
Sunday 23 January 2011

Fairy time again

Good Morning evenyone, hope you are all having a great weekend.

Before I move on to my share for today, can I say a great big thank you to all the guys over at the Crafty Pad for selecting my Venetian Mask as one of their Top 3. I was really not sure about it as it's not my normal style of crafting and the peeloffs were so alien to me and a faff to work with, so that makes it all the more special.

On to my share which is my DT work for this weeks new challenge at Stamptacular Sunday where the theme is "Who said three was a crowd ?".......use 3DP's, 3 ribbons and 3 flowers.

A chance for me to use one of my latest Sweet Pea fairies.....whose name I seem to have lost temporarily. Anyhow, I can tell you what I did to create my card which was to stamp the image with Adirondack black, then mask her and a moon and brayer over with Big and Juicy Hydrangea. I then coloured the image with Copics, glittered her wings and framed her using a Nestie. The DP is American Crafts from a pack I had for Christmas.....they are gorgeous and most are glittered and foiled. The border and corners were punched using Martha Stewart doubler loop, then ribbons, flowers and a swirl cut with a TH die. This is also for the following challenges:

Moving Along with the Times - Sketch and flowers
Glitterbabes - Sparkle and pink gems
Lets Ink it Up - Anything Goes
Crafty Emma's - Angels or Fairies


  1. Brenda , your easel card is adorable. i love your flowers!
    Thank you much for joining us at Let's Ink It Up this month and good luck!

  2. Hi this is gorgeous Brenda, love your fairy stamp and the papers. I'm looking to get me a swirl die, this one looks beautiful, I'll have a look thanks and congrats at making the Top 3. I remember that Venetian Mask I loved it, very well deserved. Hugs xxx

  3. Hi Brenda. This is gorgeous. You always co-ordinate your papers so well, and the image is so beautifully coloured. Absolutely fantastic.
    How is your shoulder doing sweetie, I do hope it is easing for you. Happy crafting.
    Love Sandra xx

  4. Hi Brenda, Beautiful card! I love the image and stunning arrangement of flowers.

    Lisa x

  5. well done with your mask Brenda - i knew it was a winner!
    Love the easel card - so pretty.. fab trio if ribbons
    Thanks for joining us at MAWTT this week
    Lisa ;)

  6. Stunning colours you have used here Brenda and the image is gorgeous!!

    Sarah x

  7. Hi Brenda,

    Well done with the Venetian mask!

    What a fab card, the Sweetpea stamps are lovely and this one looks especially stunning. I love the colours you chose and the ribbon details.
    Hope you're feeling better, Hugs, Teresa x

  8. Very pretty! I like the masked background
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  9. So well deserved with the Mask, that was spectacular!

    Just as this Sweet Pea is, love the colours and all the awesome elements here!!!

    Hope your well!

  10. Your card is super, I love the stamp and those flowers; and congratulations on winning with your mask; it might have been fiddly but it was very striking, honestly, Hugs, Hazel x

  11. A very pretty card with a gorgeous image. Well done on making top 3 with the mask too.

    Love Lynda xxx

  12. wow! this is beautiful. love the colors too. thank you so much for sharing it with us at glitterbabe's challenge.

  13. Beautiful card Brenda, I love the image.
    Teresa x

  14. Superb easel card ! Love the stamp, the colouring is just beautiful !

  15. This is gorgeous Brenda, I love that colour combo and the beautiful flowers.

    Congrats on having your mask chosen for the top 3, it was well worth all the effort.

    Kat xx

  16. Hi Brenda, very pretty card! The fairy look so beautiful!! I hope your shoulder is getting better...

  17. Beautiful card! I love the fairy image and those 3 bows

  18. Simply stunning Brenda, gorgeous image and fab easel card too :o)

    Hugs Vicky xx

  19. Congrats to you! Your card is gorgeous! I love Easles and you rocked it! Great image!

  20. Oh she is a really beautiful fairy Brenda, I love how you've done the background, what a really gorgeous creation, so magical.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  21. Such a beautiful card and loving the colours you have. Hugs Nicola xx

  22. Wow Brenda, thats a beautiful card love that image and your gorgeous card design, its quite stunning. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  23. Just one word GORGEOUS!!! Thanks for sharing with us at LIIU, good luck, Suzanne x

  24. Wicked..well done on your venetion mask Brenda, it was so unique peeloffs It was totally unique!!!!

    This card looks so gorgeous, I don't want to look too close as I know it's another for my wish
    Joking aside Brenda, this is totally gorgeous...

  25. Lovely Brenda, great colour combo and the flowers look really pretty, love it!
    Hugs Jacee

  26. Hi Brenda, love this easel card! I'm so into fairies and this one is just gorgeous! HUgs, Frea

  27. What a gorgeous card Brenda, just lovely. Thanks so much for sharing with us at MAWTT this week. Pami x

  28. Such a beautiful card, Brenda! I love the colour combo and those papers go beautifully. Hope you are feeling much better x

  29. Congrats on your top 3 for the mask well deserved. Another lovely how you have put the three ribbons on your card.

  30. Hi Brenda, what a beauty of a card, gorgeous colours xxx

  31. oh hun this is just gorouges love that fairy and the flowers are lush,hugs cheryl xxxx

  32. A beautiful card. I love the colours and the image is wonderful.

    Nikki x

  33. Gorgeous card Brenda, the flowers are beautiful and I love that stamp. i don't think I've seen that fairy before, she is stunning
    Thanks for joining us at LIIU
    Claire xx

  34. Fabulous, gorgeous easel card Brenda, love the Sweetpea fairy.
