
Wednesday 12 January 2011

Crafters Arm ?

Oh my goodness, what a sorry state of affairs, I can't type properly.....not that I ever could that well, but more to the point I have no idea how I am going to be able to craft for any period of time.........I've got a dislocated shoulder ! Or could it be Crafters Arm ?

How on earth I did it I have no idea, but as I have been in so much pain for a couple of weeks and my left arm was getting less mobile I decided I had better go get it checked out............and because I left it hoping it would go away on it's own, it's now so inflamed they can't do much with it until it settles so this is what my left arm looks like..............

But the fingers are free so perhaps not all is lost, although typing this is taking me forever so my post is going to be mega short..........and my sling mega messy before too long.............. For this card I masked and brayered and stamped with Penny Black 3937H Birds on Wire and Hero Arts CL477 Delicate Leaf and if for the following challenges:

Midnight Madness - Sketch
Incy Wincy - Go dotty
Try in on Tuesday - It's a man's world tag
Craft Your Passion - Lets tie it on

My second share is one I made the other day using a new stamp Hero Arts CG266 Dancing with Flowers, isn't it a pretty stamp ? This was stamped onto a brayered background using Big and Juicy Soothing Sunset. The DP is Magnolia and I used a piece of a doily to decorate the corner plus a flower with folded organza ribbon. This is for the following challenges:

Pollycraft - New things (the stamp)
Cupcake - Something New (as above)


  1. Ouch! I once worked with someone whose shoulder would regularly dislocate and she used to be able to push it back in herself (ouch even more!) but I know it is a very painful experience. Hope you feel better soon. The cards are lovely.

  2. Hope it's on the mend and that you'll get a quick recovery Brenda, it sounds very painful.

    The cards are gorgeous and sets in me in to a brayering mood. The organza flower is stunning in it's beauty.

    Take care

  3. OUCH, I'm so sorry about your arm, you poor thing!

    Take it easy, no need to reply or comment back, save your strenght for crafting! Cos these are gorgeous!!!

    I especially love that hero arts stamp, really going to have to get a brayer and some of that coloured ink pad! Just beautiful!

  4. Aww Brenda sorry to hear about your arm :-(

    Your cards are beautiful as always. My fav has to be the second one. Such a lovely Hero Arts image and gorgeous flower.

    Lisa x

  5. Poor you.Hope it soon mends.Take care and both cards are beautiful.Debbie x

  6. Hope the shoulder recovers soon Debbi, fab cards even with one arm playing along. Carolxx

  7. When I saw the title of this post I thought you'd gone the pub! Imagine what the Crafters Arms would be like, lol, Hope your arm gets better soonest - my left arm and shoulder got sprained in July and it still twinges - just part of growing old according to the medics. Both cards are stunning tho' Brenda; lovely work. Hazel x

  8. Oh Dear Brenda, you get over one thing and promptly go and do something else to yourself, hope it soon improves, but do as they say and rest it.
    Stunning card, love the image and your card design. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  9. Sorry for your shoulder, hope you recover soon!
    So beautiful cards!
    I nearly bought the HA stamp, but then I choose another one like that. And tried the brayering too. I'm still practising...
    Be careful;-))m

  10. sorry to hear that hun, hope it doesn't hurt too much. Hope you recover soon!

  11. Hiya Brenda. Well you still manage to make the most beautiful cards. You take care and try and rest, but I know that will be impossible. Thinking of you.
    With love, Sandra xxx

  12. That sounds awful Brenda, I hope it gets better soon and that the pain is not too bad. Maybe you should go for the 'altered' look for your sling, a few flowers... a bit of sparkle... hee hee!

    Nicki, xx

  13. Hi Brenda - I do hope your arm gets better very soon - it sounds extremely painful. Your card is stunning,as always - the colours are beautiful and I love the flower and the image.
    Get well soon - Hugs, Sylvia xxx

  14. Hello Brenda,
    These cards are fabulous and very inspirational. I love all your wonderful creative touches to your projects.
    I am so sorry to hear about your arm. I hope you are not in too much pain.
    Do you think you could get a sling made out of the brown craft mat material, then you could keep it nice and clean!
    Hugs, Clare x

  15. Oh no Brenda, thats awful, and I am sure very painful. I remember my Mum dislocating her arm a long time ago and she had so much pain:( How you made your card i will never know super woman!! Both creation are stunning, that little children stamp is so cute. Big Hugs

  16. Hi Brenda, hope your not having too much discomfort, get better soon.
    your cards are so gorgeous, so special. hugs chris xx

  17. Love your cards, Brenda. So beautiful! I hope you are resting and make a speedy recovery. Don't worry about commenting, just concentrate on getting better!

  18. wow! Brenda, great job!!! Love the image so much!!!

  19. Hope you feel better soon!!

  20. Awww Brenda! I hope your arm feels better soon!
    Beautiful creations too :)

  21. lovely cards, hope your shoulder gets better soon x

  22. Sorry to hear about your arm, hope you'll feel better soon, I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    Love you card, beautiful colours.

  23. you poor young thing what ever next! no don't answer that lets not tempt fate eh. Pain or not your cards are your usual high standard more little treasures. XOXO Zoe

  24. oh Brenda - i am so sorry to hear about your shoulder. It must be very painful.
    Fingers crossed its not for too long.
    LOve the cards though..the silhouette one is my favourite .. i love everythung about it
    Lisa ;)

  25. Wow, what gorgeous cards! Thanks for playing at Cupcake. x

  26. Poor Brenda! I hope your shoulder get better soon.
    I know it´s painfully, i broke my shoulder since 4 years and sometimes i have still pain.
    Preserve youself!
    Angelika (german ;-))

  27. Oh dear Brenda you're not having much luck lately. Sorry to hear you are in such pain with your shoulder and I hope it soon feels better. Love both of your fabulous creations and thanks for including your tag in the TIOT challenge this week. Take care. xx

  28. Oh goodness!!!
    I hope you will be better soon!
    I just wonder how you managed to make those cards?
    They are beautiful!
    Take care!

  29. Wow that's bad news! Hope it'll be on the med soon. On the plus side, you'll just have to decorate the sling!


  30. Ouch Brenda, hope the pain improves quickly, you poor thing. Your creations are so gorgeous even with a dislocated shoulder.
    You know I love your brayering and these are beautiful.
    Take care
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  31. Awww poor you brenda I had tennis elbow once after strippng paint and that was bad enough :(
    but you cards are as lovely as ever so you take care
    Hugs Von x

  32. You are in the wars again, Brenda. I definitely think it must be crafters arm!!!! You need to get that sling decorated up, a bit of altered art would do nicely.
    Both your cards are beautiful as always. It's hard to pick a favourite between them today.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs Lisax

  33. So sorry to hear you are in the wars B. Hope the arm responds quickly and doesn't give you too much pain. Beautiful cards - just love the organza flower and those stamps. Hugs Cherry XXX

  34. You poor thing Brenda. You must have been in a lot of pain and I imagine you still are. But what amazing cards you've still managed to make.

    Hope you can rest your arm and get better soon. I think your sling might have a very different look before long lol!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  35. Oh Brenda - how will you cope. I hope the inflamation goes own soon so they can get the shoulder back in place properly. I bet your more wrried about be ing unable to craft than anything
    Two fab cards - the new stamp is very pretty and the birds on a wire is one of my favvourites - which remains on my wishlist but I've still not managed to get it.
    Hope you are not in pain.
    Beryl xx

  36. Love the cards Brenda and I hope the arm gets better soon. You're always in the wars! Take care.

    Love Lynda xxx

  37. very nice ! thank you for joining us on craftyourpassion's challenge blog. Good luck !
    and I hope you will be better !

  38. what a beautiful tag and tag on the challenge this week. love those line of elegant!
    wow..a dislocated shoulder..hope you're feeling better soon
    and what a gorgeous!

  39. Get well Brenda! And take care yourself! Cards are amazing! I love the tag!
    Best wishes

  40. Love your gorgeous cards Brenda but goodness me what a terrible thing to happen to a crafter, do hope your shoulder gets put back soon and recovers quickly.

  41. I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope it can be put back in place soon.
    Gorgeous cards. I love the colours on the second one.

    Nikki x

  42. So sorry for you Brenda. Perhaps we should join forces as I am still suffering the effects of a slipped discso I can truely empathise on the pain front. Anyway lovely cards and get well soon. Hugs from Elaine

  43. Oh dear Brenda. I hope your shoulder gets beter quickly.

    You can't have anything hampering those creative hands!!

    Do you think it could be anything to do with over-use of the brayer?!?!?!?

    Tee hee .. .. I love the way you have colour co-ordinated your sling photograph to match that beautiful card!!

    Take care matie

    Love Jules xx

  44. you poor thing...hope you will be feeling better soon, and be able to get those fingers all inky again!!...... I cant believe that with a bad arm you managed to produce such a beautiful work of the silhouette against the braired background, its so striking! Hugs Juls

  45. Oh dear, I sympathise with you. I have a shoulder that keeps freezing on me and it's not pleasant as well as being very painful at times :o(
    Both of your cards are beautiful but the top one it my favourite because of the colours :o)
    Jackie xx

  46. Beautiful card love the design and colours
    Thank you for joining our Go Dotty challenge at Incy Wincy.Hope your arm improves soon.
    Hugs Linda

  47. Hi Brenda, what a gorgeous card. I love the image and your colour scheme is beautiful. Thanks for joining in with my "something new" challenge over at cupcake craft challenge this week. Hugs, Denise x
    p.s. hope your shoulder gets better really soon :)

  48. Oh my! I am so sorry to read about your shoulder! Hope it heals quickly!
    Love both of your cards! Your stamp choices are both adorable! The little birds on the wire is so cute and love the children dancing! Looks like the images in antique books.
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  49. I do hope the inflamation goes down soon hun and then they can pop it back in place 'ow' so lots of discomfort to come. Poor you.

    Lovely work hun

    Love Dawn xx

  50. Oh no Brenda, I am so sorry to hear about your poor arm. Hope you feel much better soon x

    Love your cards, they are beautiful xx

  51. Oh my goodness me Brenda - Ouch! Crafters arm indeed.....there should be an award for crafting in extreme pain...I feel sure you'd get it! Hugs Claire(fab projects by the way!)

  52. Great take on the sketch. I love the simplicity of the those bird stamps, so cute!!! Thank you so much for joining us at Midnight Madness this week.

  53. I love it that you are still crafting with a poorly shoulder. Thanks for joining us at TIOT's this week. Emma xx

  54. Brenda, your card is just stunning! I can't believe you did this with a dislocated shoulder - WOW! Your brayered colors are just gorgeous - what beautiful shades, and the image is just delightful. Thanks for joining us for this week's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge. We hope you will come back and join us again next week for another exciting challenge!

  55. I really hope your arm gets better soon, it sounds awful! Can't believe you still manage to craft such beautiful cards with an arm like that... Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Hugs /Paula

  56. Gorgeous card.Beautifully stamped piece.Wishing you a speedy recovery.Thanks for joining us at Craft Your Passion :D
    Lisa x

  57. Both cards are beautiful, but I like the first one most ;) Hope you feel better now.
    Wish you a creative weekend!

  58. Hi , Love your MM card, it is FANTASTIC. Great take on the sketch. Both cards are great. Thank you so much for joining in the fun this week at the Midnight Madness sketch challenge.
    MMSC Hostess
