
Saturday 12 February 2011

All about the sentiment

Hello everyone, seems like ages since I was last here......and I'm not really here now..........thank heavens for daughters and granddaughters who make wonderful secretaries and in typing this make it possible to post my DT work, which thankfully were all made weeks ago and in my picture file waiting to be used.

That's the thing about having something like MS, you tend to constantly plan weeks ahead just in case. I know some of my fellow DT members think I am paranoid working so far in advance, but the last few weeks prove exactly why I do that, it sort of becomes a way of life.

So three weeks now and not a single new card, but I did do a bit of colouring in this week. With the help of one of my 'secretaries' who inked the stamps, I managed to stamp them, she heat embossed the images, then I did a bit of colouring.......I'm still unable to grasp by Copics properly, but managed to watercolour as you don't need to be as exacting with that.

Now for the challenges and it's my turn to host the theme at Allsorts this week and I would like you to focus on the sentiment in "All about the Sentiment".

My DT card combines a bit of allsorts......oh dear what a pun....... the frame was created with a Nestie using linen cardstock.......the texture is good for this technique and after cutting the aperture I stamped all over with Magenta 14315-0 using verasamark and embossed with detail clear.

I then folded repeatedly......mountain folds work best here and brayered randomly in all directions with Big and Juicy Hydrangea..........this is the one exception where brayering works well on matt cardstock......until the resist stamping shows through and all those folds give a really different effect where they pick up the ink.

The sentiment is good old Penny Black 2695J Dance. I made a rose from a piece of blue DP which I dipped into UTEE to achieve a glassy effect and added some punched leaves.

And this weeks challenge at Stamptacular Sunday is "Lovin' from the Oven". I confess to freaking a bit as this one as apart from a PB stamp with a birthday cake along with some hedgies, I seem to have nothing remotely associated with yes, fairies yes and flowers by the the bucket load but nothing foody.

So I made a little acetate bag and filled it with ginger fairing's.....homemade mind you..........and decorated it with a card to match. The circle floral stamp is one of the 2011 release from Hero Arts S5141 Floral Wreath, stamped with Memento black, coloured with Copics and Stickles added to the flowers centres. The tab on the bag was cut with Nesties and the card cut with a Marianne die.

Before I go......or should I say 'we' go, thank you all so very much for your warm and sincere messages, mails and cards I have received. Although I can't visit you all individually and say thank you, I really hope you will see this and know how much I appreciate all your kind wishes.


  1. Beautiful card and do hope things get better soon. Hugs Anesha

  2. Stunning cards. Lovely sentiment. Hope you continue on the up! Best wishes Gez.xx

  3. Brenda - good to see yu again - even if you're dictating!! Hope you continue to pull through this episode - sounds as if it is slowly receding; long may it continue. Lovely cards again.
    Have a great weekend - at least the "team" is heading in the right direction with King Kenny back in charge - also long may it continue, lol.

  4. glad you can post something, good luck with yr healt, hope it will be 'much' better soon!

  5. These are such beautiful projects, the way the flower still looks wet as if it has just been rained on, terrible english I know but I have only just risen with a terrible sinus cold, saw this and had to comment. I am not sure what brayering is so would love someone to come visit me and explain it. I am actually going to head off and buy the sentiment right now as I have been meaning too for ages. Might have a look at the floral wreath as well as it is very pretty and I like the adaptability of it too. Thanks heavens for kith and kin eh, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see your gorgeous creations. Stay warm, get well soonest, love Heidi x

  6. glad to see you are able to craft again massive hugs xxx

  7. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the sentiment on the first. I keep seeing it around and thinking I really should get it as it could be quite versatile. The flower is wonderful.
    The card and gift are lovely. The image is great.

    Nikki x

  8. Morning Brenda, It's lovely to see you here even though as you said these cards were premade, I totally understand your reasons for being so infront, it must be so frustrating for you at times though with not being able to do what you love, though it never shows on your blog as you never sound down or depressed. As the saying goes, a cheerfull heart is good medicine...

    I on the other hand would never be able to get infront with making cards, I craft so slow...Though I have suprised myself this week, been on a marathon making thank you cards for Mom, I've made about 15 so far would you believe...though most are copied from the first design I I normally hate to make cards the same as I bore easy and end up getting sloppy...
    Enough Brenda your cards are gorgeous, the sentiment is beautiful and I love the technique you explained.
    The second set is wonderful too, I so love the stamp and your design set is gorgeous, love the shapes so much...

    Sending hugs

  9. HI Brenda - hope you are feeling a little better and its fab you have such willing helpers .. they are doing a great job!
    Love the cards .. the purple one is gorgeous .. and an edible make .... ,, right up my street!
    Lisa ;)

  10. Hi Brenda, I dont think your nuts for making your card so far in advance, its certainly has worked for you this time because you can just concentrate on resting and getting better, do take care.
    Both your card are stunning and I adore that sentiment on the first one, the flower is gorgeous to. Your second project looks very yummy, and the card is really fabulous to. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  11. Hi Brenda,sorry you are having such a rough time with your health.Hope you start to improve soon.Your projects are beautiful as usual and very inspiring.A big hug to you,hang in there.Love Debbie x

  12. Love your card! The sentiment and rose are both so beautiful and the colours are so lovely.
    Your second set is adorable and would brighten anyone's day. So cheerful!

    I hope you are improving and soon able to get back to doing what you love in full force but how wonderful that you have people around you who are helping you create! I am sure they are enjoying those moments together and creating such lovely things with you.

    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  13. Gorgeous card Brenda and the cookie bag topper, well, it's just so clever! Your support system is awesome and I'm glad to see your work so tell them thanks! Hope you are soon well enough to pop back more often, careful hugs, Hazel x

  14. Beautiful Brenda, how gorgeous is that purple flower, looks stunning!
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs Jacee

  15. Beautiful eye catching cards again Brenda. Hope you'll soon be back to top form well before your prepared projects run out. Your secretary's are doing a great job on your behalf. Best wishes to you all. Hugs, Pat xx

  16. Good to hear from you Brenda - even though someone else is taking dictation. Hope you'll be back doing you own thing very soon. I love the scrunching up and brayering technique you've done on the top card - makes a fantastic background - and I always like to see the 'dance' stamp used in your creations.
    Well done for making the goody bag and card - although I don't think I could be parting with those gingerbread men. They look scrumptious.
    Beryl xx

  17. Gorgeous card and treat bag Brenda!!!

    Glad you got lots of helpers around you, take care and hope your back to full speed soon!

    Love and Hugs!

  18. Love both your cards !!!! The flower of the first one is just stunning !!!!


  19. Gorgeous cards Brenda and I love the little gift bag too. Really special all of them. So good to see your lovely work and great that you have 2 willing "secretaries!"

    MS is a horrible thing. My lovely niece has had it since she was 21. But she has 3 gorgeous teenage boys and tried never to let it stop her doing things with and for them. She always tries to do what she can when she is able and like you she doesn't let it stop her being a Mum. Like you too she doesn't complain.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  20. Fabulous cards as ever Brenda - glad you're little helpers are on hand to keep things going - they're doing a great job. Hope you're feeling better real soon.

    Love Lynda xxx

  21. Gorgeous work Brenda and love the sound of those homemade biscuits - yum! So glad to hear from you, your 'helpers' are doing a fabulous job, big hugs xxx

  22. Hi Brenda, I love your cards. I especially like the sentiment on the first one, just super. Love the round card too really great. Hugs x

  23. Hiya
    Your cards are beautiful as ever. I hope your need for your secretaries subsides soon, take care.
    Luv Hev xxx

  24. Well it just amazes me how you can be so inspirational even when you are not supposed to be!! I love that stunning flower in the first card and great save with the biscuits in the second. Its a beautiful card though Brenda. Hugs

  25. HI dear
    lovely card... the blue flower is so wonderful dear!!! =)))

  26. Hi Brenda, it is so wonderful to hear from you and terrific that you have great secretaries available. Take care and keep getting better. Love your creations. Your flower is stunning.

  27. Your PB card is absolutely stunning.

    Thinking of you, Luv Sam x

  28. Me again Brenda. I've left something for you on my blog. xx

  29. Hi Brenda,
    I have had a naughty computer so I havent been checking out blogs for a while, So I am sorry to hear you have been under the weather lately.
    But really glad to see you dont let it stop you crafting, even if you need a helper occasionally :)
    I am really impressed that you can craft in advance, and they are all fab cards.
    You are an inspiration, keep it up !!!

  30. I am so sorry you are not too well, but boy you don't let it stop you crafting - you really are an inspiration. How wonderful that you have such a close-knit family who are happy to help in any way they can.
    Love the card, and the stunning flower. The gingerbread bag is a fab. idea,and home made baking too! There is no end to your talents Brenda!
    Take care - hugs, Sylvia xxx

  31. Hi B, I am a bit late in getting around to you but so glad you are starting to feel more "chipper" pray it is on the up all the way!!and so glad that your dear secretaries are there to help, may God bless you all, and thanks for this gorgeous card too - and well done on being so prepared well ahead its a real credit,
    love Shaz in Oz.x

  32. I have a surprise for you (a blog award) posted on my blog – I invite you check it out:
    Click Here

  33. Lovely card Brenda! I love the rose - looks like glass. Can you please explain how to do that . I know I sound silly but I'm new to paper crafts and would love to learn new things. Is this some special kind of paper ? Is there a tutorial for this?
    I was trying to reach you regarding the January Candy. But I guess you haven't been feeling well enough to so that why I didn't hear from you. I hope you get well soon.

  34. Oi, Brenda!
    Ficou divino, amei!
    Você tem um bom gosto incrível!

  35. Brenda! I am delighted with your work! Such a scale fantasy, original solutions, the technique! Good luck to you. You are a very talented person!

  36. Hi Brenda!
    Your creation is super lovely. sorry to hear that you haven't been well. I pray you have much improvement.
    Hugs Maz

  37. Your cards are both gorgeous Brenda. I really love the UTEE effect on the flower - at first glance it looked like it was made from acetate. What a beautiful, glossy effect.

    Thinking of you and sending you prayers for some relief. How wonderful that you have some 'secretaries' to assist you. I must admit that despite my best intentions, I am very rarely more than a week ahead in my DT commitments - usually just making deadlines by a day or so.

  38. This card is lovely - I really love the look when using the resist technique - I'm always coveting other people's card and need to have a go myself. I also love the flower it's beautiful.

    Hope your health continues to improve! xx

  39. Beautiful cards Brenda - how frustrating it must be for you....take care! Cheers Claire x

  40. wow these are just amazing!!!! Hugs Juls

  41. Brenda, I just want to wish you all the best and that your health is going better soon. Thinking on you and love to visit your blog and see all your wonderful creations.
    Hugs, Karina

  42. Wow-
    two great projects again! I can't tell which one I like more. Each of them is astonishing beautiful.

    Best wishes ILo

  43. You make beautiful cards I think that I could take example from you :)
    grettings from Poland :)
