
Sunday 12 December 2010

A chilly walk in the park

Happy Sunday everyone, hope your weekend is going well and you are all busy with those last minute Christmas activities.

I have been very luck to receive this award from two lovely blog buddies, thank you so much Heidi and Sandra.......I feel a bit of a fraud when I'm being such a bad blogger. I have tried to get round most of you this week, but I'm sure it won't have escaped the eagle eyed that it's a bit 'cut and paste' here and there. I decided best to do that and maximise my 'eye time' on the computer, so at least I am spreading a bit if love. What's most frustrating is that I feel just fine and am itching to get on with things, just the eyes don't play to game.

Lots of you will know I am dresful passing awards on plus it's so hard to choose, so I am passing this on to all of you and will be deighted if you will accept it. I know that's not quite what the rules intend, but when did I ever play by the rules.....where's the fun in that ?

We have a new challenge for you at Stamptacular Sunday today and he theme is “WINTER WISHES! create a WINTER SCENE".

My couple are resting after their walk in the snowy misty park.........humour me, you know I live in a fantasy world.......... the stamps are all Art Impressions, about ten in all so I won't list them but please do mail me if you want details of any specifics.

I masked a moon, then created a misty feel by swirling Adirondack black with a very large soft make up brush in circles round the masked moon. Next I stamped the scene starting from the park bench (the couple are part of the stamp), masked that and the people, then stamped the lamppost, trees and so on. I brayered the pathway using the same ink and sponged a glow round the lamppost and a flame inside. I stamped the bench seat twice more onto scraps of DP and cut out the clothes for the couple and coloured their faces and hands with Copics. Finally, I added snow to the pathway, frost to the bushes and trees here and there and a 'glow' of glitter round the moon.


  1. what a beautiful scene Brenda .. i love it .
    Great stuff on receiving the award .. well deserved
    Take care
    LISA ;)

  2. Beautiful scene card Brenda! really gorgeously done!

  3. Hi Brenda, those two look a little cold sitting in the park like that, but a really stunning and beautiful card. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  4. It looks very Wintery to me and a perfect scene. Lovely card.

    Love Lynda xxx

  5. A very beautiful card Brenda. You have created a wonderful scene.
    Hugs, Clare x

  6. Beautiful card and lovely scene. Con grats on the award Brenda you so deserve it. xx

  7. utterly gorgeous and stylish card! Hugs Juls

  8. What a dreamy card, Brenda. I would love to be sat on that park bench too, it looks very romantic.
    I'm so sorry to hear you are having eye problems again and hope they get better soon. Please don't worry about blog visiting, we understand!!!
    Hugs Lisax

  9. Very nice, lovely scene... it a very dreamy card... I like it, and the red touch is perfect!!! =)

  10. wow a just fab card luv sue x

  11. Oh what a beautiful misty effect you have created Brenda it looks great so does the couple sitting on the bench I love this lots.
    Lorraine x

  12. Really Really gorgeous, I love this scene, so romantic! What a creative background and scene.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  13. Congrats on the award Brenda and I think your card is excellent; I love the effects you've acheived. You shouldn't worry about 'visiting' us with your eyes being so sensitive; just put yourself first - we love coming here to see what you've done! H x

  14. So vintage, lovely scene - beautiful.
    Just catching up blogs, been at the cottage.
    It's was so cold, couldn't go out! just watching movies - no crafting!!!

  15. Just been having a catch up after my visit to Cambs, Beds, Herts and Staffs. Phew. Glad that was last week. Are you back from Sir Stampalot already or did the bad weather stop you going? Six inches here this morning - the most snow I've seen since living on the fens. Hope you're coping OK.
    Love all he cards but this one especially. I really must have a go at creating a scene like this.
    Beryl xx

  16. Amazing! You created the most beautiful scene. TEN stamps! Wow I think I've got a lot to learn.
    Blessings Bernie
