
Thursday 27 January 2011

Message from B

Hello Ladies, B’s hubby here with a message she was determined I sent to you all as she is unable to write it herself, although she is directing operations as I type, no doubt you all know her well enough to understand what I mean !!

Her shoulder and arm have not improved as we hoped and now her MS has kicked in quite rapidly over the last few days, more so than it has done in several years now. As a result she is suffering a lot of pain and immobility and her hands and legs not really functioning properly - luckily or perhaps no so for me, her vocal cords are all still functioning well !!

She has been finding typing difficult for a few days but carried on despite all the warnings from myself and medics and today has reached the point where she has no choice in the matter and her computer is going off forcibly.

She has asked that I tell everyone that although she will be missing from blogland for a week or two, she has several posts scheduled and all her DT work done and where it should be - I expect that means more to all of you than it does me.

So that’s it in a nutshell really and if you are reading this, then B’s instructions how to put this on her blog were not that bad.


  1. awww B please please take care of yourself, I am glad your hubby has taken you in hand and is turning off ur PC!! All the very best of healing wishes coming your way from Scotland!!


    Amanda xx

  2. Take care of yourself, let your DH and medical experts take care of you and hope you are back on again very soon! {{{hugs}}}

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon!


  4. B, I hope you'll feel better soon! *hugs*

  5. Hi Brenda, I was worried that you were trying to do much while your shoulder was still sore. I'll miss your gorgeous cards every day but I'm glad that hubby has taken you in hand and made sure you don't do anything.

    Please rest as much as you can. See you when you're much better. From another of your Scottish friends.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  6. Hi Brenda!! Hope you'll feel better soon!! =)
    Many hugs, SannaS

  7. Oh B. You real must think of yourself more. Take care & as much time as you need, The post did make me smile, I can well imagine you giving out your instructions. If there's absolutly anything we can do let us know
    Big warm HUGZ Fleur xXx

  8. That is not so nice to hear, I hope that she will soon be better and that she quickly may be in blogland again , Get Well!
    (sorry for my bad english)
    love desiree

  9. I'm SO sorry to hear that! Please know that you will be in my prayers, B! I hope that your time of rest will help and that you will be back to feeling good again very soon.

  10. Sending you best wishes B, please take care of yourself, we'll all be here when you return to us. Big hugs coming your way.
    Suzi x

  11. Aww get well soon hunni will be thinking of you lots ........ and Eddy you did a fabby job hun all info received and passed on (although B does give the best instructions);)

    Take care B and get some well deserved rest..... we'll be here waiting when you are feeling better...

    Emma xxx

  12. Oh Brenda I'm so sorry hun!! I hope you feel better soon, take care XX Frea

  13. It sounds like time for some rest and pampering and hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. Sending hugs and get well wishes
    Claire xx

  14. Firsty, so sorry that things are not going too good at the moment .. .. only Brenda could be organised enough to have everything scheduled for posting for weeks in advance.

    I hope that a complete rest will mean a quick recovery.

    Of course anyone not fit enough to craft or blog hop is not fit to be in the kitchen or laundry area of the home .. .. so Eddy .. .. you will need to step in here too (hope you realise this LOL!!).

    Secondly, well done Eddy .. .. a brilliant post .. .. thank you for letting us all know about Brenda. Please keep us up to date on her progress. She is going to be missed such a lot whilst "out of action".

    Careful though Eddy .. .. you might end up getting hooked and want to start your own blog!!!

    Take care of my mate and make her do as she is told!! (and look after yourself too .. lots of extra jobs could be coming your way)!!

    You know where I am if I can be of any help.

    Love and hugs Jules xx

  15. Oh Brenda,I hope you rest up so you keep pain free for a while,Sending you hugs,Julie.x

  16. Ouch! Get well soon Brenda

  17. Hoping that things get better soon Brenda as we'll miss you loads.
    Thinking of you and sending hugs, Fliss xx

  18. Sometimes you just have to heed the warning signs, but then how many of us do LOL. Hoping the enforced rest will give you and your body time to get back in sync with each other. Take care of yourself and make the most of this rest if you can LOL XOXO Zoe

  19. Hi Brenda and Brenda's hubby,as I am sure you are going to read all of this for her...Please tell brenda that i am thinking of her and will say a preyer for her all of the way from here (Greece) and i hope she will feel better after a good rest..take care and God bless

  20. Hope you improve soon, Brenda, and well done for Mr B (!) taking control.

  21. Oh Brenda so sorry to hear you are not so good at the moment but me thinks you are in good hands. Get better soon and I look forward to seeing you back soon.
    Ps. You hubby did a good job posting for you

    Max x

  22. I hope you'll feel better soon.

  23. Hope you start to improve soon Brenda - well done hubby on doing that post - not sure my husband would know where to start - even with guidance!! LOL
    Take care of yourself hun.
    Dawn xx

  24. I hope you feel much better soon, B xxxxxxx

  25. Hello B, so sorry to hear that you are not so good at the moment - my sister has MS so I'm so there for you - hugs and more hugs :) Mr B - well done - you did your job well! Take care both of you and see you B when you're better. Best wishes, Elizabeth xx

  26. Please take care Brenda...sounds like your instructions were perfect! Warmest Wishes Claire x

  27. Oh bless - hope you are feeling better soon!


  28. Sending Brenda gentle cyber (hugs) & lots of get well wishes..xx

  29. Brenda, I hope by the time you get to read this when you are allowed to switch your computer back on, that you will be feeling a lot better than you do now. You'll be missed and not just by me by the looks of things, lol. Take good care, virtual hugs, Hazel x

  30. OH so sorry Brenda - I was going to email you to say thank you for the stamps that arrived today but I guess there is no point now. I will wait till you are back online and fit.
    I hope that you feel better soon. Can't believe that even though you are poorly you managed to send out my prize - so kind thank you.
    Take care and hope to see you back fully in action soon.
    Ann xxx

  31. Hi Brenda's husband. We met at the NEC last November when I was demoing there. Please tell Brenda I hope she improves soon, She MUST do what the Doctor says. We will miss her visits to our blogs but we all understand. Hope she isn't in too much pain
    hugs Sarah x

  32. Hello Brenda
    I do hope your hubby reads out all these lovely get well wishes to you. We are missing you already but please make sure you rest well to speed up your recovery. I know the itchy fingers feeling but you must sit on your hands and not be tempted to blog.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Get well hHugs from Shirley

  33. Take care of yourself! Thinking of you!

  34. Hello B & E !
    Now rest yourself Brenda,
    get well soon,
    with healing thoughts;-))m

  35. Hiya Brenda. You are going to be missed terribly sweetie, but you MUST listen to your husband and the doctors, so that we get you back in good health. We will not be going anywhere, so will be waiting for you. Take care sweetie, sending a Big Hug, you are in my thoughts.
    Lots of love, Sandra xxx

  36. Brenda hope you feel better soon. We will miss you while you are gone but get yourself better...

  37. Hallo Brenda, Keep well and try not to go too crazy without the crafting, perhaps now is a good time to spend some extra special time with your very obliging hubby. Hope you get betterer soonest as I will be missing your most excellent crafting Style. Hugs and love Heidi xx

  38. Hiya Brenda, oh you poor love, you are in the wars, I hope you'll soon be feeling a lot better, good job you have hubby helping you out.
    Sending you a big hug, get well soon.
    Hugs Jacee

  39. Hi Brenda,
    so sorry to hear that you are feeling so not well! A big thanks to your hubby for letting us know.
    Sending lots of get well wishes your way!

  40. Oh Brenda I am so sorry you've ended up this poorly. Please take it easy from now on and DO NOT come back until you're completely better. Ive been worried about this happening for the past few weeks - you are much too dedicated to your crafting for your own good lol. Anyways I hope you get through this relapse and don't have any lasting symptoms. Take good care of yourself, rest up and lap up all the attention and TLC - you bloomin' well deserve it!

    Love Lynda xxx

  41. Hope you'll get a speedy recovery Brenda, we'll be here when you come back.

    Take good care now and put your feet up,

    warm hugs

  42. aaww sweetie, take care of yourself! We'll be here for you when you get back. Now you just get better and bless your sweet hubby for caring so =)


  43. oh dear that is not good news. Hope she rests up and recovers quickly, please give her a hug from me.
    Well done on your post too, you did a great job

  44. So sorry to hear you are in such pain. Take care and rest and see you back here soon. Hugs anesha

  45. Oh Hun, take care and look after yourself and we hope to see you very soon, once you're feeling better, lUv Sam x

  46. So sorry to hear you are in such pain. I hope you get well soon. All the best wishes!

  47. OMG Brenda, you don't do things in halves do you. I do hope you'll be doing as your told, and get the rest you need to recover.

    Only you could be so organised that everything will just be going on as normal with your blogging.

    Great blog post Eddy, can you make cards too, just in case you need to step in for Brenda Lol!

    Your in my thoughts and prayers Brenda, take care love and let Eddy look after you.

    Give me a shout if there's anything I can do.

    Tracy x

  48. Hi Brenda. So sorry to hear this. What a nuisance! Good to know that your hubby is looking after you, and I hope the enforced rest will mean you are soon much improved. Take good care of yourself. Big hugs, Lynne xx

  49. Oh Brenda, I hope you feel better soon. Will keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.

  50. Ah Brenda, you naughty girl!! I really hope you take proper rest and get that arm sorted. Take good care of yourself and if you need me to do anything on the blog just let me know. Big Hugs

  51. Please take good care of yourself! Hope you feel better soon.

  52. Aw I am so sorry to hear Brenda!

    You take care of her hubby and thank you for updating us!

    Get Well Soon, Best wishes and positivity to you!

  53. Oww I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope that you will be better soon. Take care of yourself. Hugs xxx

  54. Oh Brenda, please take lots of care of yourself and get better real soon. I have MS too, it's a bugger isn't it :-( Thank you Mr B for letting us know xxx

  55. Hi Brenda sorry to hear your not in the pink so to speak...take care & rest properly or you'll loose your blog to OH..LOL take care & get well soon???

    Luv Christine xxx

  56. OH Brenda, so sorry to hear your not doing well. I do pray that you will get better soon.
    love-hugs & smooches

  57. Oh Brenda, too ratty for words for you. I'm sending your tons of reiki and will keep going till you start posting on your own again. You'll be in my thoughts, prayers, and of course my reiki. Thank you hubby for letting us know. hugs Brenda, eileen

  58. Brenda you really should take it easy and take care of yourself. Enjoy your rest and take time for you... Nicola xx

  59. you have the most wonderful hubby...take care of her....get lots of rest and take care of yourself...feel better soon


  60. Sorry to hear this news Brenda, please take care and time to rest. Hopefully it won't be to long before your back here with all your lovely cards. Thanks hubby
    regards Carolxx

  61. Hi Brendas Hubby, poor Brenda, I do hope that her MS doesnt keep her away for to long, Im so sorry shes had another attack, but it just goes to show shes probably been over doing things. Give her my love and tell I will be thinking of her, and please will you make her rest. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  62. Sorry to hear that B's not too good at the moment. Can you send her my love and best wishes for a recovery to her normal self?


  63. Please pass on my best wishes to Brenda.

  64. Well B's Hubby you did a good job on the post because we can definitely read the message. So sorry to hear Brenda's feeling so poorly. I send my best wishes and hope that by doing as she's told she'll be back in person very soon.

    Lesley Xx

  65. Thanks B's hubby for typing to us and letting us know. I could just see you sitting while Brenda was over your shoulder. Brenda take care and lots of rest for a speedy recovery. You will be missed but some times you just have to turn the computer off. Take care :-)

  66. Hi Brenda,Sorry you're having such a rough time. Thinking of you and sending you a big hug.Look after yourself.Debbie x

  67. Hope you get well soon Brenda.
    Hugs, Luciana.

  68. OH Brenda ... i think you should slow down a little lol.. say she who doesn't do anything she is told lol
    Love to you .. and hope you feel a lot better soon.
    Thinking of you
    Lisa ;)

  69. Gentle hugs Brenda and hope this episode will pass quickly and you can get back to doing what you enjoy
    Luv Von xxx

  70. Oh Brenda I'm so sorry to hear that you're feeling so poorly - take it easy and get better soon. I'll be thinking of you. Tell your hubby that he's done a grand job with the blog - mine is computer phobic if that's the right word bless him lol. Hugs, Linda x

  71. Loads of get well wishes are heading your way. Take care of yourself and try to enjoy the rest and look forward to seeing you back here soon.

    Luv Hev xx

  72. Hi Brenda,
    I'm so sorry to hear your having a tough time at the moment....Here's hoping for a speedy recovery,please take care of yourself and we'll all be here when you come back....
    Mandy x

  73. Do what the Doc's and medical types tell you! (I know I don't like to either, but.....if you don't it usually just gets worse and then takes longer to recover) We'll miss ya, but you need to take care of yourself!
    Till you feel well enough to come back,

  74. Feel Better Soon and take care of yourself

  75. Hi Brenda sorry to hear you are not feeling so good, sending a great big hug to you.
    Louise xxxx

  76. I don't know what's worst, the fact that you're so poorly or that everyone can now say "I told you so".
    Lots of rest Brenda and look after yourself.

  77. You always do too much, rest and get well now, we will still be here when you are feeling better and loving your fabulous creations.
    You will be in my prayers. janex

  78. I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Please take care and rest as much as you need, we will still be here when you feel better.
    Take care,
    Nikki x

  79. I'm sorry to hear it.
    Sending a lot of 'get well thought" from holland to Brenda!

    Hugs karin

  80. Oh Brenda!! I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering so. Believe me when I say I can relate - although my conditions are different to yours I know how frustrating it can be. Do as the medics tell you and rest as this can be such a great healer. Take care sweetie. xx

  81. Bless you Brenda, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Bet you're getting really frustrated lol! You take care and thank hubby for letting us know.
    Lesley x

  82. Oh B...hope your feeling better soon..take care hon :0)...Debs x

  83. Hi! B sweetie,so sorry you are in pain and truly hope you feel better very soon.
    Hubby did a fab job!!
    take care,big hug.Lou.xx

  84. Hi there B not sure when you will read all these but you have been very much on my mind through the night, praying for you, for comfort and healing. Do be kind to yourself and rest.What blessing DH is in it all,
    Love and God's blessing,
    Shaz in oz.x

  85. Hi Brenda, I am new to your post and so sorry to hear about what you are going through. I am a firm believer in group praying and I sure, like me all your followers will pray for you!!! Take it easy and get some rest!
    God bless you!!

  86. Hope you are doing better real soon! God Bless and you are in my prayers. Aloha, Joanne

  87. Hi Brenda,
    I hope this current dip in your MS is as short lived as possible as I know how debilitating it is for you. I hope you manage to find something to occupy your time and mind other than directions for your hubby!! lol!

    Just think of all of the cards and projects that you will have time to plan in your head during this enforced rest period!

    Its such a clever illness, it always knows to pounce given the slightest weakness in your system but I hope it soon gets it's marching orders!

    I bet those pups are growing such a thing now, am looking forward to seeing them over the coming months!

    Keep on smiling!
    Keryn x

  88. HI Brenda - so sorry to hear you're not well..really hope you're on the mend soon, blogland will still be here when you're ready to get back to it...Take care of you and big thanks to Mr B for abley assisting! Esther xx

  89. Sorry I've only just round to reading this post. Hope you get better really soon Brenda. Rest up and let that husband of your do as much as he likes around the
    Look forward to seeing you back with us and in good form.
    We'll miss you.
    Beryl xx

  90. Fabulous!!!! Just LOVE how you have used the ribbon! Hugs Juls

  91. Hi Brenda

    I was so sorry to read this post. I really hope your MS improves soon. Please take care and I am sending hugs your way.

    BIG HUGS Ali x

  92. I am so sorry to read of your health problems Brenda,I do hope you get some improvement
