and Gypsy caravan stamps have been a joy to work with, all are available to buy on their website....check the what's new section. I will share some more with you over the next few days.

We have a new challenge at Allsorts.........and I confess that when I saw the theme Amanda had chosen........'Luck of the Irish' I went totally blank and all I could come up with were leprechauns and four leaf clovers, none of which I have in stamps. Then I though green, so that's the route I have gone down with my card above.

My image is one of the new Sara Burrier stamps from Crafts and Me called Mourning, isn't she Divine ? The name suggests she is intended for sympathy cards, but I think her uses are far wider. She is coloured with Copics and the border around the image is stamped with Hero Arts F5042 Leaf Flourish. The DP is Magnolia and flowers and a swirl to embellish. The easel card was made with a new die from Go Create, they come in sets of three and are ideal for making base cards and matching mats as they are all larger than most of the nesties, but not quite as huge as the grand nesties.

Shabby Tearooms - Luck of the Iish
Crazy Challenges - Lovely ladies
Southern Girls - Use flowers
Charisma Cards - Easel card
Wags 'n Whiskers - More than one fold
Delicious Doodles - Use green

The card above is my DT piece for this weeks Stamptacular Sunday challenge........I got it a bit wrong last week, I really did think that was my last week but forgot I had already uploaded a couple more ready for the remainder of March........I tell you the lifts still not going to the top floor some days.

So a bit of simple brayering here with Adirondack dye inks, the good old Speedball brayer and Stampscape stamps. The sentiment is from a Sheena Douglass set which I thought went well with the little scene which was created using a circle mask.........sort of in reverse........I cut a large circle in a sheet of A4 on the Cricut then brayered and stamped through the aperture using several different stamps.

Oh la la - It's a mans thing
Moving Along with the Times - Card for a Male
Creative Card Crew - No flowers
Crazy for challenges - A tree on your card

And another of the cards I created for Stamp Addicts new show which I told you about above. I thought this was perfect for:

Res Q Challenge - A touch of pink


  1. oh wow hun what an amazing post they are all just so beautiful but my fav has to be,the house in the woods that really is stuning,the brayering is just brilliant,it just looks so,tranquil,just invites you in take care hun,and do not worry about commenting,we get to see your work,which i just love,hugs cheryl xxxxx

  2. Wow dear...
    so many lovely cards!!! The scenes you made are great, the poppies flowers one is lovely, it look like a window on a toscany valey!!!! =)

  3. Hi Brenda, Do not worry about blogging and commenting.Everyone understands-we just have to do what we can and not beat ourselves up about things we've not achieved.As long as you can craft then that's all that matters as it's so therapeutic.Keep your chin up and thank you for sharing these amazing cards with us-outstandingly beautiful.Take care.Debbie x

  4. OMG Brenda, your cards are simply amazing, and so inspirational.... I just love coming here and seeing your fabulous cards so don't worry about commenting. Hugs xxx

  5. Always a pleasure to see your cards whenever you're ready! No worries about getting around to blogs, or making mistakes, we all do it on the best of days!

    Really love these scenes, beautiful cards with wonderful techniques!

  6. Hi Brenda,please dont worry about comments,just enjoy your card making.They are all stunning,I love the house by the lake.Hugs sue xx

  7. Hi Brenda - don;t worry about the comments - its your works of art i want to see lol
    Love the cards today - i cant really choose between them.. although i do love the poppy field .. so pretty
    Have a great weekend
    Thanks for joining in my male themed challenge at MAWTT this week
    Lisa ;)

  8. Lovely cards Brenda!

    Karin x

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! So lovely to see some more of your beautiful work Brenda and so pleased to read you are getting messy with ink again xxx

  10. WoW Brenda what stunning stunning cards you have here - the one with the mountain and lake is exceptionally beautiful.

    Love Lynda xxx

  11. Love your cards today, especially the stampscapes scene. Just good to see you able to craft, don't worry about commenting till you can!

  12. A really beautiful selection of cards Brenda - it's always a joy to see your work - commenting can wait! Take care Cheers Claire x

  13. All fabulous creations Brenda, I particularly like the first one and the ribbon detail. So sorry to hear you are still suffering, take care.

  14. OMG!!! You've have such talent for those scenes!
    I wish I could take classes for that,I am awed
    everytime I take a look here!
    My fav is the cabin....GORGEOUS!

  15. Hola
    bellisimos trabajos , cada tarjeta tiene su encanto particular. saludo Maria Luisa

  16. Your cards are so Beautiful, love the lady in green with the flowers, Gorgeous!

  17. Beautiful cards, you have been a busy lady! Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

  18. Hi B, wow, wow, wow, what amazing cards ane every one equally so special. love them all.

  19. Wow Brenda you have been busy and all such amazing creations. Glad to hear things are improving and I'm sure you'll be back to speed real soon. xx

  20. Lovin' each and every one of your card Brenda. Thanks for linking up with us at OLL. Hugs x

  21. All such stunning cards Brenda. I think the one with the nature sentiment would have to be my fave. Thanks for joining in with our Man's Card challenge at OLL this time. Good luck.
    Dawn x

  22. Brenda, all of these cards are amazing, love all of them. Thanks so much for sharing with us at MAWTT this week. Good luck. Pami x

  23. Don't worry about the computer stuff, Brenda. As long as you can craft OK, that's the main thing and you are wowing us with this gorgeous collection. I was ahhing at the first one but they just kept getting better but the mountain hut left me speechless. I love it, what an amazing stamp that is.
    Make sure you put your feet up and take it easy and I hope you are having a lovely weekend.
    Hugs Lisax

  24. These are all lovely--the one with the mountains is my favorite, what an amazing stamp, and your color combo is just perfect!


  25. OMGosh Brenda, you are sooo talented and such an inspiration! Your cards are amazing!

  26. Gorgeous cards Brenda. My favourite is definitely the first one with the poppies. I love the splash of red.

    I had one of these weeks last week where all I got done was my DT commenting. My TG DT card was made in no time last night and I was quite pleased with it which is not like me. I had a big WRI district show today and was really chuffed to get 4 tickets for 6 entries. Funnily enough my lovely (even if I say so lol) birthday card was unplaced. Judges seem to prefer cards made with peeloffs or die cut stick on decoupage not anything you have to work at. (Oh dear that sounds a bit miaow doesn't it?!)

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  27. 4 great cards there Brenda. The mountain chalet scene is stunning, thanks for sharing it with us at MAWTT this week, your ink work is amazing! Good luck with the challenge
    Laurie x

  28. Ah B.! good to have you back! {{hugs}} and typos are fine I do them all the time... mind you it can be very frustrating so pray for dexterous hands to return ASAP...

    It is just good you are crafting again and your creative glorious cards always thrill my soul to the very core. I thank you very much for putting this beautiful bit of you out there for all of us to share,
    God bless always,
    Shaz in Oz.xx

  29. Brenda, what a stunning array of cards including a fab male one. Thanks for taking part in Ooh La La Creations Challenge this fortnight and best of luck. We hope to see you back again very soon. Best wishes, Kym, Guest Designer for March/April for the Ooh La La Creations Challenge Blog xxx

  30. Oh my word Brenda, what can I say chick, these are all stunning, you sure ain't lost your knack of creating beautiful cards...I love them all...

    I wish you wouldn't worry about visiting peeps, everyone knows and understands why, you consentrate on getting better, you know you need to walk before you can run.....
    Take care

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the third one especially.

    Nikki x

  32. Lovely cards and I know a few men who would like to receive a ship picture for a card.

  33. Hi Brenda, wow fabulous cards you really do make the most stunning cards even though youve are having problems with your co ordination, I do so hope it soon improves, do take care with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  34. Oh wow Brenda....I love all of these cards they are so special. So glad to hear that you are crafting happily....

  35. Oh my gosh, your work is exquisite! I love all the beautiful cards you've created! Bravo!

  36. Lovely to know you are still crafting - even if the keyboard is a trial. Sending hugs.
    Lesley x

  37. Beautiful cards, my personal favorite is the last one.

  38. your are cards are all absolutely gorgeous :-D

  39. What a fabulous set of cards brenda. The mountain scene is brilliant for a man, I love the colours and image you have used in it.
    Thanks for sharing all of them with us at MAWTT this week.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  40. Absolutely stunning cards. Thanks for joining us this week at Delicious Doodles. I hope you'll join us next time.

    Good luck

    Claire x

  41. WOW I love yr brayering and all those cards are stuning. I MUST paractice my brayering lol thanks playing along with Delicious Doodles

  42. Its so very lovely to browse your gorgeous cards Brenda!
    As soon as I saw the poppies I thought Id know immediately which my fav card would be oh no, I couldnt possibly choose and they are all equally stunning!

    Beautiful work Brenda as always.

    Keryn x

  43. Brenda, all of your cards are super beautiful!!! Awesome designs! Thank you for celebrating Earth Day with us...hugs ~S~

  44. fabulous! Thanks for playing RESQ challenge this week!

  45. These cards are lovely! I love the flowers. Thanks for sharing your talent at Southern Girls.
    Alicia xx
