
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Say it with flowers and a woof

This post was scheduled a few weeks back and this is just a very quick message........I have been let loose from my chains for five say I am overwhelmed by all you wonderful and kind messages and thank you all so much, you have no idea how much they all mean to me. I have not been on the computer at all, but was 'allowed' to read your messages. The rest period continues..................

The first of the month means I am brimming with new challenges and have shares for Stampalot Challenge where the theme is "Noah's Ark" and Penny Black at Allsorts where the theme is "Say it with Flowers".

My card for Penny Black at Allsorts is very pink and girly, not normal me but I do love the image and the colours are growing on me. The image is Penny Black 4076K Gift of Flowers.......which I thought was most appropriate for the theme..........stamped several times with versafine black, embossed with detail clear and coloured with Aquamarkers then decoupaged. The DP is from my stash, flowers, some lace and a border using Martha Stewart Floral Vine.

My Stampalot card has Stampendous CRR123 stamped onto a background lightly brayered with Big and Juicy Spice, coloured with Aqumarkers and set into a Nesite frame. I borrowed the pooch stamp from the Stampalot classroom so don't have the code, but I think it's an Art Impression stamp which I stamped and embossed onto white cardstock and added a little shading with Copics. The DP is Nitwits and I used a paw print stamp onto some jute ribbon to tie across the middle and added some buttons.................dare I admit that this is the card I made for George's second birthday..............yes I do mean George the Labrador !!


  1. Glad to hear that you're still resting Brenda, time flies and you'll soon be back again.

    Love the cards you made, the first one with it's beautiful pastel colouring and the fun second one, it makes me smile!

    Sending lots of hugs your way,

  2. Glad you were allowed up for a few minutes but don't overdo! It's not worth a setback. Hope you are feeling better soon and able to join in again without it causing any health problems.

    Love your cards! The dainty little girl on the first is so sweet and delicate. And I love the puppy face on the second. How comical!
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  3. Hi Brenda
    Not easy having to behave, know only to well how it goes! Hope you are improving day by day. Love both of your cards Brenda, lovely colours and very pretty border. The dog one, just so cute, a real happy card for someone! Carolxx

  4. Two little beauties Brenda, cheering us all up today you are. Hope you are being a good patient, we don't want you gone any longer than necessary. Big hugs

  5. Hiya Brenda, Hope you are better soon!! Two fab cards but i love the first one the colours are so fresh! hugs xx jo xx

  6. These are both gorgeous Brenda! Love your coloring and what fabulous sketches!
    Hope you'll feel a lot better
    very soon!

  7. Hi Brenda,
    I was so sorry to hear your not well, it must be really frustrating for you...but you really should rest and take time for yourself....
    I love both cards...The dog is fabulous and I love the idea of stamping on ribbon, will have to remeber that one.
    Take it easy

  8. Wonderful creations as always brenda, love the colours on the PB@A challenge, they are so pretty. And your dog looks like a right old slobbery chops and so cute.
    Hope your feeling some improvement now, you have been a good girl, so hope the ban from the computer has helped.
    Looking forward to you getting back to normal, missing my blogging friend.
    Tracy x

  9. Rest, rest, rest....good girl.
    Beautiful cards as always.
    Lesley x

  10. both of these are such fantastic cards!!! Hugs Juls

  11. Nice to hear some words from there! Hope you rest and get better soon!
    I got my stitches off,
    still wearing the shoe for a month...

    Your both cards are gorgeous and the second one is quite funny too.
    Warm greetings;-))m

  12. Hi,
    Love both your cards, they are gorgeous... the doggy one is so cute!!!

  13. Hello Brenda. Your cards are fabulous as always. So much colour and detail.
    Glad to hear you are still being good and resting as you should. I am sure that everyone is missing you, but all wish you a very speedy recovery. Take care sweetie and then you will be back with us soon.
    Thinking of you. Take care.
    Lots of love, Sandra xx

  14. Two fabulous cards Brenda,I do hope you are continuing to

  15. Hi Brenda, Beautiful cards as always :-) My fav has to be the PB card ... such a gorgeous image and pretty colours. I am sure George will love his card :-)

    I am so sorry but have only just seen the message from Mr B. Sorry to hear you have been having a few health problems. Glad you are taking it easy. Hope things improve soon.


    Lisa x

  16. Keep on taking it easy Brenda - hope you will be well soon.
    Your cards are always gorgeous - inspirational.
    Ann xxx

  17. super cards Brenda
    hugs sarah x

  18. So glad to hear you are still resting, no sneaking on here lady! Your cards are fabulous as always, I absolutely love the girly pink one xxx

  19. Two lovely cards. But you must still take it easy!! Hopefully you will be back and fuctioning in blogland soon. Hugs Nicola xx

  20. take it easy hunny and get well soon x

  21. That pale pink and green is gorgeous together and I love that pb image, might have to add it to my wee collection. Puppy peeping out is very cute, I am sure George loves it. Hugs Heidi, x

  22. So glad to hear you've been able to do a bit of blogging Brenda and hope you're back up to speed soon.
    The cards are gorgeous and I really love the peeping pooch.

  23. Hi Brenda, great to see you online even if it is only for a short time and glad to hear you are on the mend. Hopefully, you will continue to improve and 'fighting fit' in no time. My sister, Margaret, saw her MS specialist on Monday and he is happy with her progress after her recent op on her face - she certainly sounds perkier on the phone. The cards are both lovely but I have to say my favourite is George's - love the dog's face and the paws DP. Great idea to stamp the paws on the jute - why didn't I think of that? I used jute already printed with paws for a card I made recently. Wishing you all the best. Elizabeth x

  24. It's real bonus for us that we are still getting to see some of your wonderfuls creations while you are unable to craft.
    Gentle hugs for you.
    Beryl xx

  25. Hi Brenda. I'v just been having a catch up and have only just read the message from your Hubby. How sorry I am to hear that you're not too clever at the moment. Take it easy and rest up, we'll still be here when you're feeling better.
    The creations you created before your enforced rest are as beautiful as always.
    Wishing you lots of love.
    Hugs Lisax

  26. Hi Brenda, it was lovely to hear from you, keep up looking after yourself, and get better quickly. Love both of your cards they are gorgeous and I dont blame you for giving your dog his birthday card, its fabulous. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  27. keep taking it easy girl, these are so gorgeous. hugs chris xx

  28. Stunning cards, Brenda! I hope you are behaving yourself and not being too trying for Eddie! Read any good books lately? Big Hugs, Sally x

  29. Your PB card is just 'Wow' and the doggy one is just so adorable.

    Glad to hear you are being good - although i know it's not much fun, it'll do you good in the long run, Luv Sam x

  30. das sind ja 2 süße Kärtchen, die mit dem Hund finde ich total lustig


  31. Great cards Brenda. The little girl is very sweet, a lovely image for a lovely card. The doggie on the second one is a real fun image, love it.

    I'm not surprised you've made a card for George's birthday. We're all a bit daft about our dogs aren't we? Kath has made cards to send to the winners of her Retriever Buddy's giveaways. Hope my pups don't start giving away my stash lol!

    Glad to see you've been behaving. Take care,

    Kat xx

  32. Wow, a stack of goodwill Brenda and here's a wee bit more! Glad you are resting up and it means you will be better sooner. TG. The two cards are fab, by the way. Keep smiling, hazel x

  33. Hi Brenda I love both of you cards they are gorgeous as always. Glad to hear you are being a good girl and resting. My hubby has MS so I can understand the problems you are having at the moment. I'm sure you'll soon be back in action. xxx

  34. Hi Brenda,I'm glad you were allowed to see all the lurve you've been sent :) hope you're resting up though to aid your recovery,Sending you hugs,Julie.x

  35. Gorgeous and stunning cards Brenda. Take Care.

  36. I'm glad you are still taking it easy. Gorgeous cards. I love the colours on the first and the dog peeking over the frame in the second is fab.

    Nikki x

  37. Gorgeous cards Brenda,love the pooch card.

  38. A couple of smashers Brenda, that dog looks so cute, what a great card!
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs Jacee

  39. Lovely! It's always pure delight to read about how these beautiful things are made!


  40. Hi Brenda, blowing a gale here, sounds like mad chickens though the badly fitted double glazing.
    both great cards, your first card I adore, you do pretty girly cards as well as you do floral.
    Get plenty of rest.
    thinking of you janex

  41. Hi Brenda - Hope hubby has you back on enforced rest! Love Georges card - thats one happy looking dog! Cheers Claire x

  42. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Lovely colours and images. Love the dog, super cute. Hugs, Hanna

  43. Good to hear a little snippet from you Brenda and I hope all's going well for you. Love the cards especially the doggy waiting to pounce! Love him!

    Love Lynda xxx

  44. Gorgeous cards, Brenda:O) The girls is so cute, pretty colours! The dog card is so fun, great design.
    Take care.
    Hugs, Nancy;O)

  45. Hi Brenda, Gorgeous card as ever! I really hope you are Ok, after reading all your news. You'll always be special to me in Blogland, ...Hugs, Teresa x

  46. BOth really great cards. I love the colours on the first one & the 2nd made me chuckle with the dog peeping out. Very cool!! hugs x
