
Monday 1 November 2010

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

We have brand new challenges for you at Stampalot and Penny Black at Allsorts today and some really exciting themes.

Our Stampalot theme is "Christmas Traditions", so much scope here and one that can be interpreted just as you wish. And at Penny Black at Allsorts the theme is "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas", again lots of possibilities to let you creativity run wild and I think you will be able to do a bit of doubling up here as well so more chances of winning prizes.

I have two pieces of DT work for Penny usual could not make up my mind. The card at the top of my post is using Penny Black 3768K Christmas Montage, inked with TH inks and Marvy pens and spritzed with water before stamping. The DP is My Minds Eye with pearls and swirls to embellish. This card is also for the following challenge:

Wild Orchid - Classic Christmas

My second one uses Penny Black 40-038 Kindness stamped and embossed with versafine back and detail clear, three layers decoupaged and coloured with Aquamarkers. The DP is My Minds Eye.....your could be forgiven for thinking this is the only make I ever's not, but I do adore the designs and quality of their products. I threaded some beads and added a computer generated sentiment cut on Nesties. This card is also for the following challenges:

Lollipop crafts - Embossing (heat in this case)
Stamp with Fun - All that can fly (goose)
Secret Crafter - Anything that flies
Pollycraft - It's chill time (snow)

On the First day of Christmas my True love........

And my DT work for Stampalot challenge. It's the first proper stepper card I have made and I'm still not sure I actually like it. The stamp is Magenta 95268-N stamped onto a background created with Tim Holtz dusky concord and olive, liberally spritzed with Glimmer Mist pearl and overstamped with Hero Arts H2365 Old French Writing. The image is coloured in with the same TH inks and a touch of Copics here and there and the pears and partridge given a coat of Diamond Glaze.


  1. Gorgeous cards, really love them.xx

  2. Gorgeous cards as always even the slapstick little girl they are an adorable range LOL
    xx Zoe

  3. I love your stepper card!! I have never made one either! My favourite though is your top one.

  4. All three cards are just perfect Brenda; it would be too close to choose a favourite. The layouts are terrific & your stepper card is elegant - I've made them & always feel there's something missing but yours is spot on.

    Hazel x

  5. Three beautiful cards B. All very different, but each as lovely
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  6. Three gorgeous cards but my favourite is the first, which surprises me as I'm not usually a fan of traditional colours.

    Nikki x

  7. all so lovely, no wonder you can't decide. Great challenge, I will not miss this one. janex

  8. Hi Brenda

    Loving all of your creations as always.

    Your stepper card looks great .. .. love the colours, image and sentiment.

    Love Jules xx

  9. OH WOW these are all totally special christmas cards, that are all different unique, but each are superb!

  10. These are just fabulous Brenda and I think your stepper card is beautiful - love that Pear Tree Stamp.

    Love Lynda xxx

  11. Hiya Brenda. You have been busy. They are all amazing, you make the most special creations, so much work and detail. Excellent. Happy crafting.
    With love, Sandra xx

  12. Your cards are all so different and so beautiful!
    Love the layers and embellies you do. It really makes for a very rich and special greeting.
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

  13. Beautiful cards Brenda - i would love to receive any of them! I must admit i do like the traditional colours
    Lisa ;)

  14. Hi Brenda, well I dont mind you have a change of mind youve created three fabulous and stunning cards, they are just lovely to look at. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxx

  15. OMG Brenda all 3 cards are absolutely amazing. Love the layouts, beautiful images and so well put together. My most favorite of these is the first one, it's so elegant and gorgeous.
    Thank you so much for having me on the DT at penny black @ all sorts, it's such an honor to be working alongside with all of the talented ladies there!!

  16. What a lovely and pretty crafting,
    greetings, martina

  17. I totally understand why you couldn't choose!

  18. OM, so many beautiful cards Brenda, love them all... Your work is awesome!

  19. Fantastic entry

    Thanks for joining us on SCSC :)

    Hugs Jane x

  20. So beautiful creations all! I love the delicate feeling and colours in the first card.

  21. Three stunning cards Brenda, so love the dangling beads on the middle one, hugs chris xx

  22. Yummy, gorgeous and cute!! I really want to enter that PB challenge this month!!

  23. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the colours on them all and your addition of the bling is fabby, gorgeous work!

  24. HI B

    two fantastic cards with such dufferent styles, thanks for having me as a GDT this month loving the new DT team some great work...

    Emma xxx

  25. Hi Brenda, three lovely cards, traditional Christmassy colours on the first two and the third very soft - love the partridge in the pear tree! Take care, Linda x

    PS I thoroughly enjoyed our day at Sir Stampalot on Saturday - can't wait for the next one! x

  26. Oh I so love your stepper card...such a pretty colour and love the way you added the ribbon at the back. Also love the layout and papers used in your first two cards Brenda.

  27. Hi Brenda,
    Superb creations, love your PB Noel image on the first card. I love all your choices in papers and finishing touches. I really need to get a move on and get some xmas cards done.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  28. All totally gorgoeus! I love them!

  29. HI dear
    lovely projects!! )( The step card on violet is so nice and smart!! =))
    have a lovely day

  30. Gorgeous cards Brenda!

    The stepper card is perfect, nothing missing there, but I have the same feeling when making them, always wanting to spend more time finishing them.

    It's fun that the DP pattern on the first card reminds of a PB stamp, but without the bird!

    It's fab to be in the team with you!


  31. Oh wonderful card Brenda, it such a delight to visit your blog.

  32. How do you manage to create so many beautiful and very different cards is totally beyond me - adore your work!

  33. Oh my what a lovely selection of cards. Thye are all very different but all so fantastic. Hugs Nicola xx

  34. Amazing cards Brenda, love em all. xx

  35. Really lovely cards Brenda - I love the stepper card - fabulous image and colour! Cheers Claire x

  36. Gorgeous cards and that's it you've sold Kindness to me - am going to NEC on Saturday, and it's on my shopping list, Luv Sam x

  37. jsut love this, it is beautiful x

  38. an fabulous collection of cards!
    delicious style!
    really fun to look at!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi xoxo

  39. Beautiful cards!! Love the one you did for Lollipop Crafts! Thank you for playing with us at Lollipop Crafts!

  40. Brenda, they are all gorgeous! Thanks for playing with us at SWF! Hugs Nilla

  41. You made a wonderful cards - thanks for playing along in the Lollipop Crafts Embossing Challenge this week! :D

  42. Wonderful creations Brenda, thanks for the heads up. hugs ali x

  43. What great cards!
    Thanks for joining the Wild Orchid Crafts Challenge this time around!
    Hugs, Dena

  44. I love your Penny Black Kindness card the colours are beautifully simple and I like your beaded embellishment love Linda
